Holocaust category: 1392 books

Cover of Zo was Auschwitz

Zo was Auschwitz

getuigenissen 1945-1986

by Primo Levi
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 29, 2016

Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog maakte Primo Levi de wereld op indringende wijze deelgenoot van zijn oorlogservaringen. Met zijn aangrijpende verhalen en getuigenissen zorgde hij ervoor dat de Jodenvervolging niet vergeten werd. Als kampoverlevende mocht hij niet zwijgen; erover schrijven was voor hem een...
Cover of Auschwitz I39I7

Auschwitz I39I7

hoe ik de Duitse concentratiekampen overleefde

by Mirjam Blits
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 11, 2013

Op de avond van 25 februari 1943 worden de 26-jarige Mirjam Blits en haar man Eddy door de Sicherheitsdienst van hun bed gelicht. Zij moeten zich zo snel mogelijk klaarmaken voor hun lange reis Ruim twee jaar later keert Mirjam terug in Amsterdam. Moederziel alleen, want haar man Eddy, haar vader,...
Cover of Ik stierf in duizend doden

Ik stierf in duizend doden

een vlammend liefdesverhaal te midden van de verschrikkingen van de Tweede Wereldoorlog

by Millie Werber, Eve Keller
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 28, 2016

Het verhaal van Millie Werber als overlevende van de jodenvervolging is opmerkelijk. Millie kwam in 1940 vast te zitten in het getto van Radom, Midden-Polen, en werd daarna op transport gesteld om dwangarbeid te verrichten in de wapenindustrie. Vervolgens werd ze in 1943 afgevoerd naar Auschwitz,...
Cover of Maria the Panther

Maria the Panther

Chronicle of the Twentieth Century

by Adam Adrian Brostow
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2010

Maria the Panther presents the story of the authors grandmother, Maria, who was a strong professional woman well ahead of her times. At the same time, her biography provides a sweeping overview of the history of twentieth-century Europe, transcending cultures. Grandma Maria was born in 1902...
Cover of The Long Shadow
by Gaynor Gabriel
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2013

Sarah, nine years old, endures yet another air-raid in the street shelter in Blitz-torn England. At the same time nine-year old Claude is practising an escape should their house in occupied France be raided by the Gestapo. Sarah and Claude, Jews, and their families experience the devastating effects...
Cover of Let Me Tell You a Story

Let Me Tell You a Story

A Memoir of a Wartime Childhood

by Renata Calverley
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2013

The spellbinding true story of a little girl's miraculous escape from the Nazis during the Second World War. September, 1939. Przemysl, Poland. No one has explained to three-year-old Renatka what war is. She knows her Tatus, a doctor, is away with the Polish Army, that her beautiful Mamusia...
Cover of Joseph Gavi

Joseph Gavi

Young Hero of the Minsk Ghetto

by Carlton Jackson
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2001

Follow the shocking but true story of Joseph Gavi, a small Jewish boy growing up in Minsk, Byelorussia, during the German invasion of WWII. Relive unspeakable horrors surrounding him as he at first struggles to simply survive and then to overcome his brutal oppressors through covert action with the...
Cover of 安妮日記 (漫畫版)

安妮日記 (漫畫版)

Anne Frank: The Graphic Diary

by 安妮.法蘭克 Anne Frank
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 12, 2018

◎《安妮日記》首度漫畫化! ◎《與巴席爾跳華爾滋》 得獎動畫導演阿里.福爾曼和知名插畫家大衛.波隆斯基聯手合作! ◎ 安妮.法蘭克,被《時代雜誌》選為二十世紀百大人物! ◎《安妮日記》是猶太人大屠殺史實中,最扣人心弦的個人紀實,被譽為「改變世界的10本書!」 聰明又孤單的安妮,在十三歲的生日那天收到一本非常特別的日記本。她決定把日記取名為吉蒂,並將所有的祕密都和吉蒂分享。那時正值希特勒發動反猶太主義運動,大規模驅逐消滅猶太人。安妮的父親為了保護全家,在安妮的姐姐收到納粹黨衛軍的召集令之後,馬上帶著全家躲進事先準備好的密室。就這樣,安妮一家四口和另外四個人,一起躲在密室長達兩年的時間,直到被告發抓起來為止。安妮把她在密室的所有生活點滴,都向最親愛的吉蒂傾吐。正值青少女的安妮,把她面對生命、死亡、自由以及親情與愛情的不安與渴望,都寫在《安妮日記》中。 而這本《安妮日記【漫畫版】》是安妮.法蘭克基金會首度授權,由《與巴席爾跳華爾滋》得獎動畫導演阿里.福爾曼和知名插畫家大衛.波隆斯基聯手合作。 這本獨一無二的漫畫,取材《安妮日記》中文字,保留原作的完整與力量,希望將安妮的生命力量傳遞給更多的讀者。 「現代經典之作!」 --...
Cover of Nurses and Midwives in Nazi Germany

Nurses and Midwives in Nazi Germany

The "Euthanasia Programs"

Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2014

This book is about the ethics of nursing and midwifery, and how these were abrogated during the Nazi era. Nurses and midwives actively killed their patients, many of whom were disabled children and infants and patients with mental (and other) illnesses or intellectual disabilities. The book gives...
Cover of Eye of the Eagle: The True Story of an American Hero
by Norman Miller
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2012

In World War II, most aviation pilots were armed with many weapons. But in the US Air Force reconnaissance squadron, these men flew ongoing missions over enemy lines, photographing enemy targets before and after they were bombed – facing onslaughts of enemy fighters and armed with -- a camera! Read...
Cover of Come Spring

Come Spring

an autobiographical novel

by Maria Lewitt
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2002

'I wasn't happy. I wasn't unhappy. I was there at that time and that was all. I didn't involve myself in philosophical reflections, but my mind was like a camera, imprinting forever the idyllic beauty of the European summer of 1939.' The idyll does not last long. Within days a young Jewish...
Cover of From Generation To Generation
by Lottie and Henry Burger
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2016

Born in relative comfort in 1926 to a Jewish family in Nuremberg, Germany, Henry Burger remembers festive picnics in the public parks, evening concerts, and athletic competition at the local recreation center. That all changed in 1933, when Adolf Hitler rose to power. As the Nuremberg Laws unfolded,...
Cover of The Operation Reinhard Death Camps, Revised and Expanded Edition
by Yitzhak Arad
Language: English
Release Date: July 13, 2018

Under the code name Operation Reinhard, more than one and a half million Jews were murdered between 1942 and 1943 in the concentration camps of Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka, located in Nazi-occupied Poland. Unlike more well-known camps, which were used both for slave labor and extermination, these...
Cover of Final Sale in Berlin

Final Sale in Berlin

The Destruction of Jewish Commercial Activity, 1930-1945

by Christoph Kreutzmüller
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2015

Before the Nazis took power, Jewish businesspeople in Berlin thrived alongside their non-Jewish neighbors. But Nazi racism changed that, gradually destroying Jewish businesses before murdering the Jews themselves. Reconstructing the fate of more than 8,000 companies, this book offers the first comprehensive...
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