Native American Aboriginal category: 795 books

Cover of Gus d'Aoust : trappeur de la toundra
by Alix Harpelle
Language: French
Release Date: December 8, 1999

La solitude, la paix intérieure, l’amour du pays, la passion de la chasse et de la trappe, la bonté pour ses compagnons de route – les humains et les chiens la détermination, le goût de vivre sont au cœur de ce récit d’un héros du Grand-Nord.
Cover of Ligne brisée
by Katherena Vermette
Language: French
Release Date: November 8, 2017

Lorsque qu’une jeune Métisse est victime d’une violente agression, les contrecoups se font sentir dans toute la communauté du quartier North End de Winnipeg. Policiers chargés de l’enquête, famille, amis et connaissances voient leurs certitudes ébranlées à mesure que se précise le fil...
Cover of Yasmeen Haddad Loves Joanasi Maqaittik
by Carolyn Marie Souaid
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2017

A young woman enters a whole new world of attraction in a community struggling with generations of loss of land and culture. Yasmeen’s tradition-bound mother wants her to stay in Montreal, get married, and have babies. But the young Syrian-Canadian wants more. Her appetite for adventure leads her...
Cover of Louisburg Square

Louisburg Square

Part Two of the Adirondack Saga

by A. Dudley Johnson, Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2019

How does a woman divorce her husband in a time when only men had the right to “grant divorces?”  It’s the Gilded Age and Anna Tattersall has taken her two boys and left her husband who was seen in the embrace of one of her closest friends. She’s now staying with her true love, a wealthy...
Cover of The Spirit Seekers

The Spirit Seekers

The Spirit Series, #2

by J. K. Winn
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2019

Can you escape the wrath of the Spirits? Sandy Jacobs and Ben Rush are back on the trail of another mystery. The head archaeologist in charge of excavating an important Anasazi ruin on Pueblo land turns up dead. The San Sebastian people, long opposed to the dig because of its potential to disturb...
Cover of Sehonnai
by Tommy Orange
Language: Hungarian
Release Date: June 19, 2019

Bámulatos és megrázó portré egy olyan Amerikáról, amelyet eddig csak kevesen láttunk. Tommy Orange regénye nem véletlenül töltött megjelenése óta tizenhat hetet a New York Times bestsellerlistájának élén. Egy olyan hang szólal meg benne, amelyet még sosem hallottunk: fehéren...
Cover of Dirty Copper
by Jim Northrup
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2014

Dirty Copper, the prequel to Walking the Rez Road, tells the story of Luke Warmwater, an Anishinaabe soldier, as he returns to the Reservation after serving in Vietnam. Once again, Luke is torn between duty and morality as he becomes a deputy sheriff on the Rez and sees firsthand the war raging below the appearance of peace.
Cover of The Silence

The Silence

A Novel

by Karen Lee White
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2019

Karen Lee White holds the torch brightly as a new and powerful voice, her style and sensibility encompassing the traditional and the contemporary. In The Silence, with the Yukon as a canvas, she engages in a deep empathy for characters, emergent Indigenous identity, and discovery that employs dreams,...
Cover of The Dark Canyon 
by Micah S. Hackler
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Author of Legend of the Dead, Coyote Returns, and The Shadow Catcher IN A RUGGED LAND STEEPED IN THE BLOOD OF HISTORY. A KILLER HAS COME BACK FOR REVENGE.... NEW BLOOD ON AN ANCIENT GROUND... In an air-conditioned university office, a man lies dead, brutally bludgeoned. A hundred...
Cover of El conquistador
by Agustín Alonso
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 18, 2019

América fue descubierta y muchos sintieron la llamada de ir a su conquista, igual Cortés, Pizarro y otros muchos para encontrar los laureles de la gloria. Aquí nuestro personaje, después de muchos avatares, fue conquistado por la tierra que pisó y encontró también la llama del amor.
Cover of Le vent en parle encore
by Michel Jean
Language: French
Release Date: September 9, 2013

À quatorze ans, Virginie, Marie et Thomas sont arrachés à leurs familles sur ordre du gouvernement canadien. Avec les autres jeunes du village, ils sont envoyés, par avion, dans un pensionnat perdu sur une île à près de mille kilomètres de chez eux pour y être éduqués. On leur coupe les...
Cover of Burning Night
by nikki broadwell
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2018

This is the turning point… When Collie flees an abusive husband she's also escaping her sordid past. But when her money is stolen, the only way to earn it back in time for her trip to Alaska, is to do the very thing she hoped she left behind. Burning Night festival is only a month away and...
Cover of Conquistadores de lo imposible
by Jose Ángel Mañas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 4, 2019

A partir del mítico año de 1492, y durante las siguientes seis décadas, un país que acaba de culminar una épica reconquista, descubrirá, conquistará y colonizará un continente inmenso que ha permanecido hasta entonces cerrado al resto del mundo. ¿Quiénes eran Hernán Cortés, Francisco Pizarro,...
Cover of El caballero de la virgen
by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 3, 2019

El caballero de la Virgen es el sobrenombre dado a Alonso de Ojeda, prototipo de los descubridores españoles de América. Es una novela histórica que narra la vida de los primeros exploradores, navegantes y conquistadores españoles que se asentaron en la Española.
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