Plants category: 1045 books

Cover of Homemade Repellents: 21 Natural Homemade Insect Repellents for Mosquitos, Ants, Flys and all the other Pests
by Margaret Wills
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2017

Are you sick of pesky, irritating bugs bothering you and your family as you try to spend the summer outdoors?  At the same time, are you also fed up with store bought insect sprays or bug repellents that have harsh and toxic chemicals in them?  Have you been searching for a better alternative to...
Cover of Cargoes and Harvests
by Donald Culross Peattie
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2013

Cargoes and Harvests, famed naturalist Donald Culross Peattie’s first book, eloquently explores agriculture and trade within America’s past using thoughtful language that is well ahead of its time. Originally published in 1926, Peattie takes readers on a compelling adventure through the socioeconomic...
Cover of The Wildcrafted Cocktail

The Wildcrafted Cocktail

Make Your Own Foraged Syrups, Bitters, Infusions, and Garnishes; Includes Recipes for 45 One-of-a-Kind Mixed Drinks

by Ellen Zachos
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2017

Meet the natural lovechild of the popular local-foods movement and craft cocktail scene. It’s here to show you just how easy it is to make delicious, one-of-a-kind mixed drinks with common flowers, berries, roots, and leaves that you can find along roadsides or in your backyard. Foraging expert...
Cover of The Fat Of The Land
by Midwest Journal Press, John Williams Streeter.
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2015

Farm lands are each year being brought closer to markets by steam and electric roads; telephone and telegraphic wires give immediate service; and the daily distribution of mails brings the producer into close touch with the consumer. The day of isolation and seclusion has passed, and the farmer is...
Cover of RSPB Nature Tracker's Handbook
by Nick Baker
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2015

Every animal leaves some kind of trace as it passes and the art of tracking is very much like learning to read. If you learn to read the signs left by footprints, leftover food, droppings and scrapes in the earth you will soon be able to tell the story of an animal's life, packed with fascinating...
Cover of Language of Flowers (Illustrated)
by Kate Greenaway
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2012

Language of Flowers by Kate Greenaway, first published in 1884. This edition Includes: - Easy to use table of contents. - Beautiful illustrations. - Beautifully formatted. - Author Biography.
Cover of The Biggle Orchard Book

The Biggle Orchard Book

Fruit and Orchard Gleanings from Bough to Basket, Gathered and Packed into Book Form

by Jacob Biggle
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2014

“The first thing to do about starting an orchard is to plan for it,” Jacob Biggle, the author of this handy little book, advises. “Put on your thinking-cap, study into the matter, and do not jump in the dark. A slow start is much better than a poor start. Harriet says that an orchard set in the...
Cover of The Nature Book

The Nature Book

What It Is and How It Lives

by Marianne Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2013

There is so much to know about the ever changing natural world, but it's impossible to remember everything we have ever learnt about the range of subjects encompassed by the term 'nature'. The Nature Book is a great guide to the natural world, both for the beginner and those who want to relearn the most...
Cover of National Parks and Nature Reserves: A South African Field Guide
by Chris Stuart
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2013

This book is a unique and indispensable guide to the hidden treasures of 43 of South Africa’s best and most accessible national parks, nature reserves and wilderness areas. Included are more than 900 photographs, 140 detailed park, locator, provincial and vegetation maps, and a 31-page photographic...
Cover of Book of Topiary
by W. Gibson, Charles Curtis
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2012

Of historical interest to gardening enthusiasts and historians this topiary gardening guide gives practical advice as well as a fascinating account of topiary through the ages. Topiary, the art of trimming hedges, shrubs, and trees into ornamental shapes, is perhaps the most distinct and fascinating...
Cover of 樹之歌:生物學家對宇宙萬物的哲學思索
by 大衛.喬治.哈思克(David George Haskell)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 5, 2017

◆得獎無數的《森林祕境》作者又一動人新作 樹的詩人哈思克,再次以精微細膩的文字,勾勒出由樹所延伸的生命網絡—— 與風沙海婆娑共舞的菜棕、即便倒下卻依舊滋養著萬物的綠梣樹、注入紙神川上御前精魂的三椏和紙、人行道上串連起陌生人們的豆梨、無畏戰火乾旱仍舊繁茂生長的橄欖樹……無不訴說著樹與天地萬物間的動人故事。 有別於前作專注於描述方寸之地中的林間生態,哈思克反覆造訪了位在世界各地的幾種樹木,去傾聽、凝視與探索每種樹木與蕈類、細菌群、與其共生或將之毀滅的動物,以及其他樹木之間的連結,並展現人樹間千絲萬縷的關係。像是安大略省的膠冷杉以及亞馬遜的吉貝樹,儘管生長於看似天然之地,卻深受工業發展與氣候變遷的影響。哈思克也透過了那些生長在看似毫無自然氣息之地的樹木,如曼哈頓人行道上的豆梨、耶路撒冷的橄欖樹,說明了自然其實無所不在。 哈思克說,樹有許多值得我們學習之處;它們向我們展示了如何融入自然的網絡之中,並且繁榮茁壯。樹根會藉由土壤傳送出化學訊息,與鄰近的蕈類與細菌溝通。小樹枝擁有對光線、重量、熱度以及礦物質的記憶。葉子裡的植物細胞會釋放出飄散於空氣中的氣味引來愛吃毛毛蟲的昆蟲。哈思克特別關注來自樹木或包圍樹木的聲音;每種聲音都訴說著樹木與其他生物間動人的故事。 【各界推薦】(依姓氏筆畫序) 丁宗蘇/國立臺灣大學森林環境暨資源學系副教授 李香秀/《黑熊森林》導演 李偉文/荒野保護協會榮譽理事長 何穎怡/商周出版選書顧問 金恒鑣/國際珍古德教育及保育協會理事長 范欽慧/《搶救寂靜》作者 張東君/科普作家 番紅花/作家 黃仕傑/自然生態觀察者 黃美秀/國立屏東科技大學野生動物保育研究所副教授兼所長 黃貞祥/國立清華大學生命科學系助理教授 蔡康永/作家 【各界讚譽】 閱讀此書是一種享受,它召喚出我在森林時的美好記憶,也滋養了我許多與樹相關的生命歷史與生物網絡等知識。它也提點了我,森林世界的生命處處,且無所不在。我更喜歡本書對聲音的描繪,下回置身森林時,我要好好豎起耳朵聆聽。 ——《黑熊森林》導演...
Cover of Vedauwoo


Hidden Faces in Mysterious Places

by Karen O. Cotton
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2016

Learn about animals, nature, outdoor recreation, geology and American Indians in Vedauwoo: Hidden Faces in Mysterious Places. Find the faces and shapes in the rocks and animals that are camouflaged in their environment at Vedauwoo, Wyoming, which is located in the Medicine Bow National Forest.
Cover of Seaweed Chronicles

Seaweed Chronicles

A World at the Water's Edge

by Susan Hand Shetterly
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2018

“You might not expect unfettered passion on the topic of seaweed, but Shetterly is such a great storyteller that you find yourself following along eagerly.” —Mark Kurlansky “Seaweed is ancient and basic, a testament to the tenacious beginnings of life on earth,” writes Susan Hand...
Cover of To Market, to Market
by Nikki McClure
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2011

Known for art that celebrates the virtues of community, hard work, and living gently on the planet, Nikki McClure here explores a topic close to her heart: the farmers market. Alternating between story and fact, this lovingly crafted picture book follows a mother and son to the weekly market. As they...
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