Mexico category: 1477 books

Cover of Chilam Balam
by Autores varios
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2016

El Chilam Balam (o el libro del adivino de las cosas ocultas) es una colección de libros escritos durante los siglos XVII y XVIII en lenguaje Maya, en el actual México.Estos textos pretendieron contener los secretos de los mayas y son una fuente importante para el conocimiento de la religión, historia,...
Cover of The Distance Between Us

The Distance Between Us

Young Reader Edition

by Reyna Grande
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2016

Award-winning author Reyna Grande shares her personal experience of crossing borders and cultures in this middle grade adaptation of her memoir, The Distance Between Us—“an important account of the many ways immigration impacts children” (Booklist, starred review). When her parents make...
Cover of Huesos de lagartija
by Federico Navarrete
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 15, 2015

Cuetzpalómitl, un mexica noble, describe sus vivencias de infancia durante la Conquista de México. Las costumbres, el orden social, la alimentación y los ritos son retratados de manera fiel y ágil. Gracias a su relato, se dibujan los episodios de la Conquista y sus consecuencias. Una novela que relata este periodo histórico desde una posible visión mexica.
Cover of La tienda de los sueños

La tienda de los sueños

Un siglo de cuento fantástico mexicano

by Alberto Chimal, Amado Nervo, Elena Garro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 15, 2016

La literatura vuelve realidad todo. Y así lo ha demostrado una innumerable cantidad de autores desde hace cientos de años. Aquí no encontrarás elfos, dragones ni niños magos con lentes y varitas, sino que te enfrentarás a encuentros con el Diablo, desapariciones inexplicables, personas duplicadas,...
Cover of Olivia, el bosque y las estrellas
by Nuria Santiago
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 20, 2015

La paz se fue del pueblo de Olivia cuando llegaron al bosque los hombres armados. El papá de Olivia quiso alzar la voz contra ellos y ahora no aparece. Será necesaria la cooperación de todos para detener a aquellos hombres. Esta novela cuenta cómo los más terribles problemas pueden tener solución si queda espacio para la esperanza y la solidaridad.
Cover of Ciudad Equis 1985
by Juan Carlos Quezadas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 15, 2015

Mientras contempla el paisaje urbano de las cuatro de la mañana y se sienta con un café frente a su máquina de escribir, Fernando imagina que es un superhéroe encargado de velar el sueño de los habitantes de la ciudad de México. Más tarde, en la imprenta donde trabaja, se entretiene traduciendo...
Cover of La moneda de la muerte
by Enrique Escalona
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 14, 2018

Tras la extraña desaparición de su padre, el joven Damián Diosdado se ve obligado a hacerse cargo de la agencia de detectives de su familia. Una noche recibe la inesperada visita de una rica heredera que le encarga recuperar una valiosa moneda que perteneció a su abuelo, un general retirado. Se...
Cover of Gods & Goddesses of the Inca, Maya, and Aztec Civilizations
by John Murphy
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2014

Sharing many common beliefs, deities, and rituals, the religion of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca was rooted in both the earth and the sky, the rhythms of the seasons, and the movements of the sun, moon, and stars. Readers will meet rain and sun gods, corn gods and fertility gods, earth mothers who are...
Cover of All About: Mysterious Maya
by P S Quick
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2015

This book, filled with amazing facts and photographs, gives an in-depth account of what life was like for the ancient Maya of Mesoamerica. It explains how everyday life was influenced by religion and describes the evidence that has been gathered to support ideas.As well as religion and mythology it covers...
Cover of Frida
by Jonah Winter
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2017

When her mother was worn out from caring for her five sisters, her father gave her lessons in brushwork and color. When polio kept her bedridden for nine months, drawing saved her from boredom. When a bus accident left her in unimaginable agony, her paintings expressed her pain and depression - and...
Cover of Popular Places On The Planet

Popular Places On The Planet

An Awesome Picture Book

by Speedy Publishing
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2014

Children love to explore and are very inquisitive when it comes to their environment. As they learn about where they live, they also think beyond and wish to know more about what is out there, the different places that exist on our planet. The Popular Places On The Planet Picture Book is a great way...
Cover of A Photographer's Guide to Chicanná
by Seldom Scene Photography
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2011

Part of a series of eBooks on photography at Maya ruins, "A Photographer's Guide to Chicanná" goes far beyond the usual tour books. It's a comprehensive guide to the ruins, with an eye toward making the photographs you make there the very best they can be.This eBook will give you:*...
Cover of Mexican Indian Folk Designs

Mexican Indian Folk Designs

252 Motifs from Textiles

by Irmgard Weitlaner-Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2012

This fascinating book is the product of intensive scholarly research, its exacting illustrations based on choice examples of Mexican Indian textiles in many different museums and private collections. Incorporating abstract and geometric forms as well as highly stylized images of flowers, plants, animals,...
Cover of Xtabay
by Bolivar Roblero Zúñiga
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 23, 2018

Tal vez, amigo lector, hayas escuchado la leyenda maya de la Xtabay y sepas que es una mujer endemoniadamente hermosa que embruja a los hombres y se los lleva a su guarida, “allá debajo de la tierra, donde las ceibas mágicas prenden sus raíces”… “todo aquél que haya seguido a la Xtabay,...
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