Japan category: 1648 books

Cover of Japan WalKer Vol.16 11月號

Japan WalKer Vol.16 11月號


by Japan WalKer編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 1, 2016

特輯1:走進日本商店街,融入在地生活 日本特有的商店街,除了是在地居民生活的最強幫手,也是旅客挖寶的最佳去處,來到日本不只是巡訪人氣名店、國際品牌,還有許許多多意外的驚喜都隱藏在最原汁原味的在地日常當中。傳統且人情味十足的個性商店街,琳瑯滿目的老舖、在地人才知道的頂級美食、隱藏在不起眼巷弄中的精采好物,潛入日本各地個性商店街,體驗日本在地日常及最驚喜的發現! 特輯2:秋季,楓紅了 除了大家耳熟能詳的京都清水寺、東京六義園等熱門賞楓名所外,日本各地還有許多壯觀的楓葉絕景等著被發現,除了走訪美景,更能結合鐵道、溫泉、庭園等讓紅葉之旅更豐富,充分感受只在日本體驗得到的風情。 特輯3:從名古屋出發,前進中部地區探險吧! 對於喜愛至日本旅遊的人來說,深入鄉間探險是一件極具樂趣的旅遊方式,因此,推薦不妨從氣候宜人的日本中部最大城市名古屋為起點,前往近郊如西美濃、岐阜、下呂、郡上等地,可騎乘搭車也能運用鐵道暢遊,多變的景色與初體驗美食,都是一場場令人驚喜的探險行程! ◎卡滋哈琳努的發現!日本 ◎日本情報直送 ◎漫步橫濱 ◎日本輕散步 會津 ◎Selection...
Cover of Japan Walker Vol.39 10月號
by Japan Walker編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 1, 2018

Cover of Japan WalKer Vol.5 12月號

Japan WalKer Vol.5 12月號


by Japan WalKer編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 20, 2016

2016京阪神最新趨勢CAFÉ ~10大News掌握日本Café潮流! 輕食。甜點。好咖啡。
Cover of Accidental Office Lady

Accidental Office Lady

An American Woman in Corporate Japan

by Laura Kriska
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2011

A young woman with a new degree in Japanese studies and plenty of youthful idealism and can-do spirit accepts a job as the first American trainee at Honda's headquarters in Tokyo. Her image of Japanese corporate life is dramatically challenged on her first day at work when she is issued a blue polyester...
Cover of Tokyo Vice

Tokyo Vice

An American Reporter on the Police Beat in Japan

by Jake Adelstein
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

A riveting true-life tale of newspaper noir and Japanese organized crime from an American investigative journalist. Jake Adelstein is the only American journalist ever to have been admitted to the insular Tokyo Metropolitan Police Press Club, where for twelve years he covered the dark side...
Cover of Blue Eyed Samurai: 1000 days in the Young Lions Dormitory
by Nicholas Pettas
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2011

The last uchi deshi (live-in student) of Sosai Oyama Masutatsu, Nicholas Pettas, takes you along on his adventure as an eager, 18-year-old boy going from Copenhagen, Denmark to the other side of the globe. Here, in Tokyo, Japan, he doesn't just find himself in another country, but in a different world...
Cover of Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential

Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential

How Teenage Girls Made a Nation Cool

by Brian Ashcraft, Shoko Ueda
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2014

"The schoolgirl is the main driver of Japan's Gross National Cool, and Brian Ashcraft's book is the best source for those hoping to understand why." —Chris Baker, WIRED Magazine Japanese Schoolgirl Confidential takes you beyond the realm of everyday girls to the world of the iconic...
Cover of Kokoro
by Lafcadio Hearn
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

According to the Foreword: "The papers composing this volume treat of the inner rather than of the outer life of Japan,--for which reason they have been grouped under the title Kokoro (heart). Written with the above character, this word signifies also mind, in the emotional sense; spirit; courage; resolve;...
Cover of The Good Shufu

The Good Shufu

Finding Love, Self, and Home on the Far Side of the World

by Tracy Slater
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2015

The brave, wry, irresistible journey of a fiercely independent American woman who finds everything she ever wanted in the most unexpected place. * * Shufu: in Japanese it means “housewife,” and it’s the last thing Tracy Slater ever thought she’d call herself. A writer and academic, Tracy...
Cover of The Lady and the Monk

The Lady and the Monk

Four Seasons in Kyoto

by Pico Iyer
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2011

When Pico Iyer decided to go to Kyoto and live in a monastery, he did so to learn about Zen Buddhism from the inside, to get to know Kyoto, one of the loveliest old cities in the world, and to find out something about Japanese culture today -- not the world of businessmen and production lines, but...
Cover of Super Cheap Tokyo

Super Cheap Tokyo

The Ultimate Budget Travel Guide to Tokyo and the Kanto Region

by Matthew Baxter
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2018

Super Cheap Tokyo is all you’ll need for a budget holiday in Tokyo or the surrounding Kanto region. With a large choice of discount passes, tax-free shopping and an unbelievable exchange rate, now is the time to come! Unlike other Tokyo guides, this book shows you exactly how, where and when you...
Cover of The Inland Sea
by Donald Richie, Yoichi Midorikawa
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2015

"An elegiac prose celebration . . . a classic in its genre."—Publishers WeeklyIn this acclaimed travel memoir, Donald Richie paints a memorable portrait of the island-studded Inland Sea. His existential ruminations on food, culture, and love and his brilliant descriptions of life and landscape...
Cover of Entrepreneur and Gentleman

Entrepreneur and Gentleman

A Case History of a Japanese Company

by Akira Sueno
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2016

The inner workings of a Japanese company are revealed for the first time in Entrepreneur and Gentlemen, a best seller in the original Japanese version. Akira Sueno, the founder and president of Showa Boeki (one of Japan's leading packaging enterprises), typifies the Japanese entrepreneur in...
Cover of The Comfort Women: Japan's Brutal Regime of Enforced Prostitution in the Second World War
by George Hicks
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 1997

"The most extensive record available in English of the ugly story."—Elisabeth Rubinfein, New York Newsday Over 100,000 women across Asia were victims of enforced prostitution by the Japanese Imperial Forces during World War II. Until as recently as 1993 the Japanese government continued...
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