Mexico category: 1477 books

Cover of The Making of a Market

The Making of a Market

Credit, Henequen, and Notaries in Yucatán, 1850–1900

by Juliette Levy
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2012

During the nineteenth century, Yucatán moved effectively from its colonial past into modernity, transforming from a cattle-ranching and subsistence-farming economy to a booming export-oriented agricultural economy. Yucatán and its economy grew in response to increasing demand from the United States...
Cover of Revolución y contrarrevolución en la Independencia de México 1767-1867
by Romeo Flores Caballero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 22, 2013

Una obra que arroja inesperadas luces sobre uno de los periodos más impetuosos de la historia de México: la Independencia. Momento singular que, como resultado de recientes investigaciones, presenta nuevas vetas de estudio y discusión, las cuales rebasan, sin duda, los alcances acostumbrados en...
Cover of El año de la rebelión por la democracia
by Eduardo Valle
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 15, 2013

El año de la rebelión por la democracia es una investigación que, en su momento, integró los expedientes de La Fiscalía Especial para Movimientos Sociales y Políticos del Pasado, y que por razones inexplicadas no vio la luz pública como era el compromiso del gobierno federal. Un informe histórico...
Cover of La Revolución Mexicana

La Revolución Mexicana

Actores, escenarios y acciones

by Álvaro Matute
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 25, 2013

Las tres primeras décadas del s. XX —las cuales coinciden con el ocaso del porfirismo, el estallido de la Revolución y las consecuencias inmediatas del movimiento armado— resultan cruciales para comprender al México de hoy. El análisis riguroso de esos años decisivos permite, en efecto, dar...
Cover of Zapata y la Revolución mexicana
by John Womack Jr., Francisco González Aramburo, Víctor Altamirano García
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 23, 2018

A finales del porfiriato tuvo lugar un movimiento que despertó el interés del mundo entero, la Revolución mexicana. Parteaguas de los conflictos que más tarde recorrerían Latinoamérica, rápidamente se convirtió en uno de los momentos más apasionantes de la historia de México. Mediante un...
Cover of La dama se suelta el chongo
by Laura Fernandez MacGregor Maza
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 16, 2014

Preparación, ahínco y coraje para la vida son las cualidades de una mujer valiente que habla sin temor de esas emociones que todos experimentamos, pero casi nadie se atreve a exteriorizar. En La dama se suelta el chongo desfilan, con humor y entrañable sentimiento, las memorias de Laura Fernández...
Cover of Sonora


A Description of the Province

by Ignaz Pfefferkorn
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2016

"The bloodsucking bat, construction of bows and arrows, the punishment for adultery among the Apaches... all was grist that dropped into the industrious mill of Father Pfefferkorn's eyes, ears, and brain."—Saturday Review "To be read for enjoyment; nevertheless, the historian...
Cover of Highlights of the Mexican Revolution
by J.L. McLeish
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

Paphos Publishers offers a wide catalog of rare classic titles, published for a new generation.  Highlights of the Mexican Revolution is an overview of the Mexican Revolution of the earliest 20th century.
Cover of Maya Lords and Lordship

Maya Lords and Lordship

The Formation of Colonial Society in Yucatán, 1350–1600

by Sergio Quezada
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2014

When the Spanish arrived in Yucatán in 1526, they found an established political system based on lordship, a system the Spanish initially integrated into their colonial rule, but ultimately dismantled. In Maya Lords and Lordship, Sergio Quezada builds on the work of earlier scholars and reexamines...
Cover of Montezuma: An Epic on the Origin and Fate of the Aztec Nation
by Hiram Hoyt Richmond
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2012

Hiram Hoyt Richmonds Montezuma is a mixture of narrative and epic poetry recalling the story and fate of the famous Aztec leader, Montezuma, whose empire was conquered by the Spanish under conquistador Hernan Cortes. Richmond described it as [a]n epic on the origin and fate of the Aztec nation.This edition...
Cover of Joseph Wheeler: Uniting the Blue and the Gray
by Anders M. Kinney
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2002

This text analyzes and evaluates the participation of Joseph Wheeler in the Spanish-American War. Southerners believe that Wheeler had a significant impact on the unification of the North and South during this period. Second, this historiographic writing acquaints the secondary teacher of history...
Cover of Maya Caciques in Early National Yucatán
by Rajeshwari Dutt
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2017

Andrés Canché became the cacique, or indigenous leader, of Cenotillo, Yucatán, in January 1834. By his retirement in 1864, he had become an expert politician, balancing powerful local alliances with his community’s interests as early national Yucatán underwent major political and social shifts....
Cover of La ciudad de México: una historia
by Serge Gruzinski
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 2, 2012

Para ordenar la historia de la gran megalópolis en que se ha convertido la ciudad de México, el autor ha elegido el camino inverso al que tradicionalmente adopta el historiador: en lugar de partir de los orígenes, empieza su recorrido en la moderna ciudad del siglo XX para retroceder en el tiempo...
Cover of La revolución interrumpida
by Adolfo Gilly
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 6, 2014

Ésta es una historia de la Revolución Mexicana escrita desde la visión de los de abajo, quienes le dieron su turbulencia, su dinámica y su sustancia. En otras palabras: su leyenda. Publicada por primera vez en 1971, se ha convertido en una de las narraciones clásicas de la gran revolución, sus...
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