Philosophers category: 1861 books

Cover of Stay Negative on Your Two Beliefs
by Faiz M K
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2014

Believe it or not, you are the one who decides whether or not to be happy. No matter how much we have to deal with in this life, it is up to us to determine our state of mind. Smiling is one of the best ways to keep a positive outlook in life. So I just wanted to share with you a few things that have...
Cover of The journey to where you already are
by Heinz Duthel
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2013

When a man has attained his own freedom, how can he be bound by any law? No law in this universe can bind him, for this universe itself is his. He is the whole universe. Either say he is the whole universe or say that to him there is no universe. How can he have then all these little ideas...
Cover of Ceux de la glebe
by Camille Lemonnier
Language: French
Release Date: February 27, 2015

Ceux de la glèbe de camille lemonnier   Pour votre plus grand plaisir vous trouverez dans cette ouvrage une biographie ainsi une bibliographie detaille de l'auteur  À la lecture de la première nouvelle, j'ai failli refermer le livre. Y aurait-il eu une...
Cover of The Double Life of Paul De Man
by Evelyn Barish
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2014

A landmark biography that reveals the secret past of one of the most influential academics of the twentieth century. Over thirty years after his death in 1983, Paul de Man, a hugely charismatic intellectual who created with deconstruction an ideology so pervasive that it threatened to topple...
Cover of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
by C.N.Jayalakshmidevi
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2012

Raja Rammohun Roy has come to be called the 'Maker of Modern India. Without giving up what was good and noble in the past, he laid the foundations for a great future. He put an end to the horrible custom of burning the living wife with the dead husband. He was a great scholar and an independent thinker....
Cover of Os filósofos e a educação
by Fausto dos Santos
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 9, 2015

Ainda que as questões que envolvam a educação sejam extremamente complexas, pois estão interligadas à totalidade do fenômeno social, foi com este intuito, de simplesmente pensar a educação, que este livro foi escrito. Pois é na simplicidade...
Cover of Éloge de la Folie
Language: French
Release Date: January 28, 2014

Ces jours derniers, voyageant d’Italie en Angleterre et devant rester tout ce temps à cheval, je n’avais nulle envie de le perdre en ces banals bavardages où les Muses n’ont point de part. J’aimais mieux méditer quelques points des études qui nous sont communes ou bien j’évoquais les...
Cover of Hippias mineur
by Platon
Language: French
Release Date: May 29, 2014

Hippias mineur - Platon   Platon (428/427 av. J.-C. - 348/347 av. J.-C.) est un philosophe de la Grèce antique, contemporain de la démocratie athénienne et des sophistes, qu'il critiqua vigoureusement. Il reprit le travail philosophique de certains de ses prédécesseurs,...
Cover of Dr.Ananda K.Coomaraswamy
by B. Srinivasa Rao
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2012

Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, who was born in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and grew up in England, taught the West the way to approach and understand the arts of India. His whole life was dedicated to the study and exposition of Indian culture and arts. He said to friends who wanted to write his biography "Assess my works".
Cover of Trésor Noir

Trésor Noir

De Yuz Asaf

by Victor FAURE
Language: French
Release Date: July 6, 2015

En 1894, un journaliste russe du nom de Nicolas Notovitch effectua un voyage en Inde et fit une découverte étonnante. Au pied de l’Himalaya, le lama tibétain dirigeant le monastère bouddhiste de Hemis au Ladakh aurait eu connaissance d’un très ancien manuscrit qui mentionnait clairement...
Cover of L'alchimie de la marche

L'alchimie de la marche

Chemin inaugural d'une seconde vie

by Bernard Bach
Language: French
Release Date: April 3, 2019

Lors de sa retraite, un homme entreprend une longue marche de Lille à Strasbourg et découvre, ainsi, le souffle d'une seconde vie. Le 2 octobre 2017 un homme s’en va sur les chemins avec son sac à dos, il vient de prendre sa retraite. La vie professionnelle s’est arrêtée, il doit inventer...
Cover of Himmlisch frei

Himmlisch frei

Warum wir wieder mehr Transzendenz brauchen

by Renata Schmidtkunz
Language: German
Release Date: March 2, 2019

Transzendenz ist in unserer wissenschaftsgläubigen Welt in Ungnade gefallen. Sie wird uns vom Mainstream als Esoterik oder Frömmelei vermiest. Doch wer nur noch ein materielles, eindimensionales Leben führt, ist leichter manipulierbar. Denn in der Transzendenz, dem Denken, das über uns selbst und das Irdische hinausgeht, liegt auch die Kraft zur Selbstbestimmung und zum Widerstand.
Cover of Viktor Frankl
by Dr. Ruth Carr
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2017

Viktor FranklUnderstanding the Life and Teachings of One Resilient Man Who Made an Enormous Impact on the Evolution of HumanityBy Dr. Ruth CarrIf you have ever seen the movie, The Sound of Music, you would know that indeed, “The hills are alive…” in Austria. Austria is a...
Cover of La sagesse en action

La sagesse en action

100% vécu : Le récit (extra)ordinaire d'un homme qui nous invite au coeur de la sagesse

by Christophe Yann
Language: French
Release Date: December 29, 2014

Ce livre retrace le parcours de Christophe Yann. Aussi incroyable qu’il y paraisse, ce récit est vrai. J’invite le lecteur à accepter cette idée comme nous acceptons avec émerveillement le miracle de la naissance d’un enfant. L’éditeur Notre...
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