Europe category: 12800 books

Cover of Cracóvia e sua região

Cracóvia e sua região

Descubra uma cidade linda, cheia de história e cultura!

by Cristina Rebiere
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 28, 2018

Você quer conhecer a história em cada esquina das ruas? Então… Bem-vindo a Cracóvia, na Polônia,, no coração da Europa Central, uma das mais belas cidades do velho continente! Você quer se surpreender com paisagens magníficas e fazer parte dessa beleza? Então não hesite: Cracóvia...
Cover of Hausbesuch. Naples-Dresde en Europe

Hausbesuch. Naples-Dresde en Europe

(Neapel-Dresden in Europa, Nápoles-Dresde en Europa, Napoli-Dresda in Europa, Napels – Dresden in Europa, Nápoles-Dresden na Europa)

by Marie Darrieussecq, Goethe-Institut, Nicolas Ehler
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 10, 2017

Pendant plus de sept mois, ce projet du Goethe-Institut a mis en contact dix écrivains connus, de sept pays différents (Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Italie, Luxembourg, Portugal) avec des personnes, dans l’intimité de leur foyer. Il revenait ensuite aux écrivains de raconter par l’écriture...
Cover of One Year in Copenhagen

One Year in Copenhagen

My Life as an International Student

by Twice Abroad
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2018

Whether you are moving to Copenhagen as a student, employee, or are simply curious about Danish life (from a foreigner’s perspective), this book is for you. One Year in Copenhagen outlines my personal experience moving to Copenhagen as a full time, international student. The book is organized by...
Cover of 我從拘留室搬進東倫敦之後
by 連美恩
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 1, 2018

★繼《我睡了81個人的沙發》之後,連美恩最新冒險力作! 女警把手伸進我的衣服裡,隔著內衣褲搜身,連胯下和股縫都沒放過。 緊接著我又被帶到另一個房間,壓了十根手指頭的指紋, 還拍了像在電影裡才會看到那種拿字卡的白背景犯人照…… 連美恩,一個原本連光圈、快門是什麼都搞不清楚的女孩,為了成為一個攝影師的夢想,隻身踏上歐洲大陸,在經歷了十四個月顛沛流離的日子後,她選擇留在倫敦,這個占卜師曾極力嚇阻她絕對不要沾上邊,否則一定會愛情事業兩失意的地方。 於是,還沒來得及捲起袖子大展身手,美恩就先被英國海關拘留了一夜,好不容易住進充滿藝術氣息的東倫敦,又接連遇到問題多多、驚悚不已的古怪室友;交了充滿藝術家氣息的英國男友,竟面臨到該不該為了愛情吃下橫死路邊野兔的人生難題;終於成為獨立接案的時尚攝影師後,卻在搞不清楚的狀況下屢次挑釁殺人不眨眼的黑道幫派分子。 看來占卜師的預言果然沒錯,不過,這樣殘酷的預言,在遇到對夢想充滿衝勁和滿滿生命力的美恩,竟然奇妙的轉化成一場又一場燦爛無比的煙花,實在讓人看了嘖嘖稱奇、大呼過癮。 透過這本書,美恩將邀請你和她一起走過這些年來在歐洲尋夢的心路歷程。那一個個讓人感到不可思議的小故事、旅遊書上看不到的城市風景,以及我們每個人有機會面臨到的,對於築夢路上會遇到的困惑與自我懷疑…… 儘管我們每個人對於跨出舒適圈都有著一定程度的恐懼,但是就像美恩分享的: 「慢慢地,我不再害怕一個人上路這件事,因為我越來越清楚地知道,當你勇往直前地朝你想去的那個方向奔跑時,就會在路上遇到跟你有一樣目標、一樣夢想的人,他們將成為你的朋友,...
Cover of Galileo's Daughter

Galileo's Daughter

A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith and Love

by Dava Sobel
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2009

Inspired by a long fascination with Galileo, and by the remarkable surviving letters of Galileo's daughter, a cloistered nun, Dava Sobel has written a biography unlike any other of the man Albert Einstein called "the father of modern physics- indeed of modern science altogether." Galileo's...
Cover of A Tramp Abroad
by Mark Twain
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2015

A Tramp Abroad is a work of travel literature, including a mixture of autobiography and fictional events, by American author Mark Twain, published in 1880. The book details a journey by the author, with his friend Harris (a character created for the book, and based on his closest friend, Joseph...
Cover of Distant Snows
by John Harding
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2016

In Distant Snows, mountaineer John Harding recollects his worldwide adventures spanning sixty years across Europe, Iran, East Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the Arctic. He climbed many classic peaks including Mont Blanc, Mount Kenya, and Mount Cook, explored obscure ranges, and pioneered...
Cover of Tulipomania


The Story of the World's Most Coveted Flower & the Extraordinary Passions It Aroused

by Mike Dash
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2010

A vivid narration of the history of the tulip, from its origins on the barren, windswept steppes of central Asia to its place of honor in the lush imperial gardens of Constantinople, to its starring moment as the most coveted—and beautiful—commodity in Europe. In the 1630s, visitors to...
Cover of Learn German with Stories: Dino lernt Deutsch Collector’s Edition - Simple Short Stories for Beginners (1-4)
by André Klein
Language: German
Release Date: October 31, 2018

Tired of boring textbooks and apps that don't make sense? Step into the shoes of Dino, explore 4 German cities and learn German—the way it's actually spoken—along the way! This collector's edition comprises the first four German stories in the Dino lernt Deutsch German learning series for...
Cover of Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
by Yona Zeldis McDonough, Who HQ
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2003

Born in Austria in 1756, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his first piece of music, a minuet, when he was just five years old! Soon after, he was performing for kings and emperors. Although he died at the young age of thirty-five, Mozart left a legacy of more than 600 works. This fascinating biography...
Cover of Bosnia, l’Europa di mezzo

Bosnia, l’Europa di mezzo

Viaggio tra guerra e pace, tra Oriente e Occidente

by Marco Travaglini, Gianni Oliva
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 5, 2015

Due decenni fa finiva la guerra in Bosnia, lasciando cumuli di macerie e tanti, troppi morti. Questo reportage racconta la pace che ha fatto seguito a quella tragedia. Una pace imperfetta, fatta di prevaricazione e di giustizia negata, di dolore e di speranze strappate via dal disastro di una quotidianità...
Cover of Jugo-bike


In bicicletta in Bosnia, Croazia e Serbia

by Lorenzo Gambetta, Marco Pastonesi
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 8, 2019

Un viaggio lento, polako polako, a scartamento ridotto. Una bicicletta e una sacca, la cui pesantezza non è un fardello ma l’occasione di essere agganciati alla terra attraversata per viverla, scoprirla. Da Zagabria a Sarajevo, a Belgrado, dalla Mitteleuropa verso Oriente tra vallate, cascate,...
Cover of Lumen
by Ben Pastor
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2011

Spellbinding multi-layered crime novel set in Poland during the Nazi occupation. Controversially, the hero, Captain Martin Bora, is an aristocratic German officer in the Wehrmacht. With echos of Claus von Stauffenberg, he is torn between his duty as an officer and his integrity as a human...
Cover of Encyclopedia of the Exquisite

Encyclopedia of the Exquisite

An Anecdotal History of Elegant Delights

by Jessica Kerwin Jenkins
Language: English
Release Date: November 2, 2010

Encyclopedia of the Exquisite is a lifestyle guide for the Francophile and the Anglomaniac, the gourmet and the style maven, the armchair traveler and the art lover. It’s an homage to the esoteric world of glamour that doesn’t require much spending but makes us feel rich. Taking a cue from...
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