Folklore Mythology category: 2054 books

Cover of Enraged


Why Violent Times Need Ancient Greek Myths

by Emily Katz Anhalt
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2017

An examination of remedies for violent rage rediscovered in ancient Greek myths Millennia ago, Greek myths exposed the dangers of violent rage and the need for empathy and self-restraint. Homer’s Iliad, Euripides’ Hecuba, and Sophocles’ Ajax show that anger and vengeance destroy perpetrators and...
Cover of Counterfeit Politics

Counterfeit Politics

Secret Plots and Conspiracy Narratives in the Americas

by David Kelman
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2012

In Counterfeit Politics, David Kelman reassesses the political significance of conspiracy theory. Traditionally, political theory has sought to banish the “paranoid style” from the “proper” domain of politics. But if conspiracy theory lies outside the sphere of legitimate politics, why do...
Cover of The Memory of Fire Trilogy

The Memory of Fire Trilogy

Genesis, Faces and Masks, and Century of the Wind

by Eduardo Galeano
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2014

Now in one collection, the century-spanning trilogy filled with “the wonders of the lands and people of Latin America” (The Washington Post). Eduardo Galeano’s Memory of Fire Trilogy defies categorization—or perhaps creates its own. It is a passionate, razor-sharp, lyrical history...
Cover of Faces and Masks
by Eduardo Galeano
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2014

“A book as fascinating as the history it relates . . . Galeano is a satirist, realist, and historian.” —Los Angeles Times For centuries, Europe’s imperial powers brutally exploited the peoples and resources of the New World. While soldiers of fortune marched across continents in search...
Cover of Lincoln Legends

Lincoln Legends

Myths, Hoaxes, and Confabulations Associated with Our Greatest President

by Edward Steers Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2007

In the more than 140 years since his death, Abraham Lincoln has become America's most revered president. The mythmaking about this self-made man began early, some of it starting during his campaign for the presidency in 1860. As an American icon, Lincoln has been the subject of speculation and inquiry...
Cover of Plato's Atlantis
by K. Bradley Washburn, Benjamin Jowett, Plato
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2013

For centuries, the tale of Atlantis has captured the imaginations of millions across the world. Atlantis has been featured in everything from books to films to toys, and the search for the lost continent as been undertaken by some of the best minds humanity has to offer. This volume collects the original...
Cover of 妖怪臺灣:三百年島嶼奇幻誌‧妖鬼神遊卷
by 何敬堯
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 4, 2017

**作家何敬堯+漫畫家張季雅聯合共同打造 第一本搜羅最完整、典文最豐富的臺灣本土妖怪百科全書! 痴情的蛇郎君、可憐的椅仔姑、含冤而死的墓坑鳥、 遇人不淑的林投姐、呵呵笑的人面魚、愛打掃的金魅、 棉被裡的飛顱妖、捉弄人的滾地魔、吃嬰兒的巨人阿里嘎蓋…… 229個妖鬼神+42幅黑白插畫 盡在《妖怪臺灣:三百年島嶼奇幻誌‧妖鬼神遊卷》一覽無餘 本書特別收入全彩拉頁〈百妖出陣圖〉 ‧獲獎無數的奇幻/歷史小說家何敬堯,花費3年構思、查找、編寫。 ‧參考翻閱超過400冊文獻典籍。 ‧從臺灣的大航海時代、明鄭時代、清朝時代、到日本時代,橫跨321年。 ‧囊括西方人、漢人、日本人的文字記載,甚至包含原住民奇譚故事。 ‧分為「妖怪」、「鬼魅」、「神靈」三大類,共計229個形象鮮明、故事動人的臺灣特有妖鬼。 ‧新銳漫畫家張季雅,投入一年心血,深入鑽研,並融合臺灣島人文歷史風貌,以唯美畫風呈現其中最知名的42個妖怪。** 關於世界各地妖怪的記錄:歐洲有古斯塔夫‧斯威布的《古代最美的傳說》,這就是現今流傳古希臘神話妖怪傳說的通俗讀物《希臘神話故事》的蒐集者;日本有柳田國男《遠野物語》,桃山人的《繪本百物語》,小泉八雲的《怪談》,日本當今所有的妖怪故事可以說都源流於此;中國的《山海經》,筆記小說,聊齋故事,則成為現今中國文化裡的通俗怪譚。然而臺灣呢?從以前到現在,從來沒有人以全面性、系譜性地蒐集臺灣歷史典籍中出現過的妖怪、神魔與怪譚的紀錄。 作者何敬堯花費數年構思、查找資料、最終編寫成《妖怪臺灣:三百年島嶼奇幻誌‧妖鬼神遊卷》這本書。蒐羅臺灣從四百年前(1624年)到戰後(1945年),共計321年之間,從臺灣的大航海時代、明鄭時代、清朝時代、日本時代中,曾經有過西方人、漢人、日本人(甚至是原住民口傳文學)在文獻典籍上書寫過在臺灣的「妖怪」、「神魔」、「異譚」等相關的文字記載,彙集成冊,進行「系譜性」、「全面性」的總整理,成為一個臺灣妖怪與怪談目錄。翻查的文獻數量估計有四百冊以上。蒐集文獻紀錄的主題有兩類,「百鬼」代表「妖、怪、神、魔、鬼」相關的紀錄,「奇譚」則是指稱有關「怪談、異說、奇事」之類的的紀錄。 ※...
Cover of Lord Peter and Little Kerstin

