Japan category: 1648 books

Cover of Pilgrimages and Spiritual Quests in Japan
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2007

This exciting new book is a detailed examination of pilgrimages in Japan, including the meanings of travel, transformation, and the discovery of identity through encounters with the sacred, in a variety of interesting dimensions in both historical and contemporary Japanese culture, linked by the unifying...
Cover of Japan in the American Century
by Kenneth B. Pyle
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2018

No nation was more deeply affected by America’s rise to power than Japan. The price paid to end the most intrusive reconstruction of a nation in modern history was a cold war alliance with the U.S. that ensured American dominance in the region. Kenneth Pyle offers a thoughtful history of this relationship at a time when the alliance is changing.
Cover of Consumer Politics in Postwar Japan

Consumer Politics in Postwar Japan

The Institutional Boundaries of Citizen Activism

by Patricia Maclachlan
Language: English
Release Date: December 26, 2001

Providing comparisons to the United States and Britain, this book examines Japan's postwar consumer protection movement. Organized largely by and for housewives and spurred by major cases of price gouging and product contamination, the movement led to the passage of basic consumer protection legislation...
Cover of A Disability of the Soul

A Disability of the Soul

An Ethnography of Schizophrenia and Mental Illness in Contemporary Japan

by Karen Nakamura
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2013

Bethel House, located in a small fishing village in northern Japan, was founded in 1984 as an intentional community for people with schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders. Using a unique, community approach to psychosocial recovery, Bethel House focuses as much on social integration as on therapeutic...
Cover of Japan Walker Vol.27 10月號

Japan Walker Vol.27 10月號

鎌倉.江之島 散步日記

by Japan Walker編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 4, 2017

鎌倉.江之島 散步日記 **小提醒:本雜誌內介紹之優惠與抽獎,皆需實體書才可使用。 ◎特輯1:【鎌倉‧江之島 散步日記】 第1次造訪鎌倉,是從東京出發當日來回的小旅行,抵達鎌倉後跟朋友一起逛逛熱鬧的小町通,買了江之電一日券,沿路參拜莊嚴的大佛、到由比濱海岸踩水、在超人氣的平交道卡位拍照,最後抵達江之島,度過超充實的一天。 第2次的鎌倉之旅,本以為第1次已經把想去的地方都跑過了,不知道還有什麼好玩,卻意外發現更多令人著迷的可愛小店與景點,讓人不禁想多花幾天放慢步調,仔細挖掘屬於這座城鎮的魅力。 ◎特輯2:自行車@日本精選騎遊路線 迎風而行好暢快! 電車、巴士、雙腳,你喜歡用怎樣的方式暢遊日本? 風靡台日的自行車風潮,已成為新興的旅遊方式,日本獨特的自行車路線、完善的道路設備、支援設施,讓旅人紛紛來到日本展開單車之旅,不論是初學者還是單車高手、短程散策或長程挑戰,都能找到最適合的自行車路線,以專屬的方式玩遍日本! ◎卡滋哈琳努的發現!日本 ◎JapanWalker×Ryuuu...
Cover of Japan Rearmed

Japan Rearmed

The Politics of Military Power

by Sheila A. Smith
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2019

Modern Japan is not only responding to threats from North Korea and China but is also reevaluating its dependence on the United States, Sheila Smith shows. No longer convinced they can rely on Americans to defend their country, Tokyo’s political leaders are now confronting the possibility that they may need to prepare the nation’s military for war.
Cover of The Aftermath of the 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
by Shoichiro Takezawa
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

An insightful study in disaster anthropology, this book takes as its focus the fishing town of Otsuchi in Japan’s Iwate Prefecture, one of the worst damaged areas in the mammoth 2011 tsunami. Here, 1281 of the pre-tsunami population of 15000 were killed and 60% of houses destroyed. To make matters...
Cover of Second Time Around
by Judy Lussie
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2018

The Second Time Around begins where Lake Biwa Wishes ends. Toni Chang Morgan, still hurting from the discovery that her late husband had been having an affair, travels to Japan. She reconnects with playboy skier, Ken Nakamura, with whom she fell in love years ago. He also is widowed and when he proposes,...
Cover of Japan WalKer Vol.23 6月號

Japan WalKer Vol.23 6月號

日本私房旅 二線城市旅遊計劃

by Japan Walker編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 31, 2017

日本私房旅 二線城市旅遊計劃特輯1:發現日本 私房旅 不有名,很有趣! あなたはまだ知らない 滋賀︱德島︱群馬︱靜岡︱佐賀︱鳥取vs鳥根 隨著前往日本的次數增加,旅程的目的地不再只是東京、大阪、京都等耳熟能詳的知名景點,進而開始計劃前往鮮為人知的地區一探究竟。 越熟識日本,將越能發現其實還有許多精采區域也相當引人入勝,它們也許並不出名,但卻坐擁令人驚喜的繽紛魅力。 例如距京都只需10分鐘車程的滋賀、東京近郊的群馬、富士山所在地靜岡等,都能夠透過不同主題提案輕鬆暢遊,深入日本私房旅! 特輯2:日本結緣神社案內 市區戀愛開運之旅! 到神社參拜,是日本旅行的獨特體驗,除了財運、健康等之外,戀愛問題也是許多人關注的問題。 靈驗的結緣神社吸引著來自各地的人造訪祈願,也受到外國觀光客的矚目。 走訪東京、大阪、京都、名古屋等熱鬧都市,從旅途中能輕易安排順遊的路線到私房朝聖名所,展開日本的戀愛開運之旅,招喚屬於自己的美好邂逅。 ◎卡滋哈琳努的發現!日本 ◎JapanWalker×Ryuuu...
Cover of Japan Walker Vol.24 7月號

