Local Government category: 1701 books

Cover of Attentato al Papa
by Jacopo Pezzan, Giacomo Brunoro
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 1, 2012

Il 13 maggio 1981 Papa Giovanni Paolo II veniva ferito gravemente da 2 colpi di pistola esplosi da Ali Agca: ma si è trattato davvero del gesto isolato di un pazzo? Questo è quello che vorrebbe farci credere la ricostruzione ufficiale dei fatti, ma appare quantomeno strano che un killer...
Cover of Quel printemps arabe?

Quel printemps arabe?

Réflexions sur les événements passés, sur la situation actuelle et sur l’application effective du droit international dans le cadre du phénomène dit « printemps arabe »

by Federica Nicolo, Kheira Babin, Kinda Rifai
Language: French
Release Date: June 17, 2016

Qu'est-ce qu'est défini comme le Printemps arabe? Quels en ont été ses protagonistes? Quelles raisons et quelles conséquences? Mais surtout, le droit international a-t-il joué un rôle fondamental en faveur de l'effectivité des revendications démocratiques? Ce livre tente de répondre à ces...
Cover of Write Your First Book

Write Your First Book

Radical Self-publishing Guide (How I wrote 40 Books in 7Months)

by Louis Asare
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2019

In this book I will show you how I manage to utilize my time effectively as a way of accelerating my progress and output. I strongly believe that when you follow this guide you will be able to get some clues or solutions to your challenges. You will agree with me that the problem that is killing you...
Cover of Temario Oposiciones Ayudantes Instituciones Penitenciarias
by Jose Manuel Ferro Veiga
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 28, 2018

En época de crisis aumenta el número de personas que se presenta a una oposición. Si se consigue una plaza, los afortunados se asegurarán un empleo o, en otros casos, tendrán la opción de formar parte de una bolsa de trabajo a la cual las instituciones recurren para cubrir bajas o puestos...
by Jose Manuel Ferro Veiga
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 28, 2018

Cuando el objeto de investigación policial o judicial está relacionado con el sonido o sus elementos afines (grabaciones, equipos, sistemas, aplicaciones, etc.) los procedimientos de estudio son enfocados a través de lo que denominamos Acústica Forense.   La Acústica forense es...
Cover of Curso monográfico de Inteligencia Emocional Aplicada a la esfera personal y laboral
by Jose Manuel Ferro Veiga
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 18, 2018

La inteligencia emocional describe la capacidad de una persona para percibir, evaluar y manejar sus propias emociones y las de los demás. Aunque parece que las emociones personales deberían tener cabida en un lugar de trabajo, los seres humanos no pueden separarse de sus sentimientos aun cuando...
Cover of Manual Operativo de Valoración de Bienes Muebles
by Jose Manuel Ferro Veiga
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 30, 2016

Este Curso  en Valoración de Contenido le prepara para obtener los conocimientos necesarios para intervenir como Perito en los juzgados y Tribunales de Justicia, especialmente en el ámbito civil y penal. El artículo 335.1 de la LEC (Ley 1/2000, de 7 de enero, de Enjuiciamiento...
Cover of Curso desastres naturales y protección civil
by Jose Manuel Ferro Veiga
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 29, 2018

Construcción de infraestructuras con alto impacto ambiental, desastres naturales con consecuencias catastróficas que podían haberse evitado, incendios forestales graves... Son algunos de los desastres ambientales sufridos en todo el mundo  en las últimas décadas.
Cover of Lobbying and Policymaking

Lobbying and Policymaking

The Public Pursuit of Private Interests

by Godwin, Scott Ainsworth, Professor Erik K. Godwin
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2012

Built on interviews with over 100 lobbyists, Kenneth Godwin, Scott Ainsworth, and Erik Godwin show that much of the research on organized interests overlooks the lobbying of regulatory agencies even though it accounts for almost half of all lobbying—even though bureaucratic agencies have considerable...
Cover of Die Wahrheit über Michael Lüders

Die Wahrheit über Michael Lüders

Ist er ein Verschwörungstheoretiker?

by Adam Ortmann
Language: German
Release Date: July 13, 2017

Michael Lüders ist ein bekannter Autor, der die amerikanische Außenpolitik stark kritisiert. Er behauptet öffentlich, dass der Westen Syrien ins Chaos gestürzt hat. Was ist von dieser These aber wirklich zu halten? Ist Michael Lüders glaubwürdig oder ist er nur ein Verschwörungstheoretiker?
Cover of Evaluation im politischen System der Schweiz

Evaluation im politischen System der Schweiz

Entwicklung, Bedeutung und Wechselwirkungen

Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2017

An der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Politik hat sich die Evaluation öffentlicher Politiken in der Schweiz fest etabliert. Evaluationen leisten eine systematische und transparente Bewertung zu den Ressourcen, Leistungen, Prozessen und Wirkungen von staatlichen Aktivitäten. Sie liefern forschungsbasierte...
Cover of RumbleSat Art from the Edge of Space
by Jim Parker, Lorene Shyba, Rich Therouxx
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2017

RumbleSat Art from the Edge of Space celebrates the two UpRoute Space Program missions: the Canadian Space Agency AUSTRAL 2017 campaign, and the JP Aerospace AWAY 123 launch. Featured in the book is the work of over 100 artists who created pieces for the voyages to space, along with a selection of stories and comics by the artists and curators.   
Cover of Creative Governance

Creative Governance

Opportunities for Fisheries in Europe

Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2019

Published in 1999, Creative Governance sets out to develop new ideas on the development of Fisheries in Europe. The scholarly and political attention for fisheries in general within Europe is predominantly focused on problems of controlling catch. In this book it is not the problems of harvesting...
Cover of The Key Class

The Key Class

The Keys to Job Search Success

by John J. Daly, Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2014

Obtaining the key to success in any area of life… …depends on social ETIQUETTE skills. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or where you want to go, if you don’t have the proper social etiquette, the doors to success will not easily open for you. Our society is based...
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