Lord Peter and Little Kerstin

Medieval Ballads from Sweden

by Ian Cumpstey
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2013

A collection of medieval Swedish narrative ballads in a new English verse translation.  It was foreseen that Little Kerstin would drown on her wedding morning. Lord Peter sets sail, even though he was warned to avoid the sea. Sir Olof happens upon an elf-dance on the day before his wedding....
Cover of Great Tales from British History

Great Tales from British History

Was Queen Victoria Ever Amused? and 39 Other Intriguing Historical Questions Answered

by Robert Gambles
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2013

Did King Cnut really believe that he could turn back the tide? Was Robert Bruce inspired by the perseverance of a spider? Was Queen Victoria never amused? In the 2,000 years of recorded British history, numerous stories have emerged and been passed down through the generations. Some reinforce or add...
Cover of Haiti, History, and the Gods
by Joan Dayan
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 1996

In Haiti, History, and the Gods, Joan Dayan charts the cultural imagination of Haiti not only by reconstructing the island's history but by highlighting ambiguities and complexities that have been ignored. She investigates the confrontational space in which Haiti is created and recreated in fiction...
Cover of Kildare Folk Tales
by Steve Lally
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2014

County Kildare has a rich heritage of myths and legends which is uniquely captured in this collection of tales by professional storyteller Steve Lally. Included in this collection are the exploits of the Wizard Earl of Kildare, who lived at Maynooth Castle, the legend of the lonely "Puca Horse"...
Cover of A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living
by Joseph Campbell
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2011

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are"Joseph Campbell One of Joseph Campbell's most popular, most quoted works, A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living is a treasure trove of insight and inspiration, thought-provoking in its depth, poetic in its scope. Drawn from a...
Cover of Bigfoot, Yeti, and the Last Neanderthal

Bigfoot, Yeti, and the Last Neanderthal

A Geneticist's Search for Modern Apemen

by Bryan Sykes
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2016

"'re talking about a yeti or bigfoot or sasquatch. Well now, you'll be amazed when I tell you that I'm sure they exist." —Jane Goodall on NPR This is "The Big Book of Yetis." What the reader gets here is a world-class geneticist's search for evidence for the existence...
Cover of Paranormal Investigators Box Set
by Rodney C. Cannon
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2018

 Book One.  Ed and Lorraine Warren  The Enfield Poltergeist. In the town of Enfield England almost 40 years ago supernatural events would start a chain of events that would bring the world's most famous paranormal investigators, the Warrens, there to investigate. An investigation that would inspire...
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