Philosophers category: 1861 books

Cover of Socrates
by Sean Sheehan
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2007

The ancient world of fifth century Greece, an astonishing period of cultural development that helps situate the originality of Socrates, and to the city-state of Athens in particular. The social, political and cultural currents flowing through Athens are inseparable from an understanding of the events and attitudes that Socrates examined and intellectually dissected.
Cover of Retorica della politica e societa' italiana
by Mauro Sollazzo
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 13, 2015

Un monologo critico e volgare, sarcastico ma anche realista. Un pensiero rivolto ad una parte di quella società bigotta o troppo tradizionalista. Retorica della politica e società Italiana può essere interpretato anche come un breve racconto di un individuo con lo sguardo attento su quelle abitudini...
Cover of Schiller
by Doğu Batı Yayınları
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Schiller, felsefi döneminde, yeni ulaştığı aşkın görüş açısından, sanatın konumunu insan bilincinin içsel bağlantısında belirleme problemini çözmüştür. Duygusal bilinçten ahlaki bilince ilerleyişte işaret etmek istediği nokta, zorunlu olarak sanatın ortaya çıktığı...
Cover of The Soul Mechanic
by Prieur du Plessis
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2018

V Nobody in the small Knersvlakte town knows who the man with the scared face is. He is just known as Mek, short for mechanic. Mek arrived out of the blue one day, riding an old Harley Davidson, with his equally strange girlfriend on the back. He opened a workshop in a barn outside town. Eventually...
Cover of Jabo


The adventures of a boy in search of The Way

by Prieur du Plessis
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2018

During the times of Jesus, Jabo, a young Ethiopian slave boy was set free and had to live on the streets in Jerusalem. A group of street children attacked him and he was saved by an eccentric old woman known as Josie. Jabo became Josie’s protégé and he travelled along with her. Jesus recently...
Cover of Jesus Was a Vampire
by E. Val Lynn'Doll
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2014

This story is based upon one womans journey through insanity, after she stumbles on the belief that she is Christ. All accounts are true and based on actual events. They call her Jezabel and she is not your average entertainer. She is a punk-rock, anarchist who is set on taking over the world, (through...
Cover of Le grand secret de Sade. Un changement radical d´interprétation de sa vie et de son oeuvre
by Vann Fjernthav
Language: French
Release Date: February 19, 2018

Cette oeuvre suppose une explication completement nouvelle de la vie et de l´oeuvre du marquis de Sade, partant de quelques données historiques connues mais negligées par les biographes et studieux à cause de préjugés et d´interêts. Ici est offerte, en plus d´une nouvelle explication des...
Cover of Pensées d'un homme libre

Pensées d'un homme libre

La clé d'une vie pure

by Stanislas Janati
Language: English
Release Date: April 14, 2018

Stanislas Janati est un personnage, une élévation de l'âme - Pour votre Abondance Universelle de l'Âme. Voila ce qu'il aimerait vous laisser afin de nouer des ponts entre l'humanité entière. Ce nom dérive des résultats bénéfique à s'instruire et en apprendre toujours plus....
Cover of Hobbes: Great Thinkers on Modern Life
by Hannah Dawson
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2015

He elevated politics to a science and in his quest to find a way for society to achieve peace, Thomas Hobbes provided a secular justification for the state, and laid the foundations for modern sociology in the process.  His mighty Leviathan and other works can still provide guidance on navigating...
Cover of Réflexions et Maximes
by Vauvenargues
Language: French
Release Date: January 5, 2014

Extrait : Comme il y a des gens qui ne lisent que pour trouver des erreurs dans un écrivain, j’avertis ceux qui liront ces Réflexions que, s’il y en a quelqu’une qui présente un sens peu favorable à la piété, l’Auteur désavoue ce mauvais sens,...
Cover of Le Monde comme volonté et comme représentation
by Arthur Schopenhauer, Auguste Burdeau
Language: French
Release Date: August 17, 2014

Extrait: Le monde est ma représentation. — Cette proposition est une vérité pour tout être vivant et pensant, bien que, chez l’homme seul, elle arrive à se transformer en connaissance abstraite et réfléchie. Dès qu’il est capable de l’amener...
by Xénophon, Eugène Talbot
Language: French
Release Date: April 20, 2014

Ce livre comporte une table des matières dynamique, à été relu et corrigé.  Il est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique. Extrait: La constitution de Lycurgue est la source de la prospérité de Sparte....
Cover of La Trinidad Del Cristianismo
by rafael perez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 8, 2015

LA TRINIDAD PAGANA Por siglos se ha creido que la formula trinitaria , Padre ,hijo y espiritu santo es algo que en el siglo 1 se creia . Veremso que esta creencia esta muy alejada de la perpectiva hebrea, y que todos lso creyentes por ende del siglo 1 era todo hebreos ,por lo tanto...
Cover of Leibniz


Una biografia intellettuale

by Maria Rosa Antognazza
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 6, 2015

Tra tutti i pensatori del secolo dei geni che inaugura la filosofia moderna, nessuno visse una vita intellettuale più ricca e variegata di Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716). Formatosi come giurista e in seguito assunto come consulente, bibliotecario e storiografo di corte, Leibniz diede importanti...
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