Methodology category: 1297 books

Cover of Dire e Condire

Dire e Condire

Scampoli di ideologia nel linguaggio e nella comunicazione

by Felice Accame
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 5, 2015

(E-book interattivo). Mi corre l’obbligo di chiarire qualcosa intorno alla natura dei testi. Si tratta di racconti argomentati e di argomenti raccontati radiofonicamente – elaborati per Radio Popolare di Milano, dal 1985 in poi, per una trasmissione condotta con l’amico Carlo Oliva. Nei limiti...
Cover of Perspectives de l’homme nouveau Tome III

Perspectives de l’homme nouveau Tome III

L’arrêt des guerres entre pays, ethnies et individus

by Comité Pré~OHM
Language: French
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Ce TOME III est dédié au désarmement et à la réhabilitation de la valeur de la vie. Depuis la nuit des temps sur Terre, les hommes s’entretuent en mettant sur le marché des armes de plus en plus sophistiquées. Il est temps que la vie reprenne ses droits sur la mortalité causée par les armes...
Cover of Introduction à la Sociologie

Introduction à la Sociologie

Edition Age Digital

by Julien Leclaire
Language: French
Release Date: October 30, 2013

Présentation de la sociologie comme un moyen d'accumuler des connaissances sociales à travers une identification précise, et la confirmation des théories conceptuelles formulées comme objet de travail global. Contenu dans le contexte d'une ère numérique émergente.
Cover of How to Write a Scientific Paper
by Jari Saramäki
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2018

What if writing scientific papers was faster, easier, and a bit less painful? This book provides a step-by-step, top-down approach that makes it easier to turn your hard-won results into research papers that are focused, readable, and exciting. The book's systematic approach builds on...
Cover of Qualitative Forschung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft

Qualitative Forschung in der Kommunikationswissenschaft

Eine praxisorientierte Einführung

by Michael Meyen, Maria Löblich, Senta Pfaff-Rüdiger
Language: German
Release Date: December 11, 2018

Das Lehrbuch versteht sich als Anleitung zum Forschen: Wo lassen sich qualitative Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft gewinnbringend einsetzen? Wie muss eine Untersuchung aufgebaut werden und wie werden Befragte oder Texte so ausgewählt, dass man am Ende verallgemeinern kann? Wie konstruiere...
Cover of Redescribing Relations

Redescribing Relations

Strathernian Conversations on Ethnography, Knowledge and Politics

Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2017

Marilyn Strathern is among the most creative and celebrated contemporary anthropologists, and her work draws interest from across the humanities and social sciences. Redescribing Relations brings some of Strathern’s most committed and renowned readers into conversation in her honour – especially...
Cover of Structural Rationality and Other Essays on Practical Reason
by Julian Nida-Rümelin
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2019

In this book, the author shows that it is necessary to enrich the conceptual frame of the theory of rational choice beyond consequentialism. He argues that consequentialism as a general theory of rational action fails and that this does not force us into the dichotomy teleology vs deontology. The...
Cover of Philosophen: 100 Bilder - 100 Fakten

Philosophen: 100 Bilder - 100 Fakten

Wissen auf einen Blick

by Dr. Cornelius Grupen
Language: German
Release Date: February 24, 2012

Wo liegen die Ursprünge der Ethik? Wer waren die herausragenden Denker der Antike? Worin unterscheiden sich die unterschiedlichen Strömungen des Empirismus und des Rationalismus? Auf diese und andere interessante Fragen gibt dieses eBook fundiert, umfassend und leicht verständlich Antwort. Es präsentiert...
Cover of Philosophie der Kosmologie

Philosophie der Kosmologie

Eine kurze Einleitung

by Francisco Soler Gil
Language: German
Release Date: November 3, 2014

Dieses Buch bietet eine kurze und verständliche Einleitung in die aktuellen Themen der Philosophie der Kosmologie. Es fasst zuerst die Geschichte des Kosmosbegriffes zusammen und präsentiert dann den Diskussionsstand hinsichtlich verschiedener Kontroversen, wie z.B. die Auseinandersetzung um den...
Cover of La Philosophie de Charles Renouvier
by Gaston Milhaud, Ligaran
Language: French
Release Date: February 22, 2016

Extrait : "En 1836, Renouvier a soumis à l'Institut un mémoire sur le Cartésianisme. Ce mémoire complété devient le Manuel de Philosophie moderne, publié en 1842. C'est là un document fort précieux, qui nous permet de saisir chez Renouvier, au début de sa carrière philosophique, un certain...
Cover of Fisica: metodo scientifico e sistemi metrici
by Simone Malacrida
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 28, 2016

In questo libro sono presentati i seguenti argomenti di fisica di base: metodo scientifico e sue applicazioni sistema metrico internazionale e definizione delle unità di misura altri sistemi metrici usati a livello applicativo
Cover of An Introduction to Data Analysis

An Introduction to Data Analysis

Quantitative, Qualitative and Mixed Methods

by Tiffany Bergin
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2018

Covering the general process of data analysis to finding, collecting, organizing, and presenting data, this book offers a complete* *introduction to the fundamentals of data analysis. Using real-world case studies as illustrations, it helps readers understand theories behind and develop techniques...
Cover of The Data Gaze

The Data Gaze

Capitalism, Power and Perception

by David Beer
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2018

A significant new way of understanding contemporary capitalism is to understand the intensification and spread of data analytics. This text is about the powerful promises and visions that have led to the expansion of data analytics and data-led forms of social ordering.  It is centrally concerned...
Cover of L'involuzione del pensiero scientifico
by Damiano Anselmi
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 24, 2013

Come la civiltà perde conoscenza Grandunificazione delle forze della natura, supersimmetria, teoria delle stringhe: cosa si nasconde veramente dietro queste 'idee moderne'? Progresso o oscurantismo? Può la civiltà perdere la conoscenza acquisita, imboccare la strada dell'involuzione? Purtroppo...
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