Islam category: 2999 books

Cover of The Bloomsbury Companion to Islamic Studies
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2014

The Bloomsbury Companion to Islamic Studies is a comprehensive one volume reference guide to Islam and study in this area. A team of leading international scholars - Muslim and non-Muslim - cover important aspects of study in the field, providing readers with a complete and accessible source of information...
Cover of Hasan al-Turabi, the Last of the Islamists

Hasan al-Turabi, the Last of the Islamists

The Man and His Times 1932–2016

by Abdullahi A. Gallab
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2018

This book is not a typical biography of Hasan al-Turabi. It is a project in the study of a Sudanese human experience at the heart of which Hasan al-Turabi was an actor, a victim and a victimizer. Hasan al-Turabi, the rise and fall of his Islamism, and the dramatic life of generations of the Sudanese...
Cover of Health Sciences in Early Islam – Volume 2

Health Sciences in Early Islam – Volume 2

Collected Papers By Sami K. Hamarneh

by Sami K. Hamarneh
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 1984

HEALTH SCIENCES IN EARLY ISLAM is a pioneering study of Islamic medicine that opens up new chapters of knowledge in the history of the healing sciences. This two volume work covers the development of Islamic medicine between the 6th and 12th centuries A.D. Transcending mere medical historiography,...
Cover of The Promise of Patriarchy

The Promise of Patriarchy

Women and the Nation of Islam

by Ula Yvette Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2017

The patriarchal structure of the Nation of Islam (NOI) promised black women the prospect of finding a provider and a protector among the organization's men, who were fiercely committed to these masculine roles. Black women's experience in the NOI, however, has largely remained on the periphery of...
Cover of Orthodoxy and Islam

Orthodoxy and Islam

Theology and Muslim–Christian Relations in Modern Greece and Turkey

by Archimandrite Nikodemos Anagnostopoulos
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2017

Church History reveals that Christianity has its roots in Palestine during the first century and was spread throughout the Mediterranean countries by the Apostles. However, despite sharing the same ancestry, Muslims and Christians have been living in a challenging symbiotic co-existence for more than...
Cover of Welcome to Islam

Welcome to Islam

A Convert's Tale

by Lucy Bushill-Matthews
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2016

Written by a Muslim convert and mother of three, Welcome to Islam captures the occasionally poignant but often humorous reality of being a Muslim in the current climate: as a convert, a working woman, a mother, and as an active member of the local community. Discover what it's really like living...
Cover of Mohammed, prophète de l'Islam
by Malek CHEBEL
Language: French
Release Date: October 6, 2016

À l'aube du VIIe siècle, l'Arabie a été réveillée de sa torpeur millénaire par un souffl e puissant et jusque-là inconnu, l'islam. Son émergence fut particulièrement rapide car il n'a fallu à Mohammed, le nouveau prophète, qu'un peu plus d'une vingtaine d'années, de 610 à 632, pour imposer...
Cover of 180 Questions- Enquires about Islam: Volume 2
by Nasir Makarim Shirazi
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2014

Questions have always been a key to the treasures of human knowledge, and individuals and nations who tend to question less come to acquire a reduced share from this vast treasure. Basically, it is the right of every person to ask questions and obtain their answers, and none can be deprived of this...
Cover of Die schleichende Islamisierung?
by Andreas Dippel, Egmond Prill
Language: German
Release Date: April 15, 2009

Ein weltweit geführter Karikaturen-Streit, gewaltsame Proteste von Muslimen, ein Urteil einer Richterin unter Berufung auf die Sharia - immer wieder meldet sich der Islam deutlich zu Wort. Sind wir mit einer schleichenden Islamisierung konfrontiert?Ist der Islam noch eine Religion des Friedens -...
Cover of Islam et politique

Islam et politique

Les Grands Articles d'Universalis

by Encyclopaedia Universalis
Language: French
Release Date: June 27, 2016

L'islam, on l'a dit souvent, est tout ensemble religion et communauté (.). Les prières prescrites, l'aumône légale, le jeûne du mois de ramaḍān, le pèlerinage à La Mekke sont des obligations individuelles, mais qui revêtent une valeur sociale (.). Elles sont les temps forts d'un « vouloir...
Cover of Nietzsche et l'Islam
by Claudio Mutti
Language: French
Release Date: June 18, 2013

Comme le souligne Claudio Mutti, il existerait une affinité singu­lière entre certains aspects fondamen­taux de la pensée nietzschéenne et l’Islam. En lisant les œuvres de Mohammad Iqbal, cité abondam­ment dans cet essai, on ne peut effectivement qu’être frappé par la convergence des...
Cover of Una Rosa delicata: La donna nell’Islam
by Abdel Kawi M. Dello Russo
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 27, 2016

L’argomento “Donne con il velo” occupa intere pagine di giornali, copertine di riviste, con i soliti luoghi comuni: “Donna con il velo”, “Donna tutta burka, casa e figli”, “L’infibulazione della donna”, “La donna segregata in casa”, “Giovani occidentali libere e donne musulmane...
Cover of Il Vero e il falso Islam
by Abdel Kawi M. Dello Russo
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 6, 2016

In questo libro l’autore spiega il vero significato di “jihad”, lo “sforzo” contro le tentazioni di Satana, vero nemico dell’uomo. Spesso quando si parla di “jihad” si pensa subito alla guerra con le armi e viene tradotto in Occidente come “guerra santa”, l’autore nel libro invece...
Cover of Piety and Patienthood in Medieval Islam
by Ahmed Ragab
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2018

How did pious medieval Muslims experience health and disease? Rooted in the prophet’s experiences with medicine and healing, Muslim pietistic literature developed cosmologies in which physical suffering and medical interventions interacted with religious obligations and spiritual health. This book...
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