Money Monetary Policy category: 1222 books

Cover of Aftermath


Seven Secrets of Wealth Preservation in the Coming Chaos

by James Rickards
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2019

Financial expert, investment advisor and New York Times bestselling author James Rickards shows why and how global financial markets are being artificially inflated--and what smart investors can do to protect their assets What goes up, must come down. As any student of financial history knows,...
Cover of The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe
by Joseph E. Stiglitz
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2016

The Nobel Prize–winning economist and best-selling author explains why saving Europe may mean abandoning the euro. When Nobel Prize–winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz posed this question in the original edition of The Euro, he lent much-needed clarity to a global debate that continues...
Cover of Bitcoin Explained: Today's Complete Guide to Tomorrow's Currency
by Daniel Forrester
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2013

Everyone's Been Asking – What is Bitcoin? Learn the Ins and Outs of Bitcoin, the elusive new currency, including Bitcoin Mining, how to buy, sell and invest, and how you can achieve long term profits! Bitcoin has been brooding within the tech community over the last few years. However,...
Cover of Alexander Hamilton on Finance, Credit, and Debt
by David Cowen, Richard Sylla
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2018

While serving as the first Treasury Secretary from 1789 to 1795, Alexander Hamilton engineered a financial revolution. Hamilton established the Treasury debt market, the dollar, and a central bank, while strategically prompting private entrepreneurs to establish securities markets and stock exchanges...
Cover of The End of Laissez-faire
by John Maynard Keynes
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2017

In The End of Laissez-faire, Keynes presents a brief historical review of laissez-faire economic policy. Though he agrees in principle that the marketplace should be free of government interference, he suggests that government can play a constructive role in protecting individuals from the worst harms...
Cover of 錢的歷史:貨幣如何改變我們的生活及未來


Coined: The Rich Life of Money and How Its History Has Shaped Us

by 卡比爾‧賽加爾Kabir Sehgal
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 13, 2016

《紐約時報》《華爾街日報》暢銷書作家 為什麼我們會有錢?為什麼我們需要錢?|從貝殼到比特幣,從以物易物到累積財富|華爾街金童帶你探索金錢的生命 從生到死,金錢以各式各樣方式記錄我們一生重要時刻。在印度,大家送錢給新生嬰兒及其雙親。在日本,則送錢給新婚夫妻。在奈及利亞,金錢是陪葬品,跟著死者入土。金錢不僅影響我們的情緒、需求,甚至讓我們甘願為了金錢冒風險。我們對金錢習以為常,把擁有金錢多寡視為成功與否的標準,但卻很少探索為什麼金錢會在我們生命中扮演如此重要角色。 《錢的歷史》作者賽加爾是人人稱羨的華爾街金童,他目睹二○○八年金融風暴造成的傷害,立志要搞懂金融危機和個中原因。他花七年時間旅行超過七十萬英里,走訪超過二十五個國家,從荷蘭的鬱金香狂熱,到雷曼兄弟金融海嘯,探索金錢有什麼特色,讓全世界繞著它奔忙?金錢究竟有哪部分是我們無法掌握的?金錢又有哪些是讓我們產生怪異、不理性的行為? 本書討論金錢的生命,分為頭腦、身體和靈魂三部分。頭腦部分:為什麼我們使用金錢?作者以生物學、心理學和人類學回答這個問題;身體部分:錢是什麼?藉由研究有史以來金錢的實體形式,以及未來可能的形式來回答這個問題;靈魂部分:我們應該如何運用金錢?作者轉向宗教和藝術,說明金錢不只是價值的象徵,也是我們價值觀的象徵。 作者帶領讀者走遍全球,深入探索金錢和人之間的關係。對金錢有深入、豐富的討論,也對人性本質和大腦思想的運作,提出妙趣橫生的介紹。他從生物學、心理學、人類學,和神學等不同學科的角度,探討金錢概念的原型與演化過程。本書寓教於樂的故事,將改變你對錢的定義。 《紐約時報》(The...
Cover of The Future of the Dollar
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

For half a century, the United States has garnered substantial political and economic benefits as a result of the dollar's de facto role as a global currency. In recent years, however, the dollar's preponderant position in world markets has come under challenge. The dollar has been more volatile than...
Cover of Why Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cryptocurrencies?: A Son’s Explanation to His Father
by Cornelius Gouws
Language: English
Release Date: June 22, 2017

Take a short journey through the emerging world of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum in the form of a conversation between a fictional father and son. If you've heard of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies somewhere and want to know more about it, including why some people see this as...
Cover of Bitcoin and Digital Currency for Beginners: The Basic Little Guide
by Alex Nkenchor Uwajeh
Language: English
Release Date: June 6, 2014

Please Note: This is a Basic Little Digital Currency Guide - For Beginners This book will provide you with an insight into what Bitcoins are and where they came from. It will explain to you how Bitcoins can be used, where you can get them, and how Bitcoin compares to real money. You...
Cover of The Prudent Investor's Guide to Owning Gold
by Austin Pryor
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2012

This primer will give you everything you need to know rather than everything there is to know about gold and inflation. From the birth of money to current gold investment vehicles, The Prudent Investor's Guide to Owning Gold is a great guide for those interested in investing in the most famous of...
Cover of New Paradigms in Financial Economics

New Paradigms in Financial Economics

How Would Keynes Reconstruct Economics?

by Kazem Falahati
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2012

The recent global financial crisis has made the inadequacies of the scientific state of economics and finance glaringly obvious, as these disciplines gave the false reassurance that such a self-destructive phenomenon could not happen. A similar phenomenon arose in the 1930’s, when the pitfalls of...
Cover of The 86 Biggest Lies on Wall Street
by John R. Talbott
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2011

How strong was the American economy going into the present crisis? How strong will it be a year from now? How about five years from now? Investors and citizens around the world realize, as never before, that we were misled—lied to—about the stability of our financial system. But what now? John...
Cover of The Euro Trap

The Euro Trap

On Bursting Bubbles, Budgets, and Beliefs

by Hans-Werner Sinn
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2014

This book offers a critical assessment of the history of the euro, its crisis, and the rescue measures taken by the European Central Bank and the community of states. The euro induced huge capital flows from the northern to the southern countries of the Eurozone that triggered an inflationary credit...
Cover of Socialize for Equity

Socialize for Equity

The radical New Concept that Puts Business Ownership in the Hands of Regular Social Media Users

by Eyo Eyo
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2015

When you engage with big business, reviewing their products with your honest opinion, two things happen: You feel heard because you were able to share your honest opinions about a product. Big business profits off the work you gave them for free. Sharing your feelings is nice, but...
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