High Tech category: 8098 books

Cover of Miracle Cure

Miracle Cure

Short Story

by James Loscombe
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2018

They won't even let her die Spencer and Alanah are neo-luddites who have as little to do with technology as possible. But when Alanah is in an accident her wealthy family aren't willing to let her die the way that Spencer knows she would want. The only person who can keep her from a fate worse than death is him, but does he have what it takes to say goodbye to his wife forever?


Cover of Tag


The Zumar Chronicles, #1

by Simon Royle
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2010

15 March 2110 6.3 billion people will die at the hand of one man. A man with a twisted vision, to make humans a better, more intelligent race. Arbitrator Jonah Oliver’s secure life disintegrates into one of lies, corruption, conspiracy and murder due to what he learns. His past...
Cover of Il Mistero della Stanza Cinese
by Andrea Pignataro
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 21, 2015

Un racconto dove tecnologia, scienza e filosofia si intrecciano in uno scenario post-apocalittico in cui il destino della specie umana, gravemente minacciato da una misteriosa intelligenza artificiale, è racchiuso in una singola stanza cinese.
Cover of Jump Time
by Elena Caserini
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 13, 2014

Jim Stendal non può invecchiare. Il suo tempo si è fermato all'età di 30 anni. Ma questa eternità per lui è solo motivo di sconforto, di disperazione e di perdita. Eppure il destino ha in serbo una verità destinata a trasformare le sue convinzioni per sempre. E forse anche le nostre.
Cover of Stateless


libri Asino Rosso

by Sandro Battisti
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 20, 2017

"Microversi da un Avatar quantico". Più noto come esponente di spicco della nuova fantascienza italiana cosiddetta Connettivista, diverse pubblicazioni rilevanti, già anche Premio Urania Mondadori, Sandro Battisti presenta ora nanosperimentazioni linguistiche e semplicemente sorprendenti....
Cover of The Elder Gods Incident

The Elder Gods Incident

G1, The Bureau of Extraordinary Investigations, #2

by Michael John Light
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2018

The exciting sequel to The Time Shifters has arrived. And it's going to rock your world as Higgins and March face a challenge, not from beyond time, but from beyond life as we know it: The netherworlds of Lovecraft! Still recovering from the battle with the time shifters, Higgins and...
Cover of D-Ice
by Samantha Baldin
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 11, 2013

D-ICE congela il sonno portandoti nel delirio di un mondo dove il cielo è azzurro. TRAMA: 215 lavora come Archivista al Palazzo del Rinnovo in una Milano distopica e grigia dove il culto degli Anunnaki del pianeta Nibiru ha unito religione e scienza. Il compito di un Archivista è quello di collegarsi...
Cover of Cyberworld
by Alessandro Vietti
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 9, 2015

ROMANZO (249 pagine) - FANTASCIENZA - Prima di Facebook e di Second Life un grande romanzo cyberpunk italiano intuiva rischi e opportunità del mondo virtuale La realtà virtuale non è stata creata dagli uomini. La realtà virtuale esiste di per sé. Cyberworld è solo lo strumento che gli...
Cover of Alfred Bekker Thriller - Herrschaft der Alten
by Alfred Bekker
Language: German
Release Date: April 6, 2019

Die demographische Bombe ist geplatzt ein spannender Zukunftsroman um ein Land ohne Zukunft Deutschland im Jahr 2100. Benn und seine Freunde Sara, Nicolas und Bahar gehören einer verschwindend kleinen Minderheit an: Sie sind Jugendliche! Längst wird drei Viertel der Bevölkerung von den Alten und...
Cover of Judas


The Extinction Series, #3

by Miranda Nading
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2017

Trust No One Forced to disobey her father’s dying admonition, Eve and Max collide with explosive consequences. While she struggles against others that try to get close to her, Eve discovers that in this new world, you either use or be used. Max Dumerick's obsession with helping the...
Cover of Poder
by Jorge Sáez Criado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 14, 2019

¿Dónde está la frontera entre humano y robot? Tras quedar fuera de control la inteligencia artificial Amy, Billy y David conciben un plan descabellado para tratar de detenerla en su propio terreno. Ahora Billy y David, desde el ciberespacio, serán testigos de excepción de la expansión...
Cover of Swimming Electric Blue Water
by S. E.M. Holmes
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2013

After a crippling assault, Yuri Konikov became an unwitting test subject for a bioengineered technology that transformed him into a physically enhanced, privately owned Corporate Agent.  The Russian Alliance Corporation wanted to make an army of agents, but after repeated trials and failures they...



by William Hertling
Language: German
Release Date: December 15, 2018

"Spannungsgeladen und doch nuanciert wird uns der Blick in eine Welt gewährt, in der Künstliche Intelligenz zur Normalität geworden ist." [Ben Huh, CEO von Cheezburger] Inhalt: Im Jahr 2043 koexistieren Menschen und KIs innerhalb einer unsicheren Machtbalance, die allein von einem rigiden...
Cover of BIO 1 (prima parte)
by Samantha Baldin
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2012

… Matrice L1MB0 attivata. Inserimento Progetto BIO03 in corso. Elaborazione dati. Attendere scansione… … Progetto BIO03 inserito con successo. Premere invio. Rinascita: Imprigionato nella Matrice Limbo per oltre quarant'anni, Bio Cyberpunk riesce a fuggire grazie all'aiuto di un giovane...
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