Historiography category: 1227 books

Cover of The Experience of History
by Kenneth Bartlett
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2016

The Experience of History is a lively and passionate introduction to the field that encourages students to seek and appreciate history inside the classroom and beyond. This work: Defines history as a discipline and the role of historians within it Addresses the analytical and critical thinking...
Cover of A History of Hinduism

A History of Hinduism

The Past, Present, and Future

by Professor R Ramachandran
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2018

IS THE HISTORY OF HINDUISM, THE HISTORY OF BRAHMANAS FROM RIGVEDIC TIMES TO THE PRESENT? Or, does the story of Hinduism begin with the descriptions of the ancient roots as revealed by archaeological findings and the evidence from present day tribal, village and regional cultures? This book...
Cover of Committing the Future to Memory

Committing the Future to Memory

History, Experience, Trauma

by Sarah Clift
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2013

Whereas historical determinacy conceives the past as a complex and unstable network of causalities, this book asks how history can be related to a more radical future. To pose that question, it does not reject determinacy outright but rather seeks to explore how it works. In examining what it means...
Cover of Histoire des sciences sous Napoléon Bonaparte
by Georges Barral, Ligaran
Language: French
Release Date: January 12, 2016

Extrait : "On a voulu voir deux hommes distincts ainsi que deux noms séparés dans Napoléon Bonaparte. Bonaparte, a-t-on dit, nom frappant, facile à retenir, simple, uni, militaire, à consonnes dures, brèves, sèches, expressives. Nom éminemment convenable au citoyen, général en chef de l'armée...
Cover of Monuments historiques : Rapport au ministre de l' intérieur
by Prosper Mérimée
Language: French
Release Date: November 10, 2014

 MONSIEUR LE MINISTRE,     Malgré l’intervalle de temps assez considérable qui s’est écoulé depuis que la Commission a eu l’honneur de vous présenter un aperçu général de ses travaux, elle ne peut vous signaler aujourd’hui...
Cover of State Formations

State Formations

Global Histories and Cultures of Statehood

Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2018

Featuring a sweeping array of essays from scholars of state formation and development, this book presents an overview of approaches to studying the history of the state. Focusing on the question of state formation, this volume takes a particular look at the beginnings, structures, and constant reforming...
Cover of La Diplomatie occulte de Louis XV
by Alfred Mézières
Language: French
Release Date: June 10, 2016

La Diplomatie occulte de Louis XV par l'historien de la littérature, journaliste et homme politique français Alfred Mézières (1826 – 1915). Extrait : Le premier sentiment qu’on éprouve, à mesure qu’on étudie davantage et qu’on...
Cover of History and Sociology in France

History and Sociology in France

From Scientific History to the Durkheimian School

by Robert Leroux
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2017

In the late 19th century and early part of the 20th, with the coming of age of sociology in France, the idea that there could be a “science” of history was the subject of much and varied debate. The methodological problems surrounding historical knowledge that were debated throughout this period...
Cover of Manliness and Masculinities in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Manliness and Masculinities in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Essays on Gender, Family and Empire

by John Tosh
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2017

In the space of barely fifteen years, the history of masculinity has become an important dimension of social and cultural history. John Tosh has been in the forefront of the field since the beginning, having written A Man’s Place: Masculinity and the Middle-Class Home in Victorian England (1999),...
Cover of Peiresc’s Mediterranean World
by Peter N. Miller
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2015

Nicolas Fabri de Peiresc was the most gifted French intellectual in the generation between Montaigne and Descartes. His insatiable curiosity poured forth in thousands of letters that traveled the Mediterranean, seeking knowledge. Mining his 70,000-page archive, Peter N. Miller recovers a lost Mediterranean world of the early seventeenth century.
Cover of Da Quarto al Volturno
by Giuseppe Cesare Abba
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 3, 2014

L'epopea dei Mille è stata studiata e raccontata da molti autori e in diversi testi. Nel 1880 comparivano le "Noterelle d'uno dei Mille" edite dopo vent'anni, pubblicate da Giuseppe Cesare Abba, poi ricomparse con il titolo con il quale ancora oggi sono conosciute: "Da Quarto al Volturno". L'autore Giuseppe...
Cover of Storia della storiografia italiana
by Giuseppe Galasso
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 21, 2017

Dalle cronache alle più impegnative scritture storiche medievali, l'Italia si dimostra un laboratorio di innovazioni e riflessioni di grande spessore nel contesto europeo. La storiografia umanistica e storici come Machiavelli e Guicciardini non sorgono, quindi, come estemporanee novità, e neppure...
Cover of Prima lezione di storia moderna
by Giuseppe Galasso
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 16, 2011

Che cos'è la storia moderna? Quando comincia e quando finisce? E che vuol dire moderno? Siamo già in un mondo post-moderno? Galasso risponde: che moderna è tutta l'età dalla fine del Medioevo a oggi; che perciò la storia contemporanea è solo la più recente storia moderna; che la modernità...
by H. T. Buckle
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2015

“Have you read Buckle's second volume? It has interested me greatly; I do not care whether his views are right or wrong, but I should think they contained much truth. There is a noble love of advancement and truth throughout, and to my taste he is the very best writer of the English language that...
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