Education Training category: 1604 books

Cover of Baby Monitors

Baby Monitors

A No-Nonsense Handbook Of Baby Monitor Reviews, Top Baby Monitors, Baby Monitor Electronics, Baby Monitor Cell Phone Accessories, Baby Monitor Video

by Scott Fusco
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2013

With this easy to use manual discover baby monitors, baby monitor reviews, top baby monitors, baby monitor electronics, baby monitor cell phone accessories, baby monitor video .
Cover of Piccola guida per operatrici di accoglienza dei servizi antiviolenza
by Alessandra Pauncz
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 5, 2016

Breve guida che mette in luce alcune delle questioni rilevanti che riguardano l'accoglienza a donne che subiscono violenza. Le domande da porre, come bilanciare gli aspetti di accoglienza empatica con la necessità di fare una corretta rilevazione e valutazione del rischio, quali sono i maggiori indicatori...
Cover of How to Believe in Yourself and Conquer the World
by Christopher Handy
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2012

We speak a lot about self-worth without using it actually. Rarely do we make a true assessment of ourselves and think about ourselves as we truly are. If we were to become more pragmatic about ourselves, our lives would definitely become much more profitable and productive. One of the most important...
Cover of Cómo Pensar Como un Doctor
by Michael Mangold
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 23, 2016

Este libro habla y explica cómo piensa un medico, Si usted es un estudiante de medicina auxiliar, una o un estudiante de enfermería, o incluso un trabajador en la administración de la salud, Usted se beneficiará de descubrir el proceso de cómo un MD o DO en cualquier encuentro con un paciente...
Cover of How to Raise a Doctor

How to Raise a Doctor

Wisdom From Parents Who Did It!

by Dale Okorodudu
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2018

Healthcare is a noble profession. The ability to serve others daily, diagnose illness, and save patients' lives is a career unlike any other. Medicine consistently ranks among the highest paid professions! And, the most competitive. So, what can you do to prepare your child for success? In How to...
Cover of Habits: How to Develop Strong, Positive Habits into Your Life for Long Lasting Change
by Benjamin Smith
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2016

Did you know that everything that you do is a direct result of using your subconscious mind? You may not be aware of it, but behind the scenes the subconscious is working 24 hours a day recording everything that happens to you. It is also recording responses to given triggers. If you feel fear or...
Cover of 幸運,你可以學會的能力



by 彼得.霍林斯(Peter Hollins)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 25, 2019

「吸引力法則」有效,但你很可能用錯了方法! 耗費近六十年,全球頂尖大學,權威心理學家傾心研究與實驗! 歐普拉、賈伯斯親身實踐, 運氣絕非天注定,幸運能力你一定能學會!     我們永遠不知道下一秒世界會發生什麼事、周遭的人會製造怎樣的麻煩。不可「控制」的人事物,讓生活充滿無法預期的種種——   ◆急著趕路,開車沿途卻總是遇上紅燈   ◆好心幫忙,到頭來卻背黑鍋、被所有人責怪?   ◆出門踩到狗屎、開心逛街卻突遇大雨、路面崎嶇導致摔跤   ◆相同才華、一樣認真,卻是他人受重用?   ◆巧遇多年未聯絡親友,意外得到高薪工作機會   ◆對統一發票,經常中獎,小財不斷?     你是否覺得,有些人好像比較幸運,做事容易成功;有些人卻似乎衰神上身,諸事不順?為了擁有幸運人生,許多人選擇算命改名、研究星座、配戴幸運物,但其實問題不在水逆或風水不佳,而是多數人沒學會讓自己幸運的能力。   ★想要幸運?先瞭解自己的「這些特質」 請各位試著回答以下問題——   □...
Cover of 這輩子,只能平庸過日子?



by 查德.庫柏(Chad E. Cooper)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 9, 2019

比起開創美好生活,庸俗人生更叫人適應! 這是你想要的人生結局嗎—— 「活得好像自己永遠不會死,到了臨終只能嘆息自己沒活過」   歐普拉、比爾蓋茲成就非凡的秘訣, 找到「遠離舒適圈」的勇氣 重新認識自己、改變現狀、實現夢想 AMAZON****5星好評   生活百無聊賴,你不甘心卻處處妥協,然而—— 要接受你拿到的,還是去拿你想要的? 塑造未來的不是處境,而是決定 大聯盟高手都有七成失敗率,你呢? 與其「不做」,不如「慢慢做」   「低潮當藉口」只能平庸度日,「告別舒適圈」夢想開始發芽    ...
Cover of Grateful
by Maria Mare
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2017

I thought saying grace before meals was trivial. I did not feel anything when I used to say “Thank you for this meal”, even though I have read and understood a number of books on gratitude. Until one day. I was awakening from a deep sleep. When the Gratitude technique came my way, at first I thought:...
Cover of Punished by Rewards: Twenty-fifth Anniversary Edition

Punished by Rewards: Twenty-fifth Anniversary Edition

The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes

by Alfie Kohn
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 1999

Alfie Kohn’s landmark challenge to carrot-and-stick psychology, featuring updated reflections and research in a major new afterword by the author Our basic strategy for raising children, teaching students, and managing workers can be summed up in six words: Do this and you’ll get that....
Cover of Les Idées modernes sur les enfants
by Alfred Binet
Language: French
Release Date: May 30, 2015

Les Idées modernes sur les enfants est un livre écrit par le psychologue français Alfred Binet (1857 – 1911).   Ce livre numérique comporte une table des matières dynamique. Il est parfaitement mise en page pour une lecture sur liseuse électronique....
Cover of Stuttering: 25 Most Effective Methods and Techniques to Overcome Stuttering
by Alex Andrews
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2015

Are you a teen or adult who sometimes stutter or perhaps a professional individual with a stuttering issue? This book “Stuttering and 25 Most Effective Methods and Techniques to Overcome Stuttering” describes a list of 25 helpful tips that you can use to avoid stuttering and stammering in your...
Cover of How Doctors Think
by Jerome Groopman
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2008

On average, a physician will interrupt a patient describing her symptoms within eighteen seconds. In that short time, many doctors decide on the likely diagnosis and best treatment. Often, decisions made this way are correct, but at crucial moments they can also be wrong -- with catastrophic consequences....
Cover of How to Pass the RACP Written and Clinical Exams
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2017

Surviving the journey through the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) examinations requires grit, courage and hard work. The second edition of How To Pass the RACP Written and Clinical Exams is fully updated to help candidates – and those who teach them – dig deep to maximise their...
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