Far East category: 759 books

Cover of Bangkok Chiang Mai Hat Yai Nakhon Ratchasima Pattaya Phuket
by Heinz Duthel
Language: French
Release Date: August 24, 2015

Bangkok Chiang Mai Hat Yai Nakhon Ratchasima Pattaya Phuket Bangkok est la capitale de la Thaïlande, une destination touristique importante de l'Asie du Sud-Est. Quartiers     Centre Ville - Jim Thompson House et Siam Square.     Khao San Road -...
Cover of Bordellos and Brothels: Thailand Vol 2

Bordellos and Brothels: Thailand Vol 2

Behind the Glittering Lights

by Thomas Clarion
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2013

Thailand, part of the series, Behind the Glittering Lights of Bordellos and Brothels exposes motivation and background of women in selling their bodies to –primarily-  foreigners. Thailand also  focuses on the men engaging and indulging in the vast numbers of women on offer in the tourist dominated...
Cover of Aranciata Bollente: 2000Km in Cina
by Senesi Michele
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 13, 2016

Aranciata Bollente è una fusione tra un diario di viaggio e una vera e propria guida turistica. Il viaggio inizia ai confini con la Russia, ad Harbin, nel nord della Cina, a meno trenta gradi, dove si svolge il Festival del Ghiaccio. Fa poi tappa a Pechino, passa per Datong, esperimento urbano folle...
Cover of 韓國鐵道自由玩:最完整的10條鐵路遊玩攻略
by 朴率姬
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 29, 2016

Cover of 在首爾遇到大明星:跟著Kpopn前進70間經紀公司 x 參加4大電視台錄影 x 直擊撞星率100%店家
by kpopn
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 30, 2014

韓國最厲害的外銷,除了韓版服飾和泡菜外,就是明星! 那麼去韓國除了逛街和吃美食,當然就一定要看明星囉! 更厲害的是要一邊逛街、一邊吃美食,又可以一邊遇到各家藝人! 想要去首爾追星卻苦無門路嗎?想貼近心儀的歐巴和歐妮卻不知從何下手?大家的心聲,Kpopn全都聽到了!這次我們不僅要前進各大經紀公司、電視台蹲點找明星,還要參加節目錄影、潛入發表會和代言活動現場,體驗近距離十指緊扣的觸電機會,更要到明星最常現身的店家大啖美食,享受與偶像不期而遇的臉紅心跳時刻!...
Cover of 首爾GO!購首爾!韓貨控的採買全攻略
by 黃曉鈴
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 14, 2017

Cover of 我的環臺夢──劉金標的73歲自行車環島日
by 劉金標口述
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 11, 2007

你,環台了嗎? 劉金標,巨大機械的董事長,一手創辦世界級的捷安特自行車王國。 2007年,他73歲,用15天完成973公里的自行車環台之旅。   「有些事,現在不做,一輩子也都不會做了。」因為電影「練習曲」中的一句話,七十三歲的劉金標決心完成他的夢想—騎單車環台。   不顧家人的反對,劉金標說:「我的個性向來如此,一旦決定的事,沒人可以改變我,不論被視為固執或堅持,我就是要挑戰。」也就是這一股毅力,讓他不但完成了環台之旅,也讓他為什麼可以從無到有創立捷安特自行車王國。   本書是劉金標首度以口述方式紀錄而成的書籍,它不只是一個深具意義之事件的紀錄,還是一個人和夢想奮鬥的故事。書中除詳細紀錄環台十五天行程點滴、劉金標個人雜憶、十多位社會賢達在環台不同路段同行後的感言,還附有「練習曲」導演陳懷恩(全程跟拍)的攝影圖片及DVD,另有詳細路線等實用資訊。...
Cover of 台中nice trip 路線3南屯→霧峰
by 紀廷儒
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 16, 2017

Cover of 12000+ Vocabulary French - Korean
by Gilad Soffer
Language: French
Release Date: February 24, 2015

"12000+ Vocabulary French - Korean" is a list of more than 12000 words translated from French to Korean, as well as translated from Korean to French. Easy to use- great for tourists and French speakers interested in learning Korean. As well as Korean speakers interested in learning French.
Cover of 12000+ vocabulaire Français - Coréen
by Gilad Soffer
Language: French
Release Date: February 23, 2015

"12000+ vocabulaire Français - Coréen" est une liste de plus de 12000 mots traduits du français au Coréen, et traduits du Coréen au français. Simple à utiliser, parfait pour les touristes et les personnes parlant français désirant...
Cover of 1001+ exercices Français - Coréen
by Gilad Soffer
Language: French
Release Date: February 21, 2015

"1001+ exercices Français - Coréen" est une collection de plus de 1000 exercices pour les francophones. Chaque exercice est constitué d'une phrase en français et de cinq possibilités de traduction en Coréen parmi lesquelles il vous faudra choisir....
Cover of 11000+ Vocabulary French - Vietnamese
by Gilad Soffer
Language: French
Release Date: February 24, 2015

"11000+ Vocabulary French - Vietnamese" is a list of more than 11000 words translated from French to Vietnamese, as well as translated from Vietnamese to French. Easy to use- great for tourists and French speakers interested in learning Vietnamese. As well as Vietnamese speakers interested in learning French.
Cover of 1001+ Expressions de Base Français - Coréen
by Gilad Soffer
Language: French
Release Date: February 19, 2015

"1001+ Expressions de Base Français - Coréen" est une liste de plus de 1000 phrases de base traduit de Français à Korean. Extrusions à utiliser-grand pour les touristes et les haut-parleurs Français intéressés à en apprendre...
Cover of 1001+ Expressions de Base Français - Népalais
by Gilad Soffer
Language: French
Release Date: February 19, 2015

"1001+ Expressions de Base Français - Népalais" est une liste de plus de 1000 phrases de base traduit de Français à Népalais. Extrusions à utiliser-grand pour les touristes et les haut-parleurs Français intéressés à en...
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