Food Animal category: 255 books

Cover of Parlons vin ! / Sprechen wir ueber Wein!

Parlons vin ! / Sprechen wir ueber Wein!

Dicophrases françaisallemand / Deutschfranzoesisches Satzwoerterbuch

by Dietrich Ellger, Paul Laveau
Language: French
Release Date: May 8, 2017

Vu l’intensité des échanges dans le domaine du vin, une communication précise entre pays francophones et germanophones est indispensable. Plutôt que des mots isolés, cet ouvrage propose des phrases entières, à la formulation précise, grammaticalement exactes, construites autour de notions,...
Cover of Syrup from Sweet Sorghum
by William V. Cruess
Language: English
Release Date: September 9, 2016

This antiquarian volume contains a concise treatise on the production of syrup from sweet sorghum, including information on equipment, correct methodology, testing, and much more besides. Written in clear, concise language and containing a wealth of helpful, practicable information, this text is ideal...
Cover of A Guide to Northeast Grains
by Kristina Razon
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2017

Flour. If you were asked to describe flour, you may immediately picture the white, non-descript powder sold in five-pound bags labeled “All Purpose” at your supermarket. However, as you will soon discover, that powder is the antithesis of what flour really is. Currently, the Northeast region of...
Cover of Do Beekeeping

Do Beekeeping

The Secret to Happy Honey Bees

by Orren Fox
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Honey. Drizzled over a slice of fresh bread… or eaten directly from the spoon… is one of life’s great pleasures. And with beehives springing up on urban rooftops, in next door’s back garden – even schemes for adopting bees or renting hives – becoming a honey producer seems… possible....
Cover of Lentils


Potential Resources for Enhancing Genetic Gains

Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2018

Lentils: Potential Resources for Enhancing Genetic Gains describes the evolutionary aspects and agronomic potential of this important pulse with emphasis placed on wide hybridization, including molecular aspects and future breeding strategies. The existing variability among cultivated germplasm has...
Cover of Operations Management in Agriculture
by Dionysis Bochtis, Claus Aage Gron Sorensen, Dimitrios Kateris
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2018

Operations Management in Agriculture bridges the knowledge gap on operations management for agricultural machinery. It complements traditional topics (cost of using and choosing machinery) with advanced engineering approaches recently applied in agricultural machinery management (area coverage planning...
Cover of Vino d'Italia - Calabria
by Sergio Felleti
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 16, 2015

In questo primo libro che precede la serie: “I Vini di tutte le Regioni d’Italia”, sono accuratamente descritti non solo i vini buoni più comuni ma in particolare quelli di "nicchia", Doc e Igt: Bianchi, Rossi, Rosati, Novelli, Riserve, Spumanti, Passiti e tanti altri presenti in...
Cover of Le vin en 30 secondes
by Gérard Obe Basset
Language: French
Release Date: October 15, 2015

Auréolé de mystère, le monde des vins peut être intimidant pour un novice. Quelle est la différence entre le bouquet et le nez? Rioja est-il un vin ou une région? Qu’est-ce qu’une appellation? Grâce à Le vin en 30 secondes, vous ne craindrez plus de passer pour un débutant auprès des...
Cover of Le potager familial méditerranéen
by Charles-Marie Messiaen, Fabienne Messiaen-Pagotto
Language: French
Release Date: December 18, 2009

Comment installer un potager et quels sont les facteurs de réussite ? Les auteurs répondent à ces questions et recommandent un juste milieu entre le « tout chimique » (engrais solubles, pesticides de synthèse) et le dogmatisme d'un « 100 % biologique » difficile à satisfaire dans le cadre...
Cover of Préparation et commercialisation des produits de l'abeille
by Yves Gauvin, Émile Houle, Jocelyn Marceau
Language: French
Release Date: May 5, 2012

Ce guide pratique présente, en six chapitres, les différentes tâches et techniques associées à la préparation du miel, du miel en rayon, de l’hydromel, du pollen, de la cire d’abeille et de la propolis en vue de leur commercialisation. Il signale aussi la réglementation québécoise actuelle...
Cover of Berichte zur Resistenzmonitoringstudie 2009

Berichte zur Resistenzmonitoringstudie 2009

Resistenzsituation bei klinisch wichtigen tierpathogenen Bakterien

Language: German
Release Date: September 5, 2012

Die Anwendung von antibakteriell wirksamen Substanzen in der Veterinärmedizin erfolgt zum einen aus Gründen des Verbraucherschutzes, zum anderen zur Erhaltung der Tiergesundheit. Gleichzeitig führt jeder Einsatz von Antibiotika zur Selektion von bereits bestehenden Resistenzen, auch wird das Entstehen...
Cover of Berichte zur Resistenzmonitoringstudie 2008

Berichte zur Resistenzmonitoringstudie 2008

Resistenzsituation bei klinisch wichtigen tierpathogenen Bakterien Berichte gemäß § 77 Abs. 3 AMG

Language: German
Release Date: July 4, 2012

Jede Gabe von Antibiotika an Tiere fördert die Selektion bestehender Resistenzen und die Entwicklung neuer. Damit keine oder möglichst wenig resistente Keime in die menschliche Nahrungskette gelangen, braucht es Strategien. Der umfassende Bericht über Antibiotikaresistenzen bei klinisch wichtigen...
Cover of Berichte zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln 2014

Berichte zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln 2014

Jahresbericht Pflanzenschutz-Kontrollprogramm 2014

Language: German
Release Date: October 14, 2015

In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland überwachen die Behörden der Länder die Einhaltung der Vorschriften, die für das Inverkehrbringen und die Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln gelten. Das Pflanzenschutz-Kontrollprogramm ist ein bundesweit harmonisiertes Programm zur Überwachung pflanzenschutzrechtlicher...
Cover of Totul despre cafea: Cultivare, preparare, reţete, aspecte culturale
by Nicolae Sfetcu
Language: Romanian
Release Date: March 2, 2015

Ediția a doua Un ghid complet pentru cultivarea şi prepararea celor mai variate tipuri de cafea, cu accent pe aspectele cultural şi de sănătate, şi modalităţi de includere a cafelei în diverse deserturi şi cocktailuri. Cafeaua este o băutură universal recunoscută ca o necesitate umană....
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