Government Business category: 2241 books

Cover of Data Analytics Applications in Education
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2017

The abundance of data and the rise of new quantitative and statistical techniques have created a promising area: data analytics. This combination of a culture of data-driven decision making and techniques to include domain knowledge allows organizations to exploit big data analytics in their evaluation...
Cover of The Politics of Freeing Markets in Latin America
by Judith A. Teichman
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2003

In the 1980s and 1990s, nations throughout Latin America experienced the dual transformations of market liberalizing reforms and democratization. Since then, perhaps no issue has been more controversial among those who study the region than the exact nature of the relationship between these two processes....
Cover of Corporate Social Responsibility - Mythen und Maßnahmen

Corporate Social Responsibility - Mythen und Maßnahmen

Unternehmen verantwortungsvoll führen, Regulierungslücken schließen

Language: German
Release Date: January 9, 2014

In Zeiten der Globalisierung und Massenproduktion rückt verantwortungsvolle Unternehmensführung immer mehr in das Bewusstsein der Unternehmen. Damit Corporate Social Responsibility in Organisationen nicht als reine PR-Maßnahme angesehen wird, braucht es jedoch zunächst ein tiefes Verständnis,...
by Fabrício Mariano
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Ideal para quem almeja seguir uma carreira pública; o material apresenta os conteúdos mais cobrados de Arquivologia pelas principais bancas organizadoras.
Cover of Game changing innovation

Game changing innovation

Making theory a reality through practice

by Yoav Nir
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2018

This book is the disquisition of what I know and truly believe makes products a success and how you can replicate it within your company. What is this book about? Why should I read this book? Why did you write this book? These were the three questions I received from a good friend. So what...
Cover of Warum Nationen scheitern

Warum Nationen scheitern

Die Ursprünge von Macht, Wohlstand und Armut

by Prof. Daron Acemoglu, Prof. James A. Robinson
Language: German
Release Date: March 25, 2013

Der Klassiker - von sechs Wirtschaftsnobelpreisträgern empfohlen, eine Pflichtlektüre!Warum sind Nationen reich oder arm?Starökonom Daron Acemoglu und Harvard-Politologe James Robinson geben eine ebenso schlüssige wie eindrucksvolle Antwort auf diese grundlegende Frage. Anhand zahlreicher, faszinierender...
Cover of Sonst knallt's!

Sonst knallt's!

Warum wir Wirtschaft und Politik radikal neu denken müssen

by Matthias Weik, Götz W. Werner, Marc Friedrich
Language: German
Release Date: April 24, 2017

Unsere Wirtschaftsordnung, aber auch unsere politische Landschaft sind völlig aus dem Lot geraten. Immer mehr Menschen haben das Gefühl, nur noch für den Staat zu schuften und fühlen sich benachteiligt. Die Steuern sprudeln, aber die Infrastruktur verfällt. Unser Bildungssystem: eine chaotische...
Cover of Wem gehört Deutschland?

Wem gehört Deutschland?

Die wahren Machthaber und das Märchen vom Volksvermögen

by Jens Berger
Language: German
Release Date: May 12, 2014

Die Mär vom Volksvermögen Wem gehören eigentlich die großen Unternehmen des Landes? Wem die Banken? Die Immobilien? Wem gehört Deutschland? Jens Berger geht diesen Fragen nach und präsentiert dem Leser einen schonungslosen Blick hinter die Statistiken. Wussten Sie schon, dass Sie über ein Vermögen...
Cover of Jetzt reden wir

Jetzt reden wir

Was heute aus der DDR-Wirtschaft zu lernen ist

Language: German
Release Date: January 9, 2014

Immer wieder ist über die DDR-Wirtschaft zu lesen, ohne den "Wendeherbst" von 1989 wäre unweigerlich ihr baldiger Kollaps eingetreten. Nur wenige stellen diese seit mehr als 20 Jahren kolportierte These infrage. Diese Anthologie rückt die wirklichen Verhältnisse in den Fokus. Wirtschaftstheoretiker...
Cover of Public Capitalism

Public Capitalism

The Political Authority of Corporate Executives

by Christopher McMahon
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2012

In modern capitalist societies, the executives of large, profit-seeking corporations have the power to shape the collective life of the communities, local and global, in which they operate. Corporate executives issue directives to employees, who are normally prepared to comply with them, and impose...
Cover of I perché di una crisi. la demolizione controllata della classe media è appena iniziata: verso la vittoria finale dei criptocrati
by Roberto Quaglia
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 5, 2012

Ci raccontanto che tutte le nazioni affogano nei debiti. Se tutte le nazioni sono indebitate vuol dire che i debitori ultimi sono tutti i cittadini che costituiscono le nazioni. Siamo noi, siamo tutti, tutti, tutti indebitati. Ma se noi tutti, tutti, tutti siamo indebitati, chi diamine sono i creditori?...
Cover of Prosperity Freedom and Order
by The Institute of Perceptionism, Inc.
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2014

from outside the boundaries of the conventional wisdom, this book gives the reader a unique perspective of the world economy and offers unique solutions for the many recognizable problems of the current system. this book offers the reader an understanding of the fundamental immutable "bedrock"...
Cover of Typhoon Coming On: The Separation of Church and State
by George Bosh
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2010

TYPHOON COMING ON is the second in a proposed three-book memoir in poetry and prose, seeking to give an authentic glimpse into the emotional life and career of George Bosh, who had spent twelve years working in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. The Murdered Heart, the first in this trilogy, has attracted...
Cover of The China Boom

The China Boom

Why China Will Not Rule the World

by Ho-fung Hung
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2015

Many thought China's rise would fundamentally remake the global order. Yet, much like other developing nations, the Chinese state now finds itself in a status quo characterized by free trade and American domination. Through a cutting-edge historical, sociological, and political analysis, Ho-fung Hung...
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