Japan category: 1648 books

Cover of Aikido Ground Fighting

Aikido Ground Fighting

Grappling and Submission Techniques

by Walther G. Von Krenner, Damon Apodaca, Ken Jeremiah
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2013

Aikido Ground Fighting presents effective ground techniques that remain true to aikido founder Morehei Ueshiba's teachings while addressing a potential weakness in the system: while aikido is renowned for its submission and compliance techniques as well as grappling from a standing position, it is...
Cover of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Travel Guide - What To See & Do
by Maria Hurst
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2012

Our illustrated travel guide will take you to Kuala Lumpur. Kuala Lumpur, or simply KL, is the capital of Malaysia. Literally meaning "muddy estuary" in Malay, Kuala Lumpur has grown from a small sleepy Chinese tin-mining village to a bustling metropolis of around 6.5 million (city-proper...
Cover of Historia breve de Japón
by Irene Seco Serra
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 15, 2013

Historia Breve de Japón es un repaso a toda la historia del País del Sol Naciente desde los nebulosos inicios de la ocupación humana del archipiélago hasta la actualidad. Sin embargo, no se trata de un relato continuo al modo tradicional. No falta tampoco una narración general, que da coherencia...
Cover of Guía de Conversación Español-Italiano y vocabulario temático de 3000 palabras
by Andrey Taranov
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 1, 2015

Guía de Conversación Español-Italiano y vocabulario temático de 3000 palabras La colección de guías de conversación para viajar "Todo irá bien" publicada por T&P Books está diseñada para personas que viajan al extranjero para turismo y negocios. Las guías contienen...
Cover of Tokyo Pink Guide
by Steven Herman
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2013

This travel companion is a proven authority on Tokyo's sex industry and all of its infamous pleasures. There are other books about Tokyo's exotic night life, but for the first time ever the Tokyo Pink Guide gives a hands-on account of Tokyo's vast array of "Pink" pleasures. Whether...
Cover of 17. Ishikawa
by Yoshiko Ueda
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2012

I introduce you Ishikawa prefecture in this book. Kanazawa in Ishikawa prefecture is one of towns called for " little Kyoto". You can enjoy Japanese culture such as Japanese sweets, sushi, Japanese potteries and so on. All that I write in this book is what I actually visited, ate...
by Denis MENTZER, Julien MENTZER
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2014

It’s 5 a.m. Hauling 150 pounds of filming equipment, we take off for Tokyo. From North to South and East to West, camera in hand, we criss-cross the Japanese archipelago, in search of the most ancient and some of the most beautiful castles to compose a stunning documentary. Impressions, reflections, anecdotes, and photos all contribute to an appealing diary in words and images. 
Cover of Utagawa Hiroshige's 36 Views of Mount Fuji
by Andrew Forbes
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2014

‘Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji’ - in Japanese Fuji Sanjū-Rokkei - is the title of two separate and distinct series of woodblock prints by the celebrated Japanese ukiyo-e artist Utagawa Hiroshige, also often known as Andō Hiroshige, depicting Mount Fuji in differing seasons and times from a...
Cover of A Trip to Okinawa 4: The Island of the Bases and Trip for Memorials
by Kaoru Hayashi
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2012

This is Kaoru Hayahi's Okinawa forth photo book, "A Trip to Okinawa 4: The Island of the Bases and Trip for Memorials". This work is not a guide book that goes over all of Okinawa, but using "The Island of Bases and Trip for Memorial" as a theme. As a personal response...
Cover of 表裏日本:民俗學者的日本文化掃描
by 蔡亦竹
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 7, 2016

  你是否老是翻開「繩文與彌生」就決定放棄日本史?   就算死背強記(還沒說到秀吉就忘了崇神天皇哪一位!)各個人名地名xx名也無法體會日本之所以迷人的文化精髓?   大學生眼中的歌廳秀老師蔡亦竹蔡桑告訴你,日本文化不是這樣讀不能這樣讀!   一支筆(或鍵盤)在他手中便成了雅俗能賞老嫗可解的歡唱麥克風   且看他如何出古入今...
Cover of 美感京都:李清志的京都美學
by 李清志
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 5, 2018

Cover of 金澤不思議
by 村松友視
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 8, 2018

