Feminism Feminist Theory category: 1647 books

Cover of The Politics of Passion

The Politics of Passion

Women's Sexual Culture in the Afro-Surinamese Diaspora

by Gloria Wekker
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2006

Gloria Wekker analyzes the phenomenon of mati work, an old practice among Afro-Surinamese working-class women in which marriage is rejected in favor of male and female sexual partners. Wekker vividly describes the lives of these women, who prefer to create alternative families of kin, lovers, and...
Cover of Canon Fodder

Canon Fodder

Historical Women Political Thinkers

by Penny A. Weiss
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2009

This book is an exercise in the recovery of historical memory about a set of thinkers who have been forgotten or purposely ignored and, as a result, never made it into the canon of Western political philosophy. Penny Weiss calls them “canon fodder,” recalling the fate of soldiers in war who are...
Cover of The Fair Sex

The Fair Sex

White Women and Racial Patriarchy in the Early American Republic

by Pauline E. Schloesser
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2005

Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2002 Once the egalitarian passions of the American Revolution had dimmed, the new nation settled into a conservative period that saw the legal and social subordination of women and non-white men. Among the Founders who brought the fledgling government into being were...
Cover of Romanticism and Civilization

Romanticism and Civilization

Love, Marriage, and Family in Rousseau’s Julie

by Mark Kremer
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2017

Romanticism and Civilization examines romantic alternatives to modern life in Rousseau’s foundational novel Julie. It argues that Julie is a response to the ills of modern civilization, and that Rousseau saw that the Enlightenment’s combination of science and of democracy degraded human life by...
Cover of Cultural Studies 50 Years On

Cultural Studies 50 Years On

History, Practice and Politics

Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

Stuart Hall conceptualized his time at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies as a series of interruptions. It was this fluidity that gave rise to Hall’s conception of cultural studies as a ‘moving target’, a fusion of a range of disciplinary approaches that was uniquely influenced by...
Cover of The User Unconscious

The User Unconscious

On Affect, Media, and Measure

by Patricia Ticineto Clough
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2018

Wide-ranging essays and experimental prose forcefully demonstrate how digital media and computational technologies have redefined what it is to be human Over the past decade, digital media has expanded exponentially, becoming an essential part of daily life. The stimulating essays and experimental...
Cover of Routledge Handbook of Gender and Security
Language: English
Release Date: September 3, 2018

This handbook provides a comprehensive look at the study of gender and security in global politics. The volume is based on the core argument that gender is conceptually necessary to thinking about central questions of security; analytically important for thinking about cause and effect in security;...
Cover of Wilderness Therapy for Women

Wilderness Therapy for Women

The Power of Adventure

by Ellen Cole, Esther D Rothblum, Eve M Tallman
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2014

Wilderness Therapy for Women offers women risktaking adventure activities in the outdoors as an alternative to traditional therapy. The contributing authors illustrate the empowerment, confidence, and self-esteem women can derive from adventure and experiential activities. This is the first book of...
Cover of Bellezza femminile e verità

Bellezza femminile e verità

Modelli e ruoli nella comunicazione sessista

by Judith Tissi Pinnock, Serena Gibbini Ballista
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 17, 2014

Il tuo mestiere è o sarà nel mondo della comunicazione? Hai un figlio o una figlia che vivono incollati alla Tv? Insegni o ti occupi della formazione delle nuove generazioni? Sei una ragazza o un ragazzo alla ricerca di un modello culturale che rispetti la tua vera personalità, unica e inimitabile?...
Cover of Transforming Images

Transforming Images

Screens, affect, futures

by Rebecca Coleman
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2015

Contemporary social and cultural life is increasingly organised around a logic of self-transformation, where changing the body is seen as key. Transforming Images examines how the future functions within this transformative logic to indicate the potential of a materially better time. The book explores...
Cover of Écrits d'une insoumise
by Voltairine de Cleyre, Normand Baillargeon, Chantal Santerre
Language: French
Release Date: January 18, 2018

Emma Goldman tenait Voltairine de Cleyre (1866-1912) pour « la femme anarchiste la plus douée et la plus brillante que l’Amérique ait jamais produit », et ce jugement avancé il y a près d’un siècle n’a toujours pas été infirmé. Pionnière du féminisme américain, poétesse, musicienne,...
Cover of Machonomics


Die Ökonomie und die Frauen

by Katrine Marçal
Language: German
Release Date: February 8, 2016

"Kein Aspekt der weiblichen Biologie prädestiniert die Frau für unbezahlte Hausarbeit. Oder dafür, ihren Körper für einen lausig bezahlten Job im öffentlichen Sektor zu schinden. Will man den globalen Zusammenhang zwischen ökonomischer Macht und dem Besitz eines Penis legitimieren, muss...
Cover of De armas tomar

De armas tomar

Feministas y luchadoras sociales de la Revolución Mexicana

by Ángel Gilberto Adame
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 14, 2017

Activistas, luchadoras sociales, transgresoras, feministas, ejemplo de acción y compromiso por la patria. Matilde Montoya, Juana B. Gutiérrez, María Arias Bernal, Hermila Galindo, María del Pilar Moreno Díaz, Mimí Derba, Palma Guillén, Clementina Batalla, Tina Modotti, Adelaida Argüelles,...
Cover of Attack of the 50 Ft. Women: From man-made mess to a better future – the truth about global inequality and how to unleash female potential
by Catherine Mayer
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2017

‘Buy it for yourself, your husband or partner. Most importantly, buy it for your children’ Sunday Express Essential reading from Catherine Mayer, recently named one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in Global Policy on Gender Equality. Not a single country anywhere in the world has achieved...
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