Philosophers category: 1861 books

Cover of Гадкие утята
by Makushev
Language: Russian
Release Date: June 18, 2017

Люди ведут себя рационально по отношению к толстым книгам и откладывают их, предпочитая слушать короткие, поверхностные песенки.
Cover of Dr. Stearns's Tour from London to Paris
by Samuel Stearns
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2014

As I am obliged to spend the greatest part of my time in mathematical, philosophical, and physical studies, it was not my design to have written on this subject, although I was advised to do it more than twelve months ago; but on seeing the movements in France, on account of the Revolution, I altered...
Cover of Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson - Plato, or the philosopher
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2016

Plato, Or The Philosopher is considered most of his important essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson was born on May 25, 1803, in Boston, Massachusetts. In 1821, he took over as director of his brother's school for girls. In 1823, he wrote the poem "Good-Bye." In 1832, he became...
by Maurice JOLY
Language: French
Release Date: June 18, 2015

«Bientôt on verrait un calme affreux, pendant lequel tout se réunirait contre la puissance violatrice des lois.»   «Quand Sylla voulut rendre la liberté à Rome, elle ne put plus la recevoir»   (MONTESQUIEU, Esp. des Lois.)
Cover of Ipazia di Alessandria
by Laurel A. Rockefeller
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 7, 2018

Mentre il mondo occidentale cadeva nell'oscurità, lei ebbe il coraggio di difendere la Luce. Nata nel 355 d.C, dopo il regno di Costantino, Ipazia di Alessandria visse il declino dell'Impero Romano, in un mondo in cui l'obbedienza alle autorità religiose era più importante della scienza...
Cover of La double inconstance
by Chamberlain de Marivaux
Language: French
Release Date: July 6, 2015

Cover of Traité des devoirs

Traité des devoirs

Nouvelle édition précédée d'une introduction, d'une analyse développée et d'appréciations philosophiques et critiques ( Edition intégrale ) annoté

by Cicéron, Émile-Louis Burnouf
Language: French
Release Date: July 24, 2018

Que dois-je faire ? L’homme est souvent tiraillé entre le choix de l’honnête, l’accomplissement de son devoir et celui du strictement utile, qui n’est pas forcément le plus vertueux. Quelle pourrait-être une authentique sagesse pratique ?En 44 avant J.-C., juste après la mort de César,...
Cover of Jung In A Week: Teach Yourself
by Ruth Snowden
Language: English
Release Date: August 30, 2013

Learn in a week, remember for a lifetime! In just one week, this accessible book will give you knowledge to last forever. End of chapter summaries and multiple choice questions are all designed to help you test your knowledge and gain confidence. So whether you are a student or you simply...
Cover of Le Cabaret de la dernière chance
by Jack London, Louis Postif
Language: French
Release Date: February 14, 2015

Toute cette histoire remonte à un jour d’élections. Par un brûlant après-midi californien, j’étais descendu à cheval dans la Vallée de la Lune, de mon ranch au petit village, pour voter toute une série de réformes qu’on voulait apporter...
Cover of Diciassette sillabe per 999 pensieri
by Vincenzo Troiani
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 21, 2015

Non sono aforismi e neppure haiku. Sono solo pensierini in diciassette sillabe, che provano a mettere le ali. Cercano un’emozione da comunicare e assumono, talvolta, il tono sentenzioso di una riflessione, che si lascia definire quasi come per un vocabolario. Se ne liberano, però, quando la poesia...
Cover of Finderglück


Mäßig unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen

by Johannes Saltzwedel
Language: German
Release Date: March 4, 2013

Eine unscheinbar wirkende Eintragung Goethes in das Stammbuch eines Jugendfreundes bietet willkommenen Anlass, über das Weltbild der Goethezeit zu spekulieren, die Tagebuchnotiz eines seiner Zeitgenossen den Ausgangspunkt für vergnügliche Ausflüge in die Mentalitätsgeschichte. Ausgedehnte Streifzüge...
Cover of 天台智者大師全集 五方便念佛門 新編
by 王 穆提
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2019

Cover of Les 95 Thèses
by Martin Luther
Language: French
Release Date: September 26, 2016

Extrait :  == Préambule : == Par amour pour la vérité et dans le but de la préciser, les thèses suivantes seront soutenues à Wittemberg,  sous la présidence du Révérend Père Martin LUTHER, ermite augustin, maître ès Arts, docteur et lecteur de  la Sainte Théologie. Celui-ci...
Cover of Paris
by Giacomo Casanova
Language: English
Release Date: July 9, 2019

Paris, The Memoirs of Casanova I highly recommend Casanova to every man. To read it is to have an education in the humanities of the highest order. There is no one like him to introduce the pre revolutionary 18th century to the reader. In our times, most will know him as the complete seducer...
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