Philosophers category: 1861 books

Cover of Mein Jahr als biblische Frau

Mein Jahr als biblische Frau

Eine moderne Frau lebt nach biblischen Traditionen und entdeckt überraschend Zeitloses.

by Rachel Held Evans
Language: German
Release Date: February 24, 2014

Rachel steht mitten im Leben, ist verheiratet und macht beruflich Karriere. Die überzeugte Christin glaubt an Gott und liest regelmäßig in der Bibel. Trotzdem stand sie bisher eher auf Kriegsfuß mit der "Superfrau" aus dem biblischen Buch der Sprichwörter. Als einige ihrer Freundinnen...
Cover of The Years of Awakening
by J. Krishnamurti
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2016

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was an independent spiritual teacher for the rest of his life, writing many books such as Krishnamurti Reader: No. 1, You are the World, Commentaries on living;: First series, from the notebooks of J. Krishnamurti. Mary Lutyens (1908-1999) was a British author best known...
Cover of The Peace Pole

The Peace Pole

Poems on War, Peace, Ebola and Hope in Sierra Leone

by Andrew Benson Greene
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2017

'These youths, torn from their homes and forced to commit horrible acts under great duress, effectively became Sierra Leone's lost generation. When peace was finally achieved in 2001, these youths were left without families, direction, or hope. These poems are a reflection of his own experiences...
Cover of Les Confidences
by Alphonse de Lamartine
Language: French
Release Date: May 13, 2017

Les Confidences sont les mémoires et autobiographies du poète, historien et romancier français Alphonse de Lamartine (1790 – 1860). Ce livre numérique présente l'édition intégrale (contenant le récit de Graziella) et comporte une table des matières dynamique. Il est parfaitement...
Cover of Uomini rappresentativi
by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 20, 2016

“Voici Emerson, le bon pasteur matinal des prés pâles et verts d’un optimisme nouveau, naturel et plausible”. Così Maurizio Maeterlinck nel suo mirabile Trésor des Humbles, ed a compiere la presentazione ai nostri lettori italiani, del grande consolatore filosofico americano, saranno...
Cover of Im Vertrauen weitergehen

Im Vertrauen weitergehen

Wahre Geschichten, die Mut machen

Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2016

Manchmal ist das Leben wirklich nicht leicht. Alles kommt anders als geplant. Und manche Krisen ereilen uns aus heiterem Himmel. In diesem Buch berichten Frauen davon, wie ihr Lebenstraum platzt und sie eine neue Perspektive für ihr Leben bekommen. Oder wie sie mit schwerer Krankheit umgegangen sind....
Cover of Je suis un lieu
by Tremblay, Jacynthe (dir.)
Language: French
Release Date: September 14, 2016

Dans ce livre au style très personnel, Jacynthe Tremblay relate la manière dont sa vie a été profondément marquée par sa rencontre avec le philosophe japonais Nishida Kitarō (1870-1945) au fil de son histoire quotidienne longue de deux décennies au Japon et en Chine. On y retrouvera des détails...
Cover of Os Espíritos do Senhor
by Bárbara Cruz, Espíritos Diversos
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 25, 2016

'O Espíritos do Senhor, ou os Espíritos de Deus, conforme esta notação do Espírito de Verdade que Allan kardec utiliza como prefácio de O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo, nada mais são para nós do que a maior referência espírita, ou seja, aqueles irmãos mais velhos, justos e iluminados...
Cover of Fire Beyond the Darkness

Fire Beyond the Darkness

A Metaphysical Journey

by lawrence winkler
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2016

Heraclitus’ fragments come together, to life, and towards its antitheses, in this fantastic metaphysical journey.  Forty years after Orion’s Cartwheels hitchhiking circumnavigation of the planet, Steve of the Jacuzzi returns to accompany the good doctor, on another series of road...
Cover of Contes philosophiques
by Voltaire
Language: French
Release Date: August 20, 2015

Ce livre numérique, avec une table des matières dynamique, vous présente 5 des plus beaux contes philosophiques de l'écrivain et philosophe français Voltaire (1694 - 1778).   Ils font partie des textes incontournables du XVIIIe siècle...
Cover of Nichiren


Le moine bouddhiste visionnaire

by Masaharu Anesaki
Language: French
Release Date: December 1, 2017

Ce livre retrace la vie mouvementée de Nichiren, moine bouddhiste japonais du XIIIe siècle. Né à une époque-charnière d’un Japon traversé par des crises politiques et religieuses, Nichiren s’est révélé le plus grand réformateur bouddhiste de son époque. Cherchant à assurer...
Cover of Words of Encouragement
by Ademola Ashonibare
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2017

Words Of Encouragement is a book of encouraging and motivating words by Ashonibare Ademola Cyrus. This quotes are Spirit inspired. "Whenever I read Words Of Encouragement I'm always encourage. You'll read it over and over again for days, weeks, months, years until it becomes part of you.""...
Cover of ‘ABDULLÃH IBN SABA’ and Other Myths
by meisam mahfouzi, World Oraanization for Islamic Services
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2017

The part of news broadcasting or " reporting " in cold wars: News reports are one of the sharpest weapons in cold wars. Because of this, today the necessity for research in to a news reports validity and the degree of its deviation in clear for everyone. This necessary research, especially on the...
Cover of Nietzsche: The Will to Power

Nietzsche: The Will to Power

Including Autobiographical Work "Ecce Homo" & Personal Letters

by Friedrich Nietzsche
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2017

"The Will to Power (Vol.1&2)" describes what Nietzsche may have believed to be the main driving force in humans – achievement, ambition, and the striving to reach the highest possible position in life. These are all manifestations of the will to power; however, the concept was never...
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