「除了金澤之外,還真沒有其他城市會讓我如此頻繁造訪。」 一介金澤狂熱旅行者的視角,30多年深度觀察與追尋, 從歷史人文、職人精神、古都文學、加賀料理與日常片刻各種角度, 帶你見識從未感受過的金澤美學與內涵。 金澤,小巧秀麗的北陸明珠,她保留從江戶時代流傳的加賀百萬石餘韻與武家文化,孕育出既溫厚風雅、卻又頑固無畏的性格。作者村松友視藉由長期旅行其中的深度觀察,從悠久歷史、傳統工藝、加賀料理、街巷光景到溫暖人情等多方視角,真實呈現金澤不思議面貌。 初代藩主前田利家開創加賀百萬石榮光的歷史傳奇;三文豪秋聲、鏡花、犀星與金澤這片土地的關聯;藝妓藏身在紙糊窗門後所吹奏的「闇笛」;金澤人自豪且琅琅上口的能樂文化;豐臣秀吉時代流傳至今的加賀料理「治部煮」;甚至是讓新價值觀在此地紮根的金澤二十一世紀美術館誕生......作者透過細膩的文筆與入微的觀察,將金澤保有傳統情懷又喜歡創新變革的精神,如實地傳達出來。 除此之外,在「和」文化逐漸式微的這個世代氛圍中,金澤迄今仍有一群老藝匠堅守著傳統工藝與文化堡壘,像是製作加賀竿與毛針的「目細八郎兵衛商店」、製作金澤和傘的「松田和傘店」、燒製大樋燒的「第十代大樋長左衛門」……這些金澤人的自傲與執著,伴隨著百年如一日的傳統景致與歷史氛圍,存續至今。 金澤工藝之美 金澤和傘的特徵是在傘面使用了手抄的楮皮紙,傘面上的楮皮紙會刷上紫蘇油與桐油,因此開闔時會飄出一股油香,頗富金澤情趣。從日本的日常生活中消失的和傘,仍經常能在金澤街上目睹。 金澤三文豪 金澤三文豪——德田秋聲、泉鏡花、室生犀星,在同一個城市中,竟然密集出現三位在日本文學全集必然會登場的文人,能說不是一件令人驚訝的事嗎?況且,他們活躍的時期還大致重疊,這又更讓人驚訝了。 金澤人的廚房 近江町市場除了是旅人們悠閒散步、物色紀念品的場所之外,更是金澤人的「廚房」,在市場裡看到金澤人彼此打招呼,笑談「你也來了啊……」是常見的光景。此外,身著和服的太太們一面想著丈夫的下酒菜或是當季食材有哪些、一面在市場中漫步穿梭的身影,也是近江町市場非常有韻味的風景。 金澤人這種形象 他們既有都市色彩也具備地方特色的氣質,保有古典情懷仍喜愛變革,金澤人這種形象實在無法輕易地用三言兩語來形容,或許,並非是金澤人這一形象難以歸納出個具體的樣子,而是無法被歸納分類才是金澤人的特色吧! 【風雅推薦】 旅遊部落客...
Cover of 京都旅遊趣:庭園 佛寺 神社 河川 歷史 發掘京都旅遊的樂趣
by 林明德
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 6, 2018

本書簡介 「京都旅遊趣」是京都系列的第三本書。內容還是圍繞在京都旅遊的樂趣。 「聽故事」和「認識景物」是發現旅遊樂趣的二塊敲門磚。我的第一本書「京都歷史事件簿」是一本講故事的書,以七個故事連貫京都歷史,讓讀者在旅遊京都時,能連結歷史及景點,而有完全有不同的體驗。第二本書「悠遊京都」是講認識景物,講組成佛寺、神社、庭園、河川等景物的元素。認識景物,能叫得出景物的名字,知道它的作用,面對這景物才能注意到它的存在,不會視而不見。 第一本寫故事,第二本偏重認識景物,本書則是寫親自造訪的樂趣。以前二本書為基礎,描述在作者京都旅遊時體驗到的各種樂趣。例如在西芳寺寫經的過程,讓我體會到遊園之前的繁複過程,竟與茶道有異曲同功之妙。在明智光秀首塚前,發現爭論四百年來謎團答案,原來竟埋在這小小的地方。因為對京都依依不捨,京都車站竟成了我的離別月台。因為對琵琶湖疏水有興趣而如追蹤其流向。 這些事可能會與讀者想像相同,也有可能南轅北轍。無論如何,希望讀者看了本書後,會有動身一探的興趣,並有自己的體驗。這樣京都旅遊就更加豐富而有樂趣了。這是這本書的目的。 本書約六十篇文章,略分為庭園、佛寺、神社、河川及歷史等五類。每篇文章除了正文外,有景點的地址及經緯度供找尋精確位置;有「觀察點」提醒到這個景點時值得欣賞不要錯過的地方;有「順道一遊」介紹附近可以一遊的景點;最後是地圖,供實際旅行之用。 標有「自由行」的文章是我的旅遊行程心得,供初次到此景點的朋友們參考。例如,「自由行-鴨川」是我認為遊鴨川最佳路徑及沿鴨川值得觀賞景點。「自由行-嵐山」也指出了遊嵐山不能錯過的景點及路徑。 希望讀者能經由這三本有關京都的書得到旅遊最大的樂趣。 內容 序...


Megacity Sex And Semiology

by Stephen Barber
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2010

In TOKYO VERTIGO, Stephen Barber explores the most mesmerising and precarious of all contemporary world cities: Tokyo: the megalopolis, in extremis. Barber probes the multiple ways in which Tokyo projects and hides itself, focusing upon its filmic, photographic and media cultures as well as its extraordinary...
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