Management Science category: 4086 books

Cover of Opera North

Opera North

Historical and Dramaturgical Perspectives on Opera Studies

by Kara McKechnie
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2014

This illustrated study is a resource for opera scholars, opera workers and opera lovers. It explores the field of opera studies in three ways: Through history: Opera North is presented through a historical lens within the UK operatic landscape. The chapter amalgamates extensive archival resources...
Cover of Aesthetics and Business Ethics
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2013

Ludwig Wittgenstein famously said, “Ethics is aesthetics.” It is unclear what such a claim might mean and whether it is true. This book explores contentious issues arising at the interface of ethics and aesthetics. The contributions reflect on the status of aesthetic en ethical judgments, the...
Cover of Targeting the Foreign Direct Investor

Targeting the Foreign Direct Investor

Strategic Motivation, Investment Size, and Developing Country Investment-Attraction Packages

by Edward J. Coyne, Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is one avenue for offering assistance to developing countries in their efforts to grow. Small countries typically have limited resources to direct toward investment attraction programs, so the ability to segment the market (of Multinational Corporations looking to invest)...
Cover of The Gender Factory

The Gender Factory

The Apportionment of Work in American Households

by S.F. Berk
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

tion addressed by this analysis centers on the reciprocal relation between 1 household domestic and market work efforts. It should be obvious by now that this chapter is not concerned ex­ plicitly with the contributions of individual members to household or mar­ ket activity, nor does it examine...
Cover of Advanced Negotiation Techniques
by Steve Hay, Alan McCarthy, John Hay Agent for RDC
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2015

Advanced Negotiation Techniques provides a wealth of material in a winning combination of practical experience and good research to give you a series of tools, techniques, and real-life examples to help you achieve your negotiation objectives. For 25 years and across 40 countries, the Resource...
Cover of The Parker Principles

The Parker Principles

10 Leadership Force Multipliers

by Mel Parker
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2017

In today’s chaotic and turbulent times, Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity are the new normal for business. To survive and thrive in this new world, organizations require an increased focus on hiring, training and retaining the leadership talent best equipped to succeed. Along...
Cover of 黑天鵝效應(擴充新版) 



by 納西姆‧尼可拉斯‧塔雷伯
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 1, 2011

在極端世界生存的10個原則,徹底改變你的世界觀 所謂黑天鵝,是指看似極不可能發生的事件,它具三大特性:不可預測性;衝擊力強大;以及,一旦發生之後,我們會編造出某種解釋,使它看起來不如實際上那麼隨機,而且更易於預測。Google的驚人成就就是一個黑天鵝事件;九一一也是。作者認為黑天鵝潛藏在幾乎每一件事的背後——從宗教之興起,到我們個人生活中的大小事件。 為什麼要等到事情發生之後,我們才認得出黑天鵝現象呢?部分的答案是,在應該注意普遍現象時,人們長久以來卻習慣注意特定事件。我們習慣注意已經知道的事情,卻一而再再而三忽略我們所不知道的事情。因此,我們無法真正地評估機會;我們很容易將事情簡化、予以敘述、分類;而且我們不夠開放,沒能珍視那些能夠想像「不可能事物」的人。 多年來,作者一直在研究我們是怎樣欺騙自己,以為自己知道的比實際上知道的還多。我們總是只看到無足輕重的事情,而大的事件卻繼續在你我的驚嘆聲中出現,並形塑著這個世界。本書試圖解釋我們對於「我們所不知道的事物」所知道的一切。作者提出簡單得令人吃驚的技巧,協助讀者面對黑天鵝現象,並從這些意外的大事件獲益。 優雅、驚豔,且應用廣泛,《黑天鵝效應》猛力衝擊了文化業、社交圈和知識界,成為琅琅上口、被廣為引用的概念和詞彙。作者在擴充新版中新增五萬餘字,提出違反直覺卻實用的作法,能提高社會和我們自己對黑天鵝事件的免疫力,得以在極端世界中生存。《黑天鵝效應》已改變了許多人的世界觀,生活在黑天鵝事件層出不窮的世界,每個人都該讀這本書。 ■《黑天鵝效應》改變了我對世界如何運作的觀點。 ──丹尼爾‧康尼曼(Daniel...
Cover of 黑天鵝語錄



