Plant Life category: 1095 books

Cover of Common Edible & Poisonous Mushrooms of the Northeast
by C. Leonard Fergus, Charles Fergus
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2003

Handy in-the-field identification guide. Features the "Foolproof Five." Includes a useful identification flowchart.
Cover of Wildflowers


A Fully Illustrated, Authoritative and Easy-to-Use Guide

by Alexander C. Martin, Herbert S. Zim
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2014

This eBook is best viewed on a color device. This is a practical beginner's guide to the most common American wildflowers. Emphasis is on those with showy petals and those that the amateur is most likely to see. Special features include: Where to look for wildflowers Tips on how to collect...
Cover of Through Vegetal Being

Through Vegetal Being

Two Philosophical Perspectives

by Luce Irigaray, Michael Marder
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2016

Blossoming from a correspondence between Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder, Through Vegetal Being is an intense personal, philosophical, and political meditation on the significance of the vegetal for our lives, our ways of thinking, and our relations with human and nonhuman beings. The vegetal world...
Cover of Myths and Legends of Flowers, Trees, Fruits and Plants
by Charles M. Skinner
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2013

Originally published in 1911, this early work by Charles M. Skinner is both expensive and hard to find in its first edition. It delves deep into the mythology of the natural world and uncovers legends of times long forgotton. This is a fascinating work and highly recommended for all folklore enthusiasts....
Cover of Nicole
by Richard Peirce
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2017

Sharks are among the most persecuted animals on Earth. Nicole’s block-buster story lifts the lid on the shocking details of the trade in shark fins, and raises awareness of the plight of sharks in the 21st century. In November 2003 a female Great White Shark was tagged near Dyer Island in South...
Cover of Insectivorous Plants
by Charles Robert Darwin
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2016

Carnivorous plants are plants which get nutrients from trapping and eating animals. They are often called insectivorous plants, because they usually trap insects. Since they get some of their food from animals, carnivorous plants can grow in places where the soil is thin, or poor in nutrients. This...
Cover of Histoire naturelle (Edition Intégrale - 37 Volumes)
by Pline l’Ancien
Language: French
Release Date: April 21, 2018

Pline l’Ancien (23 - 79) est un écrivain et naturaliste romain du Ier siècle, auteur d'une monumentale encyclopédie intitulée Histoire naturelle (vers 77). Ce livre a été traduit en 1848 par Émile Littré (1801-1881). L'Histoire naturelle (Historia Naturalis), qui compte trente-sept...
Cover of La sagesse vient de l’ombre

La sagesse vient de l’ombre

Dans les jardins de Sicile

by Édith de La Héronnière
Language: French
Release Date: May 12, 2017

L’œuvre littéraire d’Édith de la Héronnière a pour terreau la pratique d’un art majeur : celui de l’« égarement ». En s’égarant, on risque bien moins de se perdre que de rencontrer. Et lorsqu’on se trouve en Sicile, ce sont les jardins qui surgissent, ahurissants d’aspect et...
Cover of Note sur la direction des tiges des plantes vers la lumière
by Augustin Pyrame de Candolle
Language: French
Release Date: January 31, 2015

EXTRAIT: De tous les phénomènes que présente la vie des végétaux, il en est peu qui paroissent aussi extraordinaires que l’énergie et la constance avec lesquelles leurs tiges se dirigent vers la lumière. Jusqu’ici, non-seulement aucun physiologiste n’a donné l’explication de...
Cover of Essai sur la Métamorphose des plantes
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: French
Release Date: September 4, 2018

Texte intégral révisé suivi d'une biographie de Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. L'"Essai sur la métamorphose des plantes" est un traité naturaliste qui tente de démontrer l'unité de la matière, d'en révéler l'origine à la suite de mutations continues, et de prouver que la variété...
Cover of 樹的祕密語言:學會傾聽樹語,潛入樹的神祕世界
by 彼得.渥雷本(Peter Wohlleben)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 5, 2018

