Local Government category: 1701 books

Cover of Greening Post-Industrial Cities

Greening Post-Industrial Cities

Growth, Equity, and Environmental Governance

by Corina McKendry
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2017

City greening has been heralded for contributing to environmental governance and critiqued for exacerbating displacement and inequality.  Bringing these two disparate analyses into conversation, this book offers a comparative understanding of how tensions between growth, environmental protection,...
Cover of Guns & Kids: Can We Survive the Carnage?
by Frank Strier
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2015

This eBook explores the relationship between guns and kids. And it reveals disturbing facts. For example, the firearm fatality rate in the U.S. among children under 15 years old is nearly twelve times higher than in 25 other industrialized countries—combined. Over 75% of these killings are unintentional....
Cover of No Love: Confessions of a Would-Be School Shooter
by An Anonymous Adult
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2013

“I almost shot up my school. I almost shot myself. And it had all felt so right.” It happened on a cold, lonesome winter day. The gun came from his parents’ bedroom. The bullets, from a clinical Styrofoam tray. The will, from the blackness inside him. But from where came this...
Cover of Congress and Crime

Congress and Crime

The Impact of Federalization of State Criminal Laws

by Joseph F. Zimmerman
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2014

Congress in the latter part of the nineteenth century decided to enact a series of statutes facilitating state enforcement of their respective criminal laws. Subsequently, Congress enacted statutes federalizing what had been solely state crimes, thereby establishing federal court and state court concurrent...
Cover of The Long Way Home

The Long Way Home

One Mom's Journey Home From War

by Jessica Scott
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2014

My name is Jessica Scott. I am a soldier. I am a mother. I am a wife.  USA Today bestselling author Jessica Scott takes you on her first person journey home from war.  In 2009, Army second lieutenant Jessica Scott deployed to Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New...
Cover of Verfuegbarkeit und Sucht beim Automatenspiel
by Tilman Becker
Language: German
Release Date: December 18, 2015

Das Buch beschäftigt sich mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen der Verfügbarkeit von Glücksspielen und dem Ausmaß pathologischen Glücksspiels in der Bevölkerung. Die Thematik wird kontrovers diskutiert und betrifft insbesondere das Automatenspiel. Die Gesetzgebung sieht Maßnahmen vor, die auf eine...
Cover of CRONACHE DIVERSE di un osservatore di parte
by Antonio Caccavale
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2015

Il libro raccoglie oltre cento articoli scritti dall'autore della raccolta e apparsi, nel corso di un trentennio, su varie testate giornalistiche: “Realtà Nuova” (quindicinale del Partito Comunista Italiano in Svizzera); “l’Unità” (Organo del Partito Comunista Italiano); “Nuova Voce...
Cover of War & Peace in Our Time: Mormon Perspectives
by Patrick Q. Mason, J. David Pulsipher, Richard L. Bushman
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2018

These essays reveal how the scriptures, prophetic teachings, history, culture, rituals, and traditions of Mormonism have been, are, and can be used as warrants for a wide range of activities and attitudes—from radical pacifism to legitimation of the United States’ use of preemptive force against...
Cover of Re-mapping the Americas

Re-mapping the Americas

Trends in Region-making

Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2016

Since the end of the Second World War the map of the Americas has changed dramatically. Not only were many former European colonies turned into sovereign states, there was also an ongoing process of region-making recognizable throughout the hemisphere and obvious through the establishment of several...
Cover of .REBOOT
by Stephan Urbach
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2018

As a young hacker, Stephan Urbach becomes a member of the activist group Telecomix. This ensures that people in crisis countries like Syria and Egypt continue to be able to carry their voices out to the world via Internet during the Arab Spring. Driven by the initial euphoria of helping strangers,...
Cover of Qui tutto va a puttane!
by Autori Vari
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 4, 2014

Le cifre dell’industria della prostituzione sono da capogiro, i profitti colossali. Con 60 miliardi di euro annui il mercato del sesso è secondo soltanto al traffico di droga. La prostituzione da tratta produce da sola un giro di affari di 7 miliardi di euro. È una tra le peggiori...
Cover of Le Bohémien
by Amédée Achard
Language: French
Release Date: March 18, 2015

Ne vous étonnez pas trop de rencontrer l’enfant perdu de la Bohême dans cette grande galerie où les Français seuls ont droit de bourgeoisie. Pour n’être point de la même famille, il a cependant des titres à notre attention. Si le Champenois...
Cover of Comprendre le monde actuel et le nouvel ordre mondial
by Juan Branco bro
Language: French
Release Date: May 29, 2016

Il est évident qu'il faut d'abord comprendre le nouvel ordre mondial pour comprendre la politique actuelle. Vous apprendrez ici,la situation en Europe, en occident, au Moyen Orient, sur la Russie, la Chine,sur les BRICS et dans le Monde. Vous apprendrez la vérité sur les banques , les multinationales...
Cover of I Misteri del Vaticano
by Jacopo Pezzan, Giacomo Brunoro
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 1, 2013

Dalla strana morte di Papa Luciani alle inaspettate dimissioni di Benedetto XVI: un viaggio all'interno dei misteri del vaticano tra fatti di sangue, scandali finanziari, sparizioni misteriose, morti sospette: quali segreti vengono custoditi all'interno della Curia Vaticana? L'ebook contiene...
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