by 納西姆‧尼可拉斯‧塔雷伯
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 1, 2011

**本書為現代經典《黑天鵝效應》作者塔雷伯的警語錄。**透過這些如珠妙語和思想結晶,他以最令人拍案驚奇的方式呈現出自己的中心思想。 原文書名《普洛克拉斯提之床》(The Bed of Procrustes)取自希臘神話:普洛克拉斯提是一位國王,為了讓床符合客人的身長,把太高的人雙腿截短,把太矮的人身體拉長。故事聽來不可思議,在塔雷伯看來,卻正是某些現代文明發展的縮影──改變人類行為以適應科技、將經濟危機怪罪於現實與經濟模型不符、發明疾病以利銷售更多藥物、將聰明定義為在校考試成績好,甚至要大家相信受僱於人並不是當奴隸。 嬉笑怒罵兼而離經叛道,這些警語有助你看清現實,擺脫錯誤的觀念與印象。塔雷伯以他一針見血的機鋒和大智慧,將勇氣、優雅、博學這些經典價值觀與現代的迂蠢、庸俗、虛假等弊病對照在我們眼前,爬梳了人類的種種幻覺。 ■塔雷伯的(寫作)風格兼具史蒂芬‧柯柏(Stephen...
Cover of Indigenous Peoples and Real Estate Valuation
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2009

Sponsored by the American Real Estate Society (ARES), Indigenous Peoples and Real Estate Valuation addresses a wide variety of timely issues relating to property ownership, rights, and use, including: ancestral burial, historical record of occupancy, treaty implementation problems, eminent domain,...
Cover of Come aprire un agriturismo di successo
by Giuseppe Zampironi
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 25, 2015

L'agriturismo è una struttura turistica di sicuro successo in cui è possibile dormire, fare colazione all’aperto, gustare i piatti della cucina tradizionale, fare passeggiate a cavallo, in bicicletta o a piedi a contatto con la natura. Ma come e da dove iniziare? A chi vanno richiesti i permessi...
Cover of Asymmetric Warfare for Entrepreneurs: 120 Lessons from Lawrence of Arabia
by Luan Hanratty
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2017

Asymmetric Warfare for Entrepreneurs is a deconstruction and adaptation of TE Lawrence's epic account of the Arab Revolt. The conflict was a side theatre of World War I which pitted the British Imperial might against Ottoman dominance in the Middle East. Lawrence was one of the great military...
Cover of The Netherlands and the United States

The Netherlands and the United States

Their Relations in the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century

by J.C. Westermann
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Cover of 倫敦商學院教授的25堂MBA課:全球MBA課程中最實用的管理、決策、行銷、創業、財務模式
by 朱利安‧柏金紹, 肯‧馬克
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 5, 2019

◎用全新觀點思考、解決老問題 ◎沒有長篇的理論,只有實用的實戰知識 ◎收錄各種管理、決策工具 本書從全球重要商學院的MBA課程中,挑選出最實用的25種管理、行銷、決策、創業、財務等模式和工具,以濃縮且好讀的方式,搭配實戰指引,讓你隨時針對企業問題找到新的解決方案。 每一種工具,都包含概念、概念緣起、定義、應用時機、應用指引、注意事項,以及延伸閱讀書目,無論有沒有上過MBA課程,只要是企業主管、公司創辦人,這本書即時提供你各種思考和決策的方式;對於準備上MBA課程的學生,這本書更是窺見MBA殿堂的實用入門書。 名人推薦 (依姓名筆畫排列) 何飛鵬 城邦媒體集團首席執行長 許繼元 Mr.Market市場先生/財經作家 詹宏志 PChome...
Cover of The Introverted Presenter

The Introverted Presenter

Ten Steps for Preparing and Delivering Successful Presentations

by Richard Tierney
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2015

The introvert is a personality type that draws energy from the outside inward. According to standard personality testing assessments, most people are introverts and no group is more introverted than technical professionals. Introverts are congenitally programmed to recoil from the prospect of public...
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