Egypt category: 1199 books

Cover of Haute et Basse-Egypte : Les Deux-Terres des pharaons
by Raphaël Bertrand
Language: French
Release Date: April 23, 2012

Il s'agit d'articles consacrés à divers aspects de l'Egypte ancienne. Table des matières : Exegi monumentum aere perennius — Traduction d'un bas-relief provenant de la tombe d'Ameneminet — La phylé : mode de gestion du travail dans l'Egypte antique — Chez les dieux égyptiens : parole...
Cover of Récit du transport d'une statue dans l'Egypte ancienne
by Raphaël Bertrand
Language: French
Release Date: April 23, 2012

Ce récit provient de la tombe du nomarque Djéhoutyhotep qui vécut au Moyen Empire, narration dans laquelle il nous décrit le transport d'une statue colossale d'environ 6,80 m de haut le représentant. En introduction à la traduction du texte égyptien, le lecteur trouvera dans l'ouvrage une description...
Cover of L'Egypte antique simplement
by Raphaël Bertrand
Language: French
Release Date: October 1, 2012

175 questions sur les divinités, la géographie, l'Histoire, la civilisation ou bien encore la religion de l'Egypte ancienne. Questions à choix multiples et questions ouvertes. (Nouvelle édition) L'auteur, spécialisé dans la langue de l'Ancien Empire, a publié une grammaire et enseigne...
Cover of L'hymne d'Amon

L'hymne d'Amon

roi des dieux égyptiens

by Raphaël Bertrand
Language: French
Release Date: November 12, 2012

Cet hymne d'Amon écrit sur papyrus en écriture hiératique date du Nouvel Empire. Ce genre de texte rédigé par les Egyptiens était destiné au culte divin. Il permet de cerner partiellement la divinité telle qu'ils la concevaient étant donné que, pour eux, l'essence réelle et complète d'un...
Cover of Ottoman Explorations of the Nile

Ottoman Explorations of the Nile

Evliya Çelebi’s Map of the Nile and The Nile Journeys in the Book of Travels (Seyahatname)

by Robert Dankoff, Nuran Tezcan, Michael D. Sheridan
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2018

Before the time of Napoleon, the most ambitious effort to explore and map the Nile was undertaken by the Ottomans, as attested by two monumental documents: an elaborate map, with 475 rubrics, and a lengthy travel account. Both were achieved at about the same time—c. 1685—and both by the same man. Evliya...
Cover of Cairo, Jerusalem, & Damascus: three chief cities of the Egyptian Sultans.
by David Samuel Margoliouth
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2017

The book itself is intensely interesting both in its historical account and its description of these three great cities and is profusely illustrated with most beautiful pictures and drawings of the famous places in them. The difference of "atmosphere” of Cairo and Jerusalem which, though both...
Cover of The City of the Caliphs
by Eustace Alfred Reynolds Ball
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2017

Cairo has for centuries been the home of Oriental magnificence and despotism, and still, though fallen from its high estate, it ranks as one of the most typical and picturesque-as well as the wickedest - of Mohammedan cities, while its mingling of Oriental luxury and laissez faire with Occidental...
Cover of From Khartoum to Jerusalem

From Khartoum to Jerusalem

The Dragoman Solomon Negima and his Clients (1885–1933)

by Dr Rachel Mairs
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2016

In 2014, a collection of papers was found on eBay: a scrapbook, inside which was written 'Testimonial Book of Dragoman Solomon N. Negima'. The letters pasted into the testimonial book bear recommendations of Negima's services as dragoman – a combination of tourist guide and interpreter – in the...
Cover of Isis


Rosicrucian Digest

by Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, Steven Armstrong
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2010

This issue of the Rosicrucian Digest presents a compendium of materials that provide a solid introduction to the most important aspects of the Isis Mysteries.
Cover of Egipto
by Ernesto Ballesteros Arranz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 1, 2015

eBook Interactivo. Egipto es una estrecha franja de terreno fertilizado por el Nilo, en el que se desarrollaron gran cantidad de estilos y periodos absolutamente deslumbrantes. Aquí tenemos una breve colección de obras de todo tipo que puede acercarnos a contemplar sus resultados y reflexionar sobre una de las primeras culturas humanas de la historia.
Cover of In Bed with the Ancient Egyptians
by Charlotte Booth
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2015

In modern-day media, depictions of ancient Egyptian society are of a highly sexualised, lustful culture, but how accurate are these depictions of a people so shrouded in mystery and legend that it is sometimes hard to tell truth from fiction? In this fascinating and intimate insight into ancient Egyptian...
Cover of History of Ancient Babylon
by George Rawlinson
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2016

Babylon, the capital of the Fourth Monarchy, was probably the largest and most magnificent city of the ancient world. A dim tradition current in the East gave, it is true, a greater extent, if not a greater splendor, to the metropolis of Assyria; but this tradition first appears in ages subsequent...
Cover of Egyptian Myth and Legend
by Donald Mackenzie
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2012

Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie Donald A. MacKenzie (1873-1936) was a Scottish journalist and prolific writer on religion, mythology and anthropology in the early 20th century. He was born in Cromarty and began his career in Glasgow. Between 1903 and 1910 he owned and edited The...
Cover of Armana Age
by James Baikie
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2014

When we consider the Cretans and Hittites, the powers of Babylonia and Assyria, and the internal conditions in Syria and Palestine, it can hardly be doubted that the reign of Akhetaten marks a turning point, notably in Egyptian history, but also in the wider history of the ancient world. Here the...
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