Europe category: 12800 books

Cover of The Escape Line

The Escape Line

How the Ordinary Heroes of Dutch-Paris Resisted the Nazi Occupation of Western Europe

by Megan Koreman
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2018

Of all the resistance organizations that operated during the war, about which much has been written, one stands out for its transnational character, the diversity of the tasks its members took on, and the fact that, unlike many of the known evasion lines, it was not directed by Allied officers, but...
Cover of Living in . . . Russia
by Jesse Burton
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2018

Discover what it’s like to grow up in Russia in this fascinating, nonfiction Level 2 Ready-to-Read, part of a series all about kids just like you in countries around the world! Zdravstvuyte*!* My name is Katia, and I’m a kid just like you living in Russia. Russia is a massive country, located...
Cover of Rick Steves Tour: Slav Epic, Prague
by Rick Steves, Honza Vihan
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2017

Rick Steves' Pocket guidebooks truly are a “tour guide in your pocket.” Each colorful, compact book includes Rick's advice for prioritizing your time, whether you're spending 1 or 7 days in a city. Everything a busy traveler needs is easy to access: a neighborhood overview, city walks and tours,...
Cover of Schetsen uit Zeeland (Geïllustreerd)

Schetsen uit Zeeland (Geïllustreerd)

De Aarde en haar volken, Jaargang 1873

by Anoniem
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2018

Het was een warme, liefelijke Meidag in het jaar 1873. Vroolijk straalde de zon aan den helder blauwen hemel, slechts hier en daar met fijne, witte, donzige wolkjes bestrooid, en goot haar licht uit over de woelige kaaien van Antwerpen, over de schepen in dichte rijen voor de groote koopstad geankerd,...
Cover of Het Eiland Texel en Zijne Bewoners
by Francis Allan
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2018

Het was naar aanleiding van een vroeger door mij geschreven werkje1, dat ik van onderscheidene en veelgeachte zijden de vereerende uitgenoodiging ontving, om ook ten opzigte van eene Beschrijving van het Eiland Texel mijne krachten te beproeven. Dan, bij de zamenstelling van het genoemde...
Cover of Het Eiland Wieringen en Zijne Bewoners
by Francis Allan
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2018

Toen ik de belofte aflegde, de vervaardiging eener beschrijving van het Eiland Texel op mij te nemen, beloofde ik tevens, ook hetEiland Wieringen, op gelijke wijze te zullen bewerken.— Ik heb die belofte gehouden, waartoe ik vooral werd in staat gesteld, door de welwillende medewerking...
Cover of Het Eiland Vlieland en Zijne Bewoners (Geïllustreerd)
by Francis Allan
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2018

Gehoor gevende aan eene uitnoodiging, waarbij ik werd aangezocht, om, even als van de eilanden Texel, Wieringen, enz., ook van Vlieland eene beschrijving voor de pers te leveren, zoo bied ik met de uitgave van dit werkje mijnen Landgenooten de vervulling mijner belofte aan. Ik vleije mij, dat...
Cover of De Zaan en Waterland (Geïllustreerd)

De Zaan en Waterland (Geïllustreerd)

Een kijkje in Noord Holland

by Anoniem
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2018

Daar zijn vier jaren verloopen, sedert wij—de lezers van De Aarde en ik, die het voorrecht geniet hun op velerlei omzwervingen ten gids te mogen dienen,—een reisje ondernamen naar het schoone en betrekkelijk weinig bekende Friesland, niet de minst eigenaardige, de minst karakteristieke en belangwekkende...
Cover of History of Romania
by James Samuelson
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2016

Although the earliest authentic records of Romania or, more correctly speaking, of Dacia, the Roman province which embraced Romania, Transylvania, and some adjoining territories of to-day, do not reach further back than about the century immediately preceding the Christian era, a good deal of information...
Cover of Playing the Moldovans at Tennis
by Tony Hawks
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2013

It doesn't take much - "£100 is usually sufficient" - to persuade Tony Hawks to take off on notoriously bizarre and hilarious adventures in response to a bet. And so it is, a pointless argument with a friend concludes in a bet - that Tony can't beat all eleven members of the Moldovan soccer...
Cover of Skagerrak and Back
by Martin Edge
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2011

“Skagerrak and Back” is the story of my North Sea circuit aboard my 27ft yacht.In 2007 I bit the bullet and decided to head for foreign climes. We crossed the North Sea from the Firth of Forth to Norway. We skirted the coast southwards to Sweden, through the Skagerrak past Denmark and into...
Cover of London: The Attractions of UK Capital
by Lee Martinez
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2014

London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom. London is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism and transport all contributing to its prominence....
Cover of Andorra Travel Guide - Tiki Travel
by Tiki Travel
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2012

Andorra Travel Guide - Tiki Travel The Tiki Travel guides use the text from, a complete and reliable worldwide travel guide written and edited by Wikitravellers from around the globe. An active table of contents enables users to jump directly to the section selected. ...
Cover of Following the Rhine gently upstream Rotterdam to Basel, a Cycle Tourist’s Guide
by Neil Forsyth
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2011

This guide takes the hard work out of planning a holiday cycling up the Rhine, 1100 km (700 miles) from Hook of Holland to Basle in Switzerland. The River Rhine runs from the Swiss Alps to the Dutch sea coast. The tour starts from the Rhine estuary in the Netherlands, twists around, under and over...
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