Interpersonal Relations category: 1443 books

Cover of The Three of Us

The Three of Us

A Family Story

by Julia Blackburn
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2008

This is the story of three people: acclaimed writer Julia Blackburn; her father, Thomas—a poet and alcoholic with an addiction to barbiturates; and her mother, Rosalie—a flirtatious painter with no boundaries. After Julia's parents divorced, her mother took in male lodgers with the hope...
Cover of His/Hers


Simple And Sexy Things to Do for the One You Love

by Justin Cord Hayes, Nicole Murn Hayes
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2005

This flip-book gives you two books for the price of one—including suggestions for men in one direction, and when you flip the book over, suggestions for women on the other. This romantic book provides creative gestures to keep romance alive in your relationship.
Cover of The Body Language of Liars

The Body Language of Liars

From Little White Lies to Pathological Deception—How to See through the Fibs, Frauds, and Falsehoods People Tell You Every Day

by Dr. Lillian Glass
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2013

Being fooled or conned can happen to anyone; It doesn’t matter how intelligent, old, rich, or famous you are. Whether you have been scammed in business, swindled out of money, betrayed by a friend, relative, or coworker, or cheated on by a spouse, rest assured you are not alone. The world is full...
Cover of Como se defender de ataques verbais
by Barbara Berckhan
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 1, 2012

Como você reage a uma crítica maldosa? O que faz quando ouve uma piada grosseira? Você desperdiça sua energia se aborrecendo? Usa o silêncio como resposta? Finge que não ouve e passa o resto do dia irritado? Na maioria das vezes os ataques verbais nos ofendem, mas dificilmente conseguimos articular...
Cover of Coming Up from the Down Low

Coming Up from the Down Low

The Journey to Acceptance, Healing, and Honest Love

by J.L. King
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2007

The dramatic follow-up to the controversial bestseller that has all of America talking… In his first book, On the Down Low, J. L. King introduced readers to the deceptive underground world of the “down low” (DL), the subculture of men leading straight lives while secretly sleeping with...
Cover of My Bipolar Wife

My Bipolar Wife

A Codependent Confidential

by Ludo Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2017

A codependent's description of the ups and downs of a modern day suburban marriage between a man and a wife with a bipolar disorder.  A true testament of what spouses go through when a manic depressive refuses help, treatment, and even to merely get diagnosed by a professional.  Just how low can...
Cover of The Rules According to JWOWW

The Rules According to JWOWW

Shore-Tested Secrets on Landing a Mint Guy, Staying Fresh to Death, and Kicking the Competition to the Curb

by Jenni "JWOWW" Farley
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2011

One of the stars of MTV’s smash hit series The Jersey Shore, Jennifer “JWOWW” Farley lays down The Rules According to JWOWW, offering a new spin on the dos and don’ts of dating, from “smushing” guys to avoiding booty calls to finding the guy of your dreams. The book includes empowering...
Cover of CIA教你讓人說出真心話:最強效的行為心理學,讓你工作、生活溝通無障礙
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 6, 2017

想知道套話的最佳方法嗎?這本書完全展現如何辦到。 暢銷書《CIA教你識人術》作者最新力作 從日常溝通到談判,從職場、商場到家庭, 只要一開口,就讓對方毫不保留的對你坦誠。 前CIA頂尖情報高手最強效的溝通心理學: .【短期思維模式的驚人力量】:能讓對方聚焦於我們所希望的重點上,並讓可能影響對方決定的因素愈少、愈直接。 .【獨白的力量】:使用適合的轉折語句,保持泰然自若且輕聲細語,就不會引發對方的防衛心及製造敵對關係。 .【合理化行為的力量】:每個人做每件事都有合理化的解釋。幫對方設想出理由或藉口,可以保全對方面子。 .【表現真誠的力量】:用對說話方式,放慢說話速度、降低音量,能讓對方相信你所說皆出自於真心。 在家中、教室,乃至辦公室,我們每天都跟他人互動,也常遇到有人隱瞞真相、說謊,像是孩子為何翹課、學生為何鬧事,面試者誇大經歷,同事或員工有不誠實之處…… 想擁有讓他人能夠毫不保留說出真心話,與個人魅力無關,根本核心在於影響力。如何在對方身上施加影響力?該用什麼方法,才能使對方吐露真心話?在《CIA教你讓人說出真心話》一書中,前美國中情局頂尖情報員教你如何讓人甘心情願對你坦誠,說出你想知道的訊息。 書中透過精彩案例,有步驟地引導如何讓人說出事實的方法。每一個案例都會解說一種溝通技巧,例如 .拆穿蘇聯情報員的雙面特工身份——保持對方處於短期思維模式。 .員警供認與未成年者發生不道德行為——說一個能引起共鳴的獨白。 .中情局特工承認出售情報給外國間諜——處理拒絕和情緒爆發。 這套方法應用於日常生活、工作或談判時,同樣效果驚人。當你試圖發揮影響力,希望從他人身上獲取誠實的答案時,本書將是您最實用的指引。 媒體好評 這本由前情報員撰寫的新指南,保證能訓練你從「目標對象」身上套取真相,不論對方是水電工或你自己的孩子。 ─《衛報》(The...
Cover of Cary Grant

