Money Management category: 1562 books

Cover of Die 0-Stunden Woche

Die 0-Stunden Woche

Wie du dein Geld für dich arbeiten lässt

by Tim König
Language: German
Release Date: August 10, 2017

Warum arbeiten die Menschen so lange und so viel? Weil sie nicht wissen, wie man mit Geld richtig umgeht! Wer richtig investiert, kann in nur 10 Jahren in Rente gehen und sein Geld für sich arbeiten lassen. Ich möchte dir eine geniale Strategie vorstellen, die dafür sorgen kann, dass du in nur 10 Jahren nicht mehr arbeiten gehen musst.
Cover of Geld, Schotter, Piepen und Du
by Tanja Alexa Holzer
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2019

«Die Story, die Du über Geld erzählst, bestimmt massgeblich, wie viel Du davon hast!» Tanja lebt finanziell bescheiden, möchte sich aber endlich auch mehr leisten können. Bei ihrem Erfolgsstreben stösst sie jedoch immer wieder an Grenzen, die sie nicht rational erklären kann. Von Geldknappheit...
Cover of ¡Es tu tiempo!

¡Es tu tiempo!

Los tips de ¡Es tu dinero! para ganar más trabajando menos

by Nicolas Litvinoff
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 19, 2014

Hacia mediados de 2009, aparecieron bajo el formato de tips las columnas de finanzas personales de Nicolás Litvinoff en la versión online del diario La Nación, y desde un principio se ubicaron entre las más leídas, liderando con frecuencia los ránkings de visitas y comentarios. El éxito respondió...
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 25, 2014

(A5, 112 P.) - Hoy en día, los albores del siglo XXI, según los últimos datos de la ONU, alrededor de más de mil millones de personas (en su gran mayoría en los países pobres y/o poco desarrollados en África, Asia y América del Sur) se ven afectados por estos estados de la pobreza extrema. Es...
Cover of Debt Free Network Marketing Mindset
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2014

""Debt Free Network Marketing Mindset"" e-book is targeted at the general network marketing community. This book is a must read especially if you haven’t break even in your business. After you finish this book, you will be able to: Understand the typical...
Cover of Lessons on the Road to Financial Independence
by H. Michael Finkle
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2012

Pursuing financial independence is one of the few ways you can attempt to control your own destiny; it provides freedom from so many of the worlds forces over which you have absolutely no control. In Lessons on the Road to Financial Independence, financial advisor and author H. Michael Finkle addresses...
Cover of Wealthy By Choice

Wealthy By Choice

Choosing Your Way to a Wealthier Future

by CFP MBA Davis Ilene
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2017

For over 30 years, as first a stockbroker and then a Certified Financial Planner® (often shown as CFP®), Ilene Davis has worked with clients with the underlying belief that Social Security, even combined with a pension, would not provide sufficient income for most of those clients to maintain their...
Cover of The Boarding School Survival Guide
by Justin Ross Muchnick
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Peterson’s The Boarding School Survival Guide a must-read for all new boarders! The guide will tell you all you need to know to navigate school away from home. Written in the first person about the boarding school experience, the author shares personal stories to highlight the reasons to...
Cover of Die 133 wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten zur Vermögensanlage simplified
by Klaus Mühlbauer
Language: German
Release Date: March 18, 2019

Börsenneulinge benötigen ebenso wie erfahrene Geldanlageprofis gezielte Antworten auf ihre persönlichen Fragen. Dr. Klaus Mühlbauer hat seine weitreichenden Erfahrungen in 133 essenziellen Fragen zur erfolgreichen Vermögensanlage zusammengefasst. Er erklärt grundlegende Zusammenhänge für die...


Towards Financial Independence

by CA. MSSN Prasad ACA
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2018

Any revolution is prima-facie,, an idea to trigger the change for a better tomorrow. We have had many revolutions in the past like green revolution (for food grains), white revolution (for milk/dairy milk/dairy production), yellow revolution (for oil seeds production) etc. Now it’s time for rupee...
Cover of Minimum Payment
by Paul Shona
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2018

A heart-touching tale of families ravaged by rising personal debt and changes in the labour market due to rapidly growing automation, computer and digital technology on one hand, and international trade agreements facilitating out-sourcing of jobs from high to low-wage countries, on the other. Robert...
Cover of Ingresos pasivos
by Jonathan S. Walker
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 11, 2018

¡Aprende los secretos para construir ingresos pasivos en línea hoy mismo comienza a ganar dinero! ¿Estás enfermo y cansado de trabajar como un perro, y andar a las carreras como todos los demás? ¿Intercambiando tiempo para ganar dinero día tras día, sacrificando tiempo de calidad con...
Cover of Su dinero, su matrimonio

Su dinero, su matrimonio

Los secretos de las finanzas inteligentes, el romance apasionado y su conexión íntima

by Brian Lowe, Cherie Lowe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 25, 2018

Este libro le guía en un proceso liberador para remendar su corazón y, al mismo tiempo su cuenta bancaria. La visión de Dios para su matrimonio dista mucho de ser mediocre, y el dinero y las relaciones sexuales son dos de los más comunes puntos de tensión. Pero no tiene por qué ser así. En...
Cover of Unleash the Financial Giant Within!
by Thrivelearning Institute Library
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2014

The Science and Art of Getting Rich  - What’s it that makes some people richer and richer and others poorer and poorer?  - Who has decreed that this divide should exist in our world?  - Is there any way in which the line can be crossed, and the have-nots can...
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