Fish category: 1105 books

Cover of Shucked


Life on a New England Oyster Farm

by Erin Byers Murray
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2011

Bill Buford's Heat meets Phoebe Damrosch's Service Included in this unique blend of personal narrative, food miscellany, and history In March of 2009, Erin Byers Murray ditched her pampered city girl lifestyle and convinced the rowdy and mostly male crew at Island Creek Oysters in Duxbury,...
Cover of Marine Genetic Resources, Access and Benefit Sharing

Marine Genetic Resources, Access and Benefit Sharing

Legal and Biological Perspectives

by Bevis Fedder
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2013

Access to genetic resources and Benefit Sharing (ABS) has been promoted under the Convention on Biological Diversity, with the aim of combining biodiversity conservation goals with economic development. However, as this book shows, since its inception in 1992, implementation has encountered multiple...
Cover of 章魚,心智,演化:探尋大海及意識的起源
by 彼得.戈弗雷史密斯(Peter Godfrey-Smith)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 7, 2017

★美國Amazon 4.4星好評推薦! ★《紐約時報書評》、《洛杉磯時報》、《衛報》、《經濟學人》、《科學》雜誌(Scientific)、《今日心理學》雜誌(Psychology Today)、《書單》雜誌(Booklist)、《出版人週刊》(Publishers Weekly)佳評如潮! 頭足類和我們分處生命樹上遙遠的兩端,藉由牠們迥異於人類的演化故事,探索數億年來心智演變的奧祕。 「人類何以有主觀經驗?」 「章魚擁有高智能?」 最原始的生命,是以單細胞的形式,存在於海洋。單細胞生物獨自度過了一段非常漫長的時間,才因為基因突變,無法正常分裂成各奔東西的細胞,或其他未知原因,而有了多細胞生物相伴。這些彼此黏在一起的細胞,組合出各式各樣的生命形態,包括植物、動物,以及真菌。其中有些更離開海洋,上到了陸地。這些生命若要生存,功能各異的細胞便得依靠神經系統彼此協調,以應付外在環境變化,發展出所謂的智能。 在這個過程中,可能是在六億年前,人類和頭足類分家了。在頭足類那一端,牠們放棄了外殼,擁有無拘無束的行動力。漸漸地,牠們演化出適應這種生活型態的各項本領,包括傑出的變色能力、擁有「感覺」的腕足,甚至是做出各式各樣調皮搗蛋行為的「高智商」,奇怪的是,牠們多數似乎異常短命? 一般認為除了人類以外,地球上擁有較高智能的是哺乳動物和鳥類。但我們越來越清楚知道,人類在生命樹上遙遠分枝的親戚——頭足類,也展現出驚人的心智能力。當我們在探討心智的奧祕時,或許應該納入其他動物也具有意識的事實,特別是頭足類。 身為科學家、哲學家與潛水員的作者,爬梳大量海洋科學、動物行為學、心理學、人腦科學以及哲學等等研究,藉由討論頭足類的心智演化,帶領讀者以更廣闊的角度探索「意識如何躍入生命」。 【導讀】(依姓名筆劃排列) 洪裕宏...
Cover of Deep Thinkers

Deep Thinkers

Inside the Minds of Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises

Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2018

Humans aside, dolphins, whales, and porpoises are often considered to be the smartest creatures on Earth. Science and nature buffs are drawn to stories of their use of tools, their self-recognition, their beautiful and complex songs, and their intricate societies. But how do we know what we know,...
Cover of Marine Conservation Biology

Marine Conservation Biology

The Science of Maintaining the Sea's Biodiversity

by Michael E. Soulé
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2005

Marine Conservation Biology brings together for the first time in a single volume leading experts from around the world to apply the lessons and thinking of conservation biology to marine issues.
Cover of Sharks: Conservation, Governance and Management
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2014

The key aim of this book is to explore the global conservation and management of sharks. There has been a rapid decline in populations of many shark species, while new science has emerged of the critical role they play in marine ecosystems. However, the authors show that conservation law and policy...
Cover of Rogue Waves

Rogue Waves

Anatomy of a Monster

by Michel Olagnon
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Rogue waves remain something of a mystery. Long believed to be a myth or an exaggeration, they haven't been the subject of any kind of serious in-depth research - until now. This book makes rigorous marine science accessible to all, exploring the causes and frequency of rogue waves, and the reasons...
Cover of Off the Deep End

Off the Deep End

A History of Madness at Sea

by Nic Compton
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2017

Confined in a small space for months on end, subject to ship's discipline and living on limited food supplies, many sailors of old lost their minds – and no wonder. Many still do. The result in some instances was bloodthirsty mutinies, such as the whaleboat Sharon whose captain was butchered...
Cover of Wealthy Habits A Perfect Instruction for 30 Wealthy Habits
by Vicente Towne
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2018

It is my pleasure to say to you that you are special and patient when you read this book until hear. It is my firm belief that you understand 30 habits of wealthy people. Apart from that, thanks to this book, you know thе ѕесrеt tо tаking соntrоl of уоur finances ѕо thаt you can еnjоу...
Cover of Ecology of the Indonesian Seas Part 2
by Tomas Tomascik, Anmarie J. Mah
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2013

The Ecology of the Indonesian Seas distills for the first time the information found in thousands of scholarly works relevant to an understanding of the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources in these islands&8212;many of them available up to now only in Dutch, German or Indonesian. It...
Cover of Sea Energy Agriculture

Sea Energy Agriculture

Nature's Ideal Trace Element Blend for Farm, Livestock, Humans

by Maynard Murray, Tom Valentine, Charles Walters
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2003

Reprinted by popular demand! Maynard Murray was a medical doctor who researched the crucial importance of minerals — especially trace elements — to plants and animals. Beginning in 1938 and continuing through the 1950s, Dr. Murray used sea solids — mineral salts remaining after water is evaporated...
Cover of Octopus!


The Most Mysterious Creature in the Sea

by Katherine Harmon Courage
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2013

“A pleasant, chatty book on a fascinating subject.” — Kirkus Reviews Octopuses have been captivating humans for as long as we have been catching them. Yet for all of our ancient fascination and modern research, we still have not been able to get a firm grasp on these enigmatic creatures. Katherine...
Cover of Our Oceans, Rivers and Lakes
by Mahesh Dutt Sharma
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2013

There are great reserves of Ocean waters on the earth. Around 97 percent of total water is found in the oceans and simultaneously 70 percent of the earth’s area is covered with Oceans.World’s generally all sea’s, mountains, lakes and the snow and water emerging from the mountains, all get accumulated...
Cover of Wild Sea

Wild Sea

A History of the Southern Ocean

by Joy McCann
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2019

“The Southern Ocean is a wild and elusive place, an ocean like no other. With its waters lying between the Antarctic continent and the southern coastlines of Australia, New Zealand, South America, and South Africa, it is the most remote and inaccessible part of the planetary ocean, the only part...
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