Philosophers category: 1861 books

Cover of LES LOIS


La Philosophie politique

Language: French
Release Date: November 7, 2018

Platon (427 av. J.-C. – 347 av. J.-C.) est un philosophe antique de la Grèce classique, contemporain de la démocratie athénienne et des sophistes, qu'il critiqua vigoureusement. Il reprit le travail philosophique de certains de ses prédécesseurs, notamment Socrate dont il fut l'élève, ainsi...
Cover of Disobbedienza Civile
by Henry David Thoreau
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 7, 2019

“Manuale” di protesta sociale pacifica La fama di questo saggio è cresciuta soprattutto nel corso del ventesimo secolo: ignorato alla sua uscita, ha influenzato moltissimo personaggi del calibro di Gandhi e Martin Luther King. Il primo mise in pratica la disobbedienza civile su scala di massa...
Cover of Ich fühle, was du hörst

Ich fühle, was du hörst

Die faszinierende Geschichte einer gehörlosen Sängerin, die das Leben anderer in eine Sinfonie verwandelt.

by Mandy Harvey
Language: German
Release Date: February 14, 2019

Mandy Harvey wusste genau, was sie im Leben wollte: Als talentierte Musikerin und Sängerin mit fast absolutem Gehör begann sie ein Musikstudium. Doch kurze Zeit später bekam sie erste Hörprobleme. Gegen Ende des ersten Semesters war sie bereits taub und ihre Welt brach zusammen. Doch sie entdeckte...
Cover of Zwei Herzen, ein Weg
by Andrea Popp
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2019

Ich möchte nichts mehr, als in der Welt umherzuirren und nicht zu wissen wo wir sind oder hingehen. Das ist Freiheit! Ich bin glücklich, wirklich.... Aber das Hungergefühl, der knurrende Magen, die schmerzenden Beine, die Zweifel, ob wir nachts einen sicheren Schlafplatz finden, dass die Hoffnung...
Cover of Compendio de las vidas de los filósofos antiguos
by Fénelon
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 21, 2019

La historia de la Filosofía es uno de los grandes espectáculos que nos ofrece la de las primeras épocas del género humano. En medio de la deplorable narración de los delirios, de las pasiones, de los crímenes de los hombres, se percibe un rayo de luz que nos recuerda la elevación de nuestro...
Cover of Stoicism


Introduction To The Stoic Way of Life: Beginners Guide To Mastery

by Jason Gale
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2019

☆★☆ The Ultimate Guide To The Stoic Way Of Life☆★☆ Let's face it, we can't control every aspect of our lives, and the fact is a lot of things we stress about are out of our direct control. The ancient philosophy of Stoicism still stands the test of times and is still practiced...
Cover of El banquete
by Platón
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 25, 2018

El banquete es un diálogo platónico escrito por Platón sobre los años 385–370 a. C.,​ y es uno de los diálogos más trabajados, apreciado tanto por su contenido filosófico como por su contenido literario.​ Versa sobre el amor. Esta obra, junto al Fedro, conformó la idea de amor platónico. Ambas...
Cover of The Song of a Library
by Maciej Bielawski
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2018

This book is a "bibliographic novel" about Raimon Panikkar's library, based on his marginalia and readings.
Cover of The African Experience
by Kofi Yeboah Tuafo
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2018

We have here the eloquent expressions of W.E.B Du Bois and Marcus Mosiah Garvey, two sensitive fighter poets who at the height of their powers struggled against the waves of oppression, misery and the woe which engulfed their people. There is evidence of bitterness, angst, bewilderness and frustration...
Cover of Dr. P.C. Ray
by Y.S. Lewis
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2012

An Indian scientist who won fame in many countries. Eighty years ago he began the manufacture of medicines in India. A great teacher, he gave his salary to students interested in science. A great man and a true patriot.
Cover of Zeitqualia
by Peter Higgins
Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2014

Riding motorcycles during the aftershocks of the 9/21 earthquake in Taiwan, the twins Stüffle and Doppel von Schöngait go to help the international rescue effort 500 miles away in Central Taiwan. Putting their lives at risk for the sake of proving their life philosophy, they push each other...
Cover of Vivekananda For You
by Databazaar Media Ventures, LLC
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2013

For Swami Vivekananda and the inspiration that his life and his messages hold out to mankind are as eternal as the soul itself.Words are not enough to describe Swami Vivekananda and his achievements.A visionary, a philosopher, a karma-yogi par excellence who taught us that it is only through serving...
Cover of Confessions of an Opium Eater
by Thomas de Quincey
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2014

Confessions of an English Opium-Eater is an autobiographical account written by Thomas De Quincey, about his laudanum (opium and alcohol) addiction and its effect on his life. The Confessions was "the first major work De Quincey published and the one which won him fame almost overnight..."...
Cover of De la sagesse
by Pierre Charron
Language: French
Release Date: January 25, 2014

Le seul moyen de l’esviter est de se rendre digne de ce que l’on desire : car la jalousie n’est qu’une deffiance de soy-mesme, et un tesmoignage de nostre peu de merite. L’empereur Aurele, à qui Faustine sa femme demandoit ce qu’il feroit si son ennemy Cassius gaignoit contre luy la bataille,...
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