Money Monetary Policy category: 1222 books

Cover of Currency Unions
by Alberto Alesina, Robert J. Barro
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2013

Currency Unions reviews the traditional case for flexible exchange rates and "countercyclical"—that is, expansionary during recessions and contractionary in booms—monetary policy, and shows how flexible exchange rate regimes can better insulate the economy from such real disturbances...
Cover of Wage Moderation in Crises
by Jörg Decressin, Ioannis Halikias, Michael Kumhof
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2015

The paper studies the impacts of wage moderation in the euro area. Simulation results show that if a single euro area crisis-hit economy undertakes wage moderation, the impact on output is positive for that economy and for the entire euro area. If all crisis-hit economies undertake wage moderation together,...
Cover of The Rise of the People's Bank of China
by Stephen Bell
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2013

The People’s Bank of China surpasses the Federal Reserve as the world’s biggest central bank. In the first comprehensive account of the evolution of central banking and monetary policy in reform China, Stephen Bell and Hui Feng show how the PBC’s authority grew from a Leninist party-state that once jealously guarded its control.
Cover of Chinese Currency and the Global Economy: The Rise of the Renminbi
by Chen Yulu
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2013

From ancient “knife money” to the Renminbi—a fascinating history of Chinese currency Chinese Currency and the Global Economy is an all-encapsulating study of the Chinese monetary system from the historical perspective of global economy and finance. From economic infrastructure to the...
Cover of Central Banking in Turbulent Times
by Francesco Papadia, Tuomas Välimäki
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2018

Central banks came out of the Great Recession with increased power and responsibilities. Indeed, central banks are often now seen as 'the only game in town', and a place to put innumerable problems vastly exceeding their traditional remit. These new powers do not fit well, however, with the independence...
Cover of Discuss covered interest rate parity (CIRP) with reference to foreign exchange market efficiency

Discuss covered interest rate parity (CIRP) with reference to foreign exchange market efficiency

Diskussion der gedeckten Zinsparitätentheorie bezogen auf Wechselkurs Effizienz

by Sascha Kurth
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2011

Scientific Essay from the year 2010 in the subject Economics - Monetary theory and policy, grade: 1,0, University of Hull, course: International Finance, language: English, abstract: Die Arbeit untersucht und erläutert die verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse von renommierten Untersuchungen....
Cover of A More Imperfect Union

A More Imperfect Union

How Inequity, Debt, and Economics Undermine the American Dream

by James L. Jennings
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Inflation and an addiction to debt characterize the U.S. economy. The author explains how the policies directed at avoiding deflation have yielded income and wealth redistribution and inequities; inflation; inordinate growth in government, the financial sector, money supply, and debt; currency debasement;...
Cover of The Theory of Economic Policy in a Strategic Context
by Nicola Acocella, Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, Andrew Hughes Hallett
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2012

In developing a new and highly innovative theory of economic policy, this book deals with conflicts between strategic actions by public and private agents. It builds on the Lucas critique but also applies the tools introduced by Tinbergen and Theil to dynamic policy games, and from there derives a...
Cover of Money Can Buy You Happiness

Money Can Buy You Happiness

Secrets Women Need to Know To Get Paid What They Are Worth!

by Patty Ann Tublin
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2016

Money Can Buy You Happiness provides all the negotiating strategies, tools and skills needed for women to close the gender wage gap and get paid what they are worth. "Finally, a book that gives women permission to be happy and rich at the same time. "Money Can Buy You Happiness: Secrets Women Need...
Cover of The Bank of Israel

The Bank of Israel

Volume 2: Selected Topics in Israel's Monetary Policy

Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2007

Volume II provides an in-depth analysis of important specific issues, detailed discussion of the independence of the Bank of Israel, and an econometric study of the central banks policies. This volume also includes a historical account of the liberalization of Israel's foreign-exchange market and...
Cover of Financialisation and Financial Crisis in South-Eastern European Countries
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2015

The book discusses various cases of financialisation and financial crisis in South-Eastern Europe. While these can be directly traced to the region’s reliance upon the global financial regime, the interplay of international financial institutions, the eurozone’s rigidity and domestic policies...
Cover of TOP 51 Money-Saving Rules
by Jeffery Short
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2017

TOP 51 Money-Saving Rules A Step-by-Step Guide With Proven Methods That Will Help You Save $1,000 or More Every Month Effortlessly Are you looking for the ways that could help you to save money? Your expenses are out of control? No worries, some proven money saving rules can help you get out...
Cover of 下一波全球貨幣大崩潰


The Death of Money:The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System

by 詹姆斯‧瑞卡茲(James Rickards)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 13, 2015

美元與國際貨幣體系即將崩潰,全球經濟動盪已在眼前! 歐盟、中國、日本、澳洲、加拿大,競相貶值貨幣 新的一場全球貨幣戰爭已經開打! 美元、歐元、日圓、人民幣、台幣……何去何從? 《下一波全球貨幣大戰》作者瑞卡茲最新巨作出版超過一年,依然高踞Amazon商業類暢銷書第一名! 《金融時報》、《富比世》、《彭博商業周刊》、《渥斯堡之星電訊報》、《政治家》一致好評推薦 《金融時報》:美元系統即將開始搖擺! 《彭博商業周刊》:描繪的景象如此黑暗,卻又如此廣泛和詳盡…… 《渥斯堡之星電訊報》:分析各國如何操縱貨幣……令人不安又著迷 《富比世》:這本書對當前全球經濟情勢論述做了寶貴的貢獻。 《政治家》:最迫切一讀的書。 本書作者瑞卡茲告訴你:金融體系崩潰即將到來,你做好承受風暴的準備了嗎? 《下一波全球貨幣大崩潰》共分12章,指出: 指數上漲實際是資產泡沫,背後有專業交易商和避險基金投機客推動。 美國聯邦準備理事會正在藉貶值貨幣來把債務貨幣化。從歷史角度看,這是經濟和政治體系走向崩潰的一步。 安倍經濟學和聯準會印鈔票的共同點是狂熱的逃避通縮。通縮的價格訊號被印鈔票抑制,除非進行結構調整,否則通縮不會消失。 IMF已從一個仰賴配額的短期放款機構,演進成像聯準會的可槓桿操作最終放款人,它將是促成美元崩潰的關鍵工具。 隨著中國收購黃金的操作繼續不斷,整個國際貨幣體系已因為中國迫切的渴望和全球對實體黃金的需求而搖搖欲墜。 瑞卡茲在本書裡,大膽預言未來的國際貨幣體系將不再以美元為基礎,因為中國、俄羅斯和其他新興國家,將集體堅持結束美國的貨幣霸權,創造一個新貨幣本位。新貨幣本位會不會以黃金、特別提款權、或一套區域性的準備貨幣網絡為根本,仍有待觀察。 只有做好準備的國家和個人,才能安然度過大動亂。如果能清楚觀察全球金融世界發生的事件,將有助於投資人思考最好的策略。投資人如果能深入探究各種可能的發展,將可以掌握優勢,了解如何在這個新世界中保護財富。 ※...
Cover of Second-Generation Fiscal Rules

Second-Generation Fiscal Rules

Balancing Simplicity, Flexibility, and Enforceability

by Luc Eyraud, Xavier Debrun, Andrew Hodge
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2018

Fiscal rule frameworks have evolved significantly in response to the global financial crisis. Many countries have reformed their fiscal rules or introduced new ones with a view to enhancing the credibility of fiscal policy and providing a medium-term anchor. Enforcement and monitoring mechanisms have...
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