你會說「樹語」嗎? 走入森林, 去上一堂另類的語言課。 樹的話語裡,透露著千年的地球故事, 敘說著地底靜謐的生存競爭。 樹的體態長相是它的身體語言,更是它的心情寫照。 它的氣味文字,悄悄地傳遞著:危險的警告、求偶的誘惑…… 學會樹的語言,你就進入了另一個奇幻的世界 樹的通譯官教給愛樹人的一堂語言課 樹木是具有性情的驚奇生物。看似沉默的樹木,不僅會互爭地盤,還會彼此通風報信;不但有不同的個性,還有地位階級之分。從根部到樹皮,從胚胎到開花,從個體到群體,樹的通譯官彼得.渥雷本要告訴你樹木們如何溝通訊息、經營友情以及繁衍後代! 樹木間不但能相互聯繫,也能跟人溝通──只要我們能學習並理解樹的語言。 【精彩段落】 ■植物的「氣味語言」 金合歡樹在被侵犯時,會立即釋出苦苦的物質(Bitterstoffe),累積儲存在葉子裡。同時,在短時間內,方圓百尺內的樹葉也都是苦得難以下嚥。而草食動物早就對這種樹木的習性瞭若指掌,而會下意識的改變覓食區域。 讓人好奇的問題是:這方圓百尺內的金合歡樹如何得知可能被咬食的危險呢?答案就是乙烯氣(Ethylen)氣體。最先遇到危險的樹木會釋放出乙烯氣,像一種緊急呼救的化學訊號,迅速警戒其他同伴要產生適當的應變,免遭魚池之殃。眾所周知,近期科學家從許多不同樹種中發現這種警告訊號。其實,大部分植物都可能具有一套化學的通訊交流系統。比如說,有些特殊訊號是量身訂做的,專門用來吸引天敵所設計,免於被某種特定的毛毛蟲啃食破壞,保護植物的生長。雖然科學家在這方面的研究還不夠深入,但我們可以推斷,樹木是會說話的,有著辭彙廣泛的「氣味文字」(Duftwörtern),終日精神活潑、閒聊吵雜的圍繞著我們。 ■獨行俠的代價 樺木完全不需母樹的照顧,生長期前十年,平均每年以向上一公尺的速度迅速抽高(最高樹長約二十五公尺),完全不准許其他樹種阻礙生長。下垂又有彈性的枝柳不停地抽拍其他樹木的樹冠,讓它們上層的樹冠無法生長。這種自私自利的個性,正好反映出它天生是個單打獨鬥的獨行俠(Einzelkämpfer),不需要母樹的照護,能自行安好茁壯。 ■朋友樹和夫妻樹 兩棵樹木若結為朋友,小枝椏間會溫柔地相互推伸,像是想碰觸一下對方。較粗的枝幹上形成的大樹冠為了不干擾同伴,只會往外側生長。遠觀兩樹,看起來就像結為一體的一棵樹,如白頭偕老的終生伴侶。若為了讓另一棵樹得到更多光線而砍伐其中一棵樹,將造成反效果:倖存的那棵樹會因為失去了互相支撐的夥伴而感到病懨無力,接著病原菌將從交錯的殘餘樹根侵入,導致原本還健在的另一半,幾年後也撒手歸天。 一對相親相愛的夫妻樹,其中一方若離開人間,在世的遺眷會繼續關照另一半可能還有生命跡象的殘幹,靠細嫩的根帶傳送糖分與養料,讓伴侶生前發育不良的殘體繼續存活長達兩百年!下次在古老的闊葉森林區漫步時,請仔細察看:一塊看似長滿苔癬的石塊,有時候其實是巨大殘幹的一小部分,尚殘存著生命的氣息。 ■樹受到驚嚇或遇到空氣汙染時 當樹根遇到污染物,空洞或是水泥碎塊時,經三番兩次不斷的嘗試失敗,樹根會飽受驚嚇,繼而絕望放棄不再生長。頂上的樹冠也會同病相憐,受苦的程度不亞於樹根,也同樣會因驚嚇從樹上原本的高度往低處撤退,減緩生長。 污染的氣體若隨風飄散來到鄉間田野,那原本活在田野清淨空氣裡的敏感樹木將倍受其害。運氣好假如一年內有濃厚臭氧氣的日子不多,樹木們還能忍受。只是,在盛夏艷日時,臭氧氣常久久盤桓不去,廢氣就像洗澡水浴淋森林般,使得樹冠頂端的樹枝只好提早告別,枯萎死去。 【本書特色】 ◎脫掉人類的驕傲,重新認識樹木,對樹木做第一手的謙卑觀察。 ◎高度擬人化的比喻,讓無聲的樹木有了鮮活的生命個性。 ◎最可信賴的森林保育觀點,真正幫助森林生態的平衡。 ◎最親切的關照,告訴你如何觀察並保護你家旁邊的樹。 作者/譯者簡介 【作者簡介】 彼得‧渥雷本...
Cover of A Guide To Rocky Mountain Plants, Revised
by Roger L. Williams
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2002

A completely revised edition of Williams's previous work with the late Ruth Ashton Nelson, Handbook of Rocky Mountain Plants, this edition uses simple and clear keys to identify more than 350 species of plants found in the Rocky Mountain region from the United States to Canada. Useful in the classroom...
Cover of Guide to Succulents of Southern Africa
by Gideon Smith
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2011

Featuring 250 of the region’s most common and interesting succulents, this is an accessible, user-friendly guide to identifying these increasingly popular plants. Colour photographs vividly portray all the species covered. Authoritative text describes key identification features, and distribution...
Cover of Aloes in Southern Africa
by Gideon Smith
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2011

Aloes are stately succulent plants that capture the allure of the African savanna. Aloes in Southern Africa explores the character and biology of African aloes, their habits, characteristic features and distribution in nature. It details 58 aloe and related species, cultivation and propagation, gardening...
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