Esp category: 481 books

Cover of Weird West Coast: California Ghost Stories
by World Watch Media
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2017

David had always been a perceptive child; ghosts, ‘shadow people’, and strange occurrences were something he grew accustomed to as the years passed. His great grandparents before him had professed to having similar abilities and it was believed to run in the family. As a child David had felt sensitive...
Cover of Gustavo Rol

Gustavo Rol

La vita, l'uomo, il mistero

by Maurizio Ternavasio
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 5, 2013

A cento anni dalla nascita, la figura di Gustavo Adolfo Rol – uno dei più grandi sensitivi del XX secolo – viene per la prima volta sottoposta a uno studio rigoroso e approfondito. In questo libro non si parla soltanto degli incredibili e documentati esperimenti cui dava vita (scrittura e lettura...
Cover of Aldilà


Cronache dai mondi invisibili

by Amadori Barbara
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 21, 2013

Una analisi ricca di particolari in relazione al luogo da cui spiritualmente proveniamo e dove torneremo al termine di questo straordinario interludio che chiamiamo vita. Finalmente il mondo spirituale spiega cosa accade dopo quel "miliardesimo di secondo" che ci porterà nell'aldilà. Il...
Cover of Il Cammino della Luce
by Michela Salotti, Roberto Fabbroni
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 21, 2017

Il viaggio dei due protagonisti, alle prese con i disagi della propria esistenza, li guiderà alla scoperta delle origini dei malesseri nati nel presente ma derivanti dal loro passato. Un percorso altalenante tra passato e presente per comprendere il significato del karma e delle vite ad esso legate. Ogni...
Cover of Guida ai fenomeni medianici - metapsichica moderna
by William Mackenzie
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 17, 2016

I tempi sono maturi per la metapsichica. La cosa in se stessa, naturalmente, non è del tutto nuova: quanto mai vi è di nuovo nel mondo, fuorché talvolta nel nome? Ma il nome che da il titolo a questo libro è comunque l’indice di una direttiva piuttosto recente, secondo la quale si deve considerare...
Cover of Avventure nel Mondo del paranormale
by Gianluca Volarici
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 22, 2017

Questo libro si propone di narrare in forma dinamica e piacevole le ricerche parapsicologiche dell’autore che si sono svolte negli ultimi trentacinque anni. Nel I° capitolo (Investigatori del paranormale), si presenta un excursus storico e strutturale delle ricerche. Il 2° capitolo ( Nel regno...
Cover of I See Your Soul Mate

I See Your Soul Mate

An Intuitive's Guide to Finding and Keeping Love

by Sue Frederick
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2012

This remarkable step-by-step guide to finding your soul mate brings a fresh perspective to love. According to author Sue Frederick, an intuitive since childhood, we've all come here to accomplish a great mission. Honoring who we came here to be opens the door to allow our soul mate to stand...
Cover of The Sixth Sense of Children

The Sixth Sense of Children

Nurturing Your Child's Intuitive Abilities

by Litany Burns
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2012

Every child is born with innately wonderful and intuitive abilities. And when properly fostered in a child, these abilities offer untold advantages as your child matures and becomes an adult. The Sixth Sense of Children provides parents with the tools and practical exercises that will help parents...
Cover of Reaching Out

Reaching Out

A Manual for Healing Hearts

by Pamela Nadeau
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2002

We may feel we are spiritual beings living inside physical bodies yet know that life's big challenge is to live a spiritually good life. For, how can we be spiritually good when life can invite us to be unloving, unkind or just plain confused? Is this dilemma different as we enter the 21st...
Cover of Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind

Self-Empowerment and Your Subconscious Mind

Your Unlimited Resource for Health, Success, Long Life & Spiritual Attainment

by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke, Joe H. Slate, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2010

Tap into the infinite potential of your subconscious and experience tremendous growth and self-discovery. Grounded in scientific research, this practical step-by-step guide introduces easy, yet highly effective, techniques for harnessing the unlimited power of your subconscious mind. Learn to access...
Cover of Help and Advice from the Other Side (Smashwords Edition)
by Irene McGarvie
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2012

There is no death and there are no dead.This book explains three mysteries that have the potential to completely change the way you think about life and death.First, the dead are still with us, and they still care about us. Death of the body does not mean that the personality and individuality...
Cover of The Spiritual Password

The Spiritual Password

Learn to Unlock Your Spiritual Power

by PRINCESS MARTHA LOUISE, Elizabeth Nordeng
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2014

Do you ever feel different to the people around you, or long for a deeper connection to spirit? This enlightening book will help you to understand why life may sometimes seem like an uphill struggle, and how to finally find the deep connection with spirit that you have been longing for. Introducing...
Cover of Psychic Research and the Healing Process
by Henry K. Puharich
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2016

The healing process is usually described within the framework of physics, chemistry, and cellular physiology. Just as the role of the observer is generally ignored in the formulations of science, so the role of the healer and the healed is ignored in modern medicine. This essay, chapter 14 of Psychic...
Cover of Haunted Britain and Ireland: Over 100 of the Scariest Places to Visit in the UK and Ireland
by Derek Acorah
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2009

Take a spooky journey round the British Isles with the UK’s best known psychic Derek Acorah. Derek presents a fascinating guide to 100 ‘haunted’ sites throughout Britain and Ireland, including his incredible ghostly encounters, what you can expect to find at each location, as well as detailed...
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