Personality category: 1900 books

Cover of The Psychology of Attitudes and Attitude Change
by Professor Gregory R. Maio, Geoff Haddock
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2014

What are your attitudes on climate change? Do you have opinions on how political parties should be funded? Or indeed, celebrity misadventure? Written by two world-leading academics in the field of attitudes research, this textbook gets to the very heart of this fascinating and far-reaching...
Cover of Leadership cos'è e come svilupparla
by Maria Derto
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 20, 2016

Oggi le parole leader e leadership sono entrate nel linguaggio comune e in molte offerte di lavoro che si trovano quotidianamente su internet o sui giornali troviamo aziende che cercano collaboratori con «spiccate doti di leadership». Ma il significato del termine leadership non è così semplice...
Cover of La vita nascosta del cervello
by Alberto Oliverio
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 7, 2013

Noi riteniamo di essere consapevoli di gran parte dei nostri processi mentali ma la verità è diversa in quanto gran parte delle attività nervose sono inconsce. Il nostro cervello lavora anche quando riteniamo di aver staccato la spina e gran parte dei processi mentali, dalla visione, alla memoria,...
Cover of Clarity: Seeing and Hearing: A Strategy Vol. I
by Jut Meininger, Danna G Hallmark
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2018

In his pioneering work Dr. Eric Berne introduced his discovery that the human mind works by “juggling”, so to speak only three distinct things, which he referred to as types of energy. These three aspects of the human thinking process he identified by name as: Feelings, Knowledge, and Experience. Contrary...
Cover of Relaxation


To understand oneself

by Andrzej Budzinski
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2017

When we begin to reflect, we discover that we have so many, I would say so very many things to change - so many that we don’t know where to start. Well? Too much confusion! Calm down. Calm down! One thing at a time! Without hurrying! With patience, you can obtain everything! Today, unfortunately,...
Cover of Narcistisch misbruik in de liefde

Narcistisch misbruik in de liefde

50 vragen en antwoorden

by Mjon van Oers
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 26, 2019

Narcistisch misbruik in de liefde, 50 vragen en antwoorden is het tweede boek van Mjon van Oers. Na haar succesvolle debuut (Voorbij het narcisme) kreeg zij nog steeds heel veel vragen. Kennis is macht, vindt Mjon. Hoe meer je over narcisme en narcistisch misbruik weet, des te beter kun je je wapenen...
Cover of Je onbewuste coach

Je onbewuste coach

ontdek je drijfveren en stap uit je comfortzone

by Monique Schouten
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 27, 2014

Ken je onbewuste coach en haal het beste uit jezelf en uit anderen! Ieder mens neemt regelmatig het besluit de dingen anders aan te pakken. Dergelijke goede voornemens zijn mooi, maar blijken vaak lastig te realiseren. Waarom is ons gedrag zo moeilijk te veranderen? In onderzoeken is bewezen dat 95%...
Cover of De beste versie van jezelf

De beste versie van jezelf

doorbreek je V-cirkel in vijf stappen

by Monique Schouten
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 21, 2014

Neem het heft in handen en leef je beste leven! Aan de hand van het enneagram, een eeuwenoude methode die ons leert dat er in de basis slechts negen menstypes bestaan, ontwikkelde Monique Schouten het V-cirkelmodel. Ieder menstype en de bijbehorende V-cirkel maken duidelijk wat je onbewuste drijfveren...
Cover of De mens, een handleiding
by Ruby Wax
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 23, 2018

Upgrade je brein met Ruby Wax. Wat krijg je als je een monnik, een neurowetenschapper en comédienne Ruby Wax bij elkaar zet? Dit is niet het begin van een grap maar de basis van een fascinerend, intrigerend en informatief boek over hoe wij als mensen in elkaar steken. 'Het heeft ons vier miljard...
Cover of Wellbeing and Aspirational Culture
by Kevin Moore
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2019

This book addresses the paradox that, despite quantifiable advances, people often struggle to experience positive wellbeing. Kevin Moore argues that two key insights can help resolve this paradox: first, that we live in an ‘aspirational culture’ that has its roots in the agrarian revolution and...
Cover of The Play of Political Culture, Emotion and Identity
by Candida Yates
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2015

Offering a uniquely 'psycho-cultural' take on the emotional dynamics of UK political culture this book uses theories and research in psychoanalysis, cultural and media studies and political sociology. It explores the cultural and emotional processes that shape our relationship to politics in a media age, referencing Joanna Lumley to Nigel Farage.
Cover of Enneagram Elevation
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2014

Enneagram is a diagram of a circles consisting of crossing lines that connect nine points. It's a linkage between Eastern spirituality and Western psychology. In the current days, generally Enneagram is used for self-discovery, understanding personal types and different communicating patterns....
Cover of Americans Abroad

Americans Abroad

A Comparative Study of Emigrants from the United States

by University of Connecticut, Syracuse University, Bar-Ilan University
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2013

An American college student traveling around Europe on a bicycle with two friends arrived at a recent July 4th celebration in Moscow and remarked, "We've been traveling around Europe and Russia for almost a month now. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I never wanted to see and hear Americans...
Cover of MindGrid: Character Drafter
by Y- Photography, Joanne Atarah
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2018

How does MindHub relate to people's behavior and your self-perception? What is the best way to find common ground with every person around you? Having the answers to these questions can give you the power to navigate your life in the direction of your desires.
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