Japan Walker Vol.24 7月號


by Japan Walker編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 1, 2017

今年夏天,來場沖繩跳島之旅! 特輯1:【今年夏天,來場沖繩跳島之旅】 毫無計畫、隨心所欲,「放空」就是沖繩之旅的代名詞 每到夏天,就想去海邊! 深淺漸層的大海與晴朗的天空,各種令人著迷的藍色,共構出最難忘的沖繩之旅。 由超過160個島嶼組成的海島國度,除了數不清的美麗海灘外,這裡更擁有不同於日本本島的獨特南洋文化與探索不完的自然秘境,這次的沖繩之旅,就出發前往還沒去過的離島吧! 特輯2:【邊跑邊玩吧!日本馬拉松、路跑路線推薦】 不論台灣還是日本,路跑都是近年來最風行的全民運動之一。 平坦的道路、規劃完善的支援設施、沿途美景,也讓許多旅客前往日本旅遊時喜歡安排一趟路跑行程。 當然,無奇不有的獨特馬拉松大會、名揚全球的國際賽事,就算搭飛機前往參加也在所不惜。 這一次,接受挑戰,用自己的雙腳、從不一樣的角度,重新認識日本吧! ◎卡滋哈琳努的發現!日本 ◎JapanWalker×Ryuuu...
Cover of Japan Walker Vol.25 8月號

Japan Walker Vol.25 8月號


by Japan Walker編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 4, 2017

日本女子旅◎特輯1:【隨心所欲~任性的日本女子旅】 想要睡到自然醒,慵懶地出發、悠閒地放空;想要不顧慮時間地盡情拍照、瘋狂分享;想要品嚐最美味的人氣甜點,和姊姊們大聊特聊…… 帶上衣櫃中最可愛的那件洋裝,前往日本,展開一趟專屬於女孩的任性之旅! 不論是哪一種女子,繽紛的日本絕對都能滿足妳,絢爛的日本女子旅,馬上出發! ◎特輯2:【大阪下町懷舊物語】 被稱為「商人之都」的大阪,自古以來就是繁華的商業重鎮,獨特的商人文化、熱鬧的看板也成為大阪最具代表性的一景。 在這座日新月異的現代化都市中,還有幾處彷彿靜止時光、保存著懷念老舖與街道的小區,除了赫赫有名的通天閣新世界之外,保存懷舊長屋的昭和町與新文化進駐的中崎町,也值得細細探索、體驗充滿親切感的「下町風情」。 ◎卡滋哈琳努的發現!日本 ◎JapanWalker×Ryuuu...
Cover of Japan Walker Vol.26 9月號

Japan Walker Vol.26 9月號


by Japan Walker編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 6, 2017

南九州鐵道旅◎特輯1:【南九州鐵道旅】 車窗外流洩的田園風景,隨著充滿節奏的搖曳車身不斷變化,車內精緻的空間設計、當地特有的鐵路便當,一點一滴交織成獨一無二的鐵道之旅。 目的地不再是重點,過程中的種種驚喜才是旅程的精采之處! 面積與台灣相近的九州,發展出獨特的鐵路網與百家爭鳴的觀光列車文化,除了熟悉的福岡、長崎、大分等北九州,坐擁世界遺產屋久島、櫻島等獨特名勝的鹿兒島、日照充足南國風情滿溢的宮崎、熊本熊的故鄉熊本等南九州地區,也都是充滿驚喜的繽紛區域。 利用鐵道,來一趟未知的探險! ◎特輯2:吃喝玩樂遊日本~ 跟著人氣吉祥物一起去旅行 日本各地都有可愛吉祥物,不只各縣市有官方吉祥物,企業所創造出的吉祥物更是不勝枚舉! 除了廣為熟知的熊本熊、千葉君、船梨精之外,你是否還認識其他吉祥物呢? 就讓人氣吉祥物帶路,一起前進日本旅行吧! ◎卡滋哈琳努的發現!日本 ◎JapanWalker2周年,特設網站專屬活動! ◎JapanWalker×Ryuuu...
Cover of Japan


Ein Länderporträt

by Christian Tagsold
Language: German
Release Date: September 5, 2018

Japan – kaum ein Land wirkt so exotisch und doch vertraut: Wir denken an ultraschnelle Züge, die vor majestätischer Fuji-Kulisse durch das Land rasen, an Tempel, Pagoden und modernste Technik. Christian Tagsold zeigt ein Land, das vielschichtig und uns oft näher ist, als sich ahnen lässt. Er...
Cover of Myths and Legends of Japan
by F. Hadland Davis
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2012

The most popular myths and legends of Japanese culture are charmingly retold in English in this handsomely illustrated book. Here are myths of gods, heroes and warriors; legends of Buddha, and of the goddess Benten and the god Daikoku; tales of the sea and of Mount Fuji; accounts of superstitions...
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