Cary Grant

The Wizard of Beverly Grove ISBN 9781935270249

by Bill Royce
Language: English
Release Date: March 23, 2012

IPPY bronze medal winner: Biography. Here is the most candid portrait of the legendary film actor Cay Grant that his fans will ever read, packed with new information about his career and life, and told with the honesty only a true intimate could provide. When Bill Royce met Cary Grant, he was a twenty-five-year-old...
Cover of Open


Love, Sex and Life in an Open Marriage

by Jenny Block
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2009

Finally, a book about open marriage that grapples with the problems surrounding monogamy and fidelity in an honest, heartfelt, and non-fringe manner. Jenny Block is your average girl next door, a suburban wife and mother for whom married life never felt quite right. While many books on this topic...
Cover of Love in the Time of Algorithms

Love in the Time of Algorithms

What Technology Does to Meeting and Mating

by Dan Slater
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2013

“If online dating can blunt the emotional pain of separation, if adults can afford to be increasingly demanding about what they want from a relationship, the effect of online dating seems positive. But what if it’s also the case that the prospect of finding an ever more compatible mate with the...
Cover of 看穿無形的心理操控
by 海芮葉.布瑞克Harriet B. Braiker
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 25, 2017

什麼樣的人**,喜歡操控一切? 什麼樣的人格特質,害你總是被得寸進尺? 跟著心理專家鍛鍊生命強度與社交直覺,** 再惡霸的控制性格也能輕鬆應對! 臨床心理師洪仲清:「看完這本書,我突然有一種恨不得立刻、馬上跟讀者分享的衝動。」 《情緒勒索》作者周慕姿:「這是我這一年來唯二的推薦序。」 科普心理作家海苔熊:「這本書真的是集大成之作,運用許多心理學概念,更加入臨床上真正有效的建議,並提供不少量表檢測。」 你身邊有「實在很超過」的人嗎? 像是野心勃勃的部屬、好發號施令的上司、愛暗中較勁的同事、好指使人的配偶、讓人覺得虧欠他們的父母、總是在抱怨的朋友…… 他們常讓你感到身心受挫或能力受限嗎?你如何處理你們之間的關係?正因為他們往往與你關係匪淺,你更需要學習如何妥善經營你們之間的關係。 人天生在心理、情感、認知上都想要獲得愛、連結與歸屬感。但最常犯的錯,就是花費太多時間心力,去在乎、迎合那些錯誤的人或要求。 當你把個人價值和你替他人做了多少事劃上等號,而且希望得到讚美、贊同,你的麻煩就大了。因為你把你的個人價值交由他人決定,在經過幾次肯定或拿走希望的威脅之後,你開始受到制約,成為「心理操控者」的俘虜。 本書幫助你了解什麼樣的人特別喜歡操控一切?又是什麼樣的人格特質,害你總是被得寸進尺?最重要的是,教你認清各種操控策略,不管對方使出威脅、利誘或哪種情緒武器,你都可以輕鬆應對: ★認識易被得寸進尺的七種性格:取悅症、贊同癮、負面情緒恐懼症、無法說「不」、沒有存在感、自尊心低、外控信念。 ★防範喜歡操控一切的九種性格:馬基維利型、自戀型、邊緣型、依賴型、戲劇型、被動攻擊型、A型憤怒型、反社會型、成癮型。 ★學習擺脫操控的七個訣竅:勤練思辯術、鈍化焦慮感、練熟你的說詞、有勇氣正面迎戰、鍛鍊協商技巧、冷靜的力量、對時間有耐性。 操控關係存在我們周遭,你愈懂得如何與人相處,你就能過得愈好! 這本書幫助你拿回你的人生主導權,建立更健康成功的人際關係與工作人生。 **心靈成長經典長銷書‧**心理諮商工作者有感推薦 《情緒勒索》作者...
Cover of F*ck Love

F*ck Love

One Shrink's Sensible Advice for Finding a Lasting Relationship

by Michael Bennett, MD, Sarah Bennett
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2017

From the brilliant New York Times bestselling authors of the “refreshingly blunt” (Harper’s Bazaar) F*ck Feelings—this seriously irreverent roadmap reveals the essentials to look for when you're done being suckered by the promise of true love and want help seeking a real, lasting relationship. Many...
Cover of Addickted


12 Steps to Kicking Your Bad Boy Habit

by Kristina Grish
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2006

You're not alone. Millions of smart, sexy, and sane women lust after Bad Boys - and unfortunately, they pay the price. These irresistible rogues can drive you wild with sexual abandon, emotional frustration, the will to submit, and the need to conquer. You know wicked smiles and fleeting attention...
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