Islam category: 2999 books

Cover of Petit livre de - Sagesses de l'islam
by Malek CHEBEL
Language: French
Release Date: December 20, 2012

Les pépites de l'oralité révélées L'Homme est né d'impatience. (Coran, XXI, 37) Le meilleur des princes est celui qui fréquente le savant ; le pire des savants est celui qui fréquente les princes. (Sagesse persane) Le pied va là où l'envie l'emmène. (Proverbe tunisien) Sagesse...
Cover of Islamismus


Wenn Religion zur Politik wird

by Christine Schirrmacher
Language: German
Release Date: December 8, 2010

Seit fast 50 Jahren leben Muslime in Deutschland. Nicht alle sind auch in unserer Gesellschaft "angekommen". Manche von ihnen sind für islamistische Gruppen leichte Beute. Islamismus steht nicht für die gewaltbereite Form des Islam, aber für einen Islam, der Politik im Namen der Religion...
Cover of Il mio lungo viaggio nell’Islam (epub)
by Abdel Kawi M. Dello Russo
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 28, 2016

L’autore del libro ci racconta la sua storia, il suo lungo viaggio che l’ha portato all’Islam, in un racconto davvero commovente. Inoltre è stato il primo a raccontare questo genere di esperienza, la prima parte del libro risale al 1999, la seconda parte al 2008.
Cover of Il Miracolo Scientifico
by Abdel Kawi M. Dello Russo
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 16, 2016

Perché mai dovremmo separare la religione dalla scienza? L’Islam non condanna la scienza, anzi, ha avuto grandi scienziati nella storia. Persino gli astronomi, i sociologi più scettici alla fine hanno ammesso che Dio esiste e che l’Islam non è poi così da sottovalutare. Quello che hanno scoperto...
Cover of The Executioner's Son
by D. Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2015

Yousif, an Arab boy, grows into manhood and is educated in Islam with all its customs and traditions. He admires his father, the Chief Executioner, and becomes an Islamic Judge who determines a person's fate. Yousif is given a Bible by a Christian friend and seeks to destroy its credibility...
Cover of Islam and Warfare

Islam and Warfare

Context and Compatibility with International Law

by Onder Bakircioglu
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2014

The question of how Islamic law regulates the notions of just recourse to and just conduct in war has long been the topic of heated controversy, and is often subject to oversimplification in scholarship and journalism. This book traces the rationale for aggression within the Islamic tradition, and...
Cover of «Dov'è tuo fratello?». Ebraismo, Cristianesimo e Islam in dialogo
by Silvio Calzolari, Paolo Tarchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 18, 2016

Che significato ha la parola “fraternità”? Un ebreo, un cristiano o un musulmano riesce a vedere un fratello in chi non condivide la propria fede? Che ruolo ha il fondamentalismo nelle diverse esperienze religiose? È possibile una «comunione nelle differenze» per sconfiggere la povertà, le guerre...
Cover of Islam and the Divine Comedy
by Miguel Asin Palacios
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2013

When first published in 1926 this book aroused much controversy. The theory expounded in the book was that Islamic sources in general, and the writings of Ibn al-`Arabi in particular, formed the basis of Dante’s poem Divine Comedy, the poem which symbolised the whole culture of medieval Christianity....
Cover of La jihad delle donne

La jihad delle donne

Il femminismo islamico nel mondo occidentale

by Luciana Capretti
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 1, 2017

E se venisse proprio dal mondo musulmano la spinta a superare le secolari discriminazioni nei confronti delle donne? E di conseguenza il mondo occidentale fosse costretto a rivedere le proprie posizioni critiche nei confronti dell’Islam? Una parte del mondo femminile musulmano in Occidente è protagonista...
Cover of Wer ist Wir?

Wer ist Wir?

Deutschland und seine Muslime

by Navid Kermani
Language: German
Release Date: August 21, 2015

Ohne darüber nachgedacht zu haben, ist Deutschland zu einem Einwandererland geworden.Mit den Menschen kam auch eine neue Religion: der Islam. In seinem neuen Buch erzählt der Schriftsteller und Orientalist Navid Kermani von seinem Leben als Kind iranischer Eltern in Deutschland und berichtet von...
Cover of The False Teachings of the Man from Planet Rizq
by Hussain K. Muhammad-Sunjata
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2015

THIS book entails information from the book entitled man from planet Rizq. I have taken the time and energy, and meticulously challenged and, debunked this mans information. I have literally taken just about every page that I though was worth challenging and extracted the lies and exposed them to...
Cover of Canzoni dell'amore infinito
by Kabīr, Brunilde Neroni
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 26, 2018

Poeta, filosofo e mistico del XV secolo, Kabīr visse a stretto contatto prima dell’islam e poi dell’induismo, in un periodo di lotte sanguinose che li opponevano e li dilaniavano anche al loro interno. Scelse di imboccare un cammino radicalmente diverso: rigettando gli sterili formalismi, gli...
Cover of The mysticism of Islam
by E.h.palmer
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2015

The term Súfí is derived from the Arabic word súf "wool," in allusion to the dress adopted by the Dervishes, who are the master and teachers of the sect. The system of the Sufis consists in endeavouring to reconcile Philosophy with Revealed Religion, and in assigning a mystical and allegorical...
Cover of Être occidental et musulman aujourd'hui
by Tariq Ramadan
Language: French
Release Date: September 16, 2015

Les musulmans d’Occident, d’Europe comme des États-Unis, se sont définitivement inscrits dans leurs pays respectifs. Après des années d’une présence pensée de façon temporaire, le temps est venu pour les nouvelles générations d’élaborer une réflexion sur les sources scripturaires,...
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