Mental Spiritual Healing category: 2183 books

Cover of La salute del fegato

La salute del fegato

Chiave di una salute globale

by Lukas Heidn
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 17, 2011

l fegato è un organo essenziale per il corpo, perché si occupa di eliminare tutte le tossine dell'organismo, come un vero e proprio laboratorio di trasformazione chimica. Quando è sano preserva il corpo purificandolo e protegge il sistema immunitario dal rischio di sovraccarico. Inoltre costituisce...
Cover of Natural Sleep

Natural Sleep

As a Source of Strength and Healing

by Theodor Stöckmann
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2007

In this book let we have assembled the essential aspects of the system of natural sleep based on Stöckmann’s "Natural Time". It also deals with additional aspects associated with the adjustment to natural sleep, such as health, general development and educational ability, in more detail.
Cover of Out of the Darkness
by Lilly Harvey
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2014

As a child and teenager, author Lilly Faith was the victim of abuse. One of six children, she survived a life of sexual abuse, emotional starvation, lack of self-worth and self-love, and cruelty. Driven to suicidal thoughts and despair, she struggled to fi nd hope of a happy life. In Out of the Darkness,...
Cover of 101 Ways to Improve Your Health with Body Work

101 Ways to Improve Your Health with Body Work

Your Complete Guide to Complementary & Alternative Therapies

by Alan E. Smith
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2017

Your health is your greatest possession in this life so it's smart to look for the best ways to maintain and restore it as you age. In this guide you'll find treatments and therapies designed for your body and proven effective over decades, hundreds, even thousands of years. While not every therapy...
Cover of Rebirth Within My Heart
by Sezin Aksoy
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2014

This book talks about the great coincidences of my life story that led me to the best possible healing, before and after my heart surgery; how life prepared me for the most painful time of my life and how it thought me to be strong. Stage by stage, I talked about my time before the surgery, hospital,...
Cover of Hello, Beautiful

Hello, Beautiful

How the Power of Self Love Heals & Transforms You Forever

by Victoria Feldman
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2014

Hello, Beautiful, subtitled, How the Power of Self-Love Heals and Transforms You Forever takes the reader on a journey of remembering the One who created us and re-connecting with the full force of divine power to overcome old thoughts that impede the manifestation of our deepest desires. Hello,...
Cover of Prisoner of Words
by Michael E Morrison
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2012

Can we use words to make ourselves feel and actually be better? Michael Morrison certainly thinks so, and in this insightful guide he tells us about the transformational power of language. In doing so, he delves into such concepts as neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Lamarckian evolution theory,...
Cover of " Je " crée ma réalité

" Je " crée ma réalité

Entretien avec une guérisseuse du 3ème millénaire

by Thérèse Coneau Mabit, Claire Eggermont
Language: French
Release Date: September 12, 2016

Quand une guérisseuse vous donne les clés pour mieux comprendre votre réalité vibratoire et votre pouvoir créateur  ! Ce livre est le fruit d’un entretien entre Claire Eggermont, journaliste trentenaire en quête de  sens, et Thérèse Coneau Mabit, guérisseuse hors-pair,...
Cover of The Crystal Code

The Crystal Code

Balance Your Energy, Transform Your Life

by Tamara Driessen
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2018

Learn how to destress, recharge, and heighten your intuition by harnessing the power of crystals in this indispensable modern guide to the basics of ancient, elemental self-care. Rose quartz, amethyst, tourmaline, and many other eye-catching crystals have captivated people for centuries—for...
Cover of Ripulire i propri organi

Ripulire i propri organi

Un facile fai-da-te

by Pierre Pellizzari
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 26, 2010

Inquinamento, stress, abitudini alimentari sbagliate e vita sregolata si accumulano nel nostro corpo sotto forma di tossine e parassiti che si traducono in una lunga serie di disturbi fisici, dei quali diventa poi difficile rintracciare le cause. Quando fegato, intestino, polmoni, sangue, stomaco...
Cover of Smettere di fumare con il metodo RESAP

Smettere di fumare con il metodo RESAP

Liberarsi dalla schiavitù della sigaretta in modo facile e indolore.

by Francesco Varricchio
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 2, 2012

Chi fuma, soprattutto se lo fa da molti anni, conosce bene la frustrazione che nasce dal vedere andare in fumo tutti gli sforzi compiuti per cercare di smettere. E quasi sempre va a finire così. Il motivo? La maggior parte dei sistemi fa leva sulla forza di volontà. Usare la forza di volontà, cioè...
Cover of Belli dentro e belli fuori

Belli dentro e belli fuori

Il metodo Franklin

by Eric Franklin
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 20, 2017

Sapete che per digerire meglio un alimento può bastare immaginarsi di mangiarlo prima di ingerirlo davvero? O che per evitare la decalcificazione delle ossa può essere più utile danzare che assumere latticini? O che quando fate gli addominali state anche praticando un massaggio tonificante ai vostri...
Cover of Guarire dalla sclerosi multipla

Guarire dalla sclerosi multipla

Un potente approccio terapeutico alla portata di tutti

by Ann Boroch
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 6, 2012

La sclerosi multipla è una malattia autoimmune del sistema nervoso centrale progressivamente invalidante, che colpisce circa tre milioni di individui in tutto un mondo. Si tratta di una condizione infiammatoria che distrugge la mielina, la bianca sostanza grassa che isola i nervi, impedendo la trasmissione...
Cover of Imagine a Healthy You

Imagine a Healthy You

A Book Full of Powerful Secrets for Your Recovery. a Step-By-Step Guide for Increased Wellness and Healing for Patients, Families, Friends, and Caregivers

by Ulrike Berzau, Christel Cowdrey
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2015

The question isnt can the mind help to heal the body. That has been answered beyond the shadow of the doubt by countless people, many of whom youll read about in this book. The question is, when will YOU begin to direct your extraordinary thought-power toward the critical end of creating and maintaining...
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