Eastern Religions category: 6161 books

Cover of Falun Gong and the Future of China
by David Ownby
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2008

On April 25, 1999, ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners gathered outside Zhongnanhai, the guarded compound where China's highest leaders live and work, in a day-long peaceful protest of police brutality against fellow practitioners in the neighboring city of Tianjin. Stunned and surprised, China's...
Cover of Liberation Unleashed

Liberation Unleashed

A Guide to Breaking Free from the Illusion of a Separate Self

by Ilona Ciunaite
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2016

Liberation Unleashed introduces you to the process of unraveling the false sense of a separate self at the center of your existence. With insightful metaphors, personal stories, and guided dialogues, this book points directly to our lack of separation and helps you move toward a new, more open reality...
Cover of Staunen über den Erlöser
by Max Lucado
Language: German
Release Date: December 8, 2010

Erlösung? Rettung? Ewigkeit? Bestsellerautor Max Lucado betrachtet die Worte Jesu am Kreuz. Er begegnet den Personen um das Kreuz. Und er zeigt uns die Weisheit des Kreuzes für unser Leben. Der Autor führt in vielen berührenden Beispielen zum Staunen über das größte Ereignis der Weltgeschichte. Aus begrenzter Zeit kann Ewigkeit im Leben jedes Christen werden.
Cover of Master Ma's Ordinary Mind

Master Ma's Ordinary Mind

The Sayings of Zen Master Mazu Daoyi

by Fumio Yamada, Andy Ferguson
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2017

“Ordinary Mind is itself the Way,” said Mazu Daoyi. See what this master has to say—and discover the extraordinary nature of your own “ordinary” life. In Master Ma’s Ordinary Mind, you will learn the true nature of enlightenment from one of Zen’s great teachers. Master Mazu’s...
Cover of Sieben Worte für das Leben

Sieben Worte für das Leben

Ein Begleiter für die sieben Wochen der Passionszeit

by Ulrich Wendel
Language: German
Release Date: January 29, 2013

Dieses Buch ist Lesestoff für Lebenshungrige! Denn die "sieben Worte", die Jesus in den Stunden vor seinem Tod sprach, sind Wegweiser zum Leben. Sie zeigen, wie Beziehungen gelingen, Hoffnung überdauert, Sehnsüchte gestillt werden und man den Weg nach Hause findet. Es geht nicht ums Jenseits,...
Cover of The Essential Jewel of Holy Practice
by Jay L. Garfield, Emily W. McRae
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2017

An exquisite poem from one of Dzogchen’s greatest teachers. The Essential Jewel of Holy Practice is a vibrant philosophical and ethical poem by one of Tibet’s great spiritual masters. Patrul Rinpoche presents a complete view of the path of liberation from the perspectives of the Madhyamaka...
Cover of Standing as Awareness

Standing as Awareness

The Direct Path

by Greg Goode
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2009

Inspired by Sri Atmananda (Krishna Menon), the Direct Path is a “pathless path.” It simply articulates the being of you and the world as loving, open, clear awareness. If this truth is realized as your experience, then nothing need be done. The path disappears, and life is lived in sweetness and...
Cover of Lone Star Muslims

Lone Star Muslims

Transnational Lives and the South Asian Experience in Texas

by Ahmed Afzal
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2014

Lone Star Muslims offers an engaging and insightful look at contemporary Muslim American life in Texas. It illuminates the dynamics of the Pakistani Muslim community in Houston, a city with one of the largest Muslim populations in the south and southwestern United States. Drawing on interviews...
Cover of Stalk Divination

Stalk Divination

A Newly Discovered Alternative to the I Ching

by C. A. Cook, Zhao Lu
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2017

This book presents for the first time a full translation and analysis of a newly discovered bamboo divination manual from the fourth century BCE China, called the Stalk Divination Method (Shifa). It was used as an alternative to the better-known Zhouyi (popularly known as the I-Ching). The Shifa manual...
Cover of Beyond East and West
by John C.H. Wu
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2018

When John C. H. Wu’s spiritual autobiography Beyond East and West was published in 1951, it became an instant Catholic best seller and was compared to Thomas Merton’s The Seven Storey Mountain, which had appeared four years earlier. It was also hailed as the new Confession of St. Augustine for...
Cover of Mu-ga


The Ritual Songs of Korean Mudangs

by Im Sok-jae, Alan C. Heyman
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2003

This work is mainly comprised of a translation into English of four complete large-scale Korean Shaman ritual songs transcribed from tape recordings, which, until the present time, have remained either entirely untranslated, or, if otherwise, are only quoted in the form of brief excerpts in a few...
Cover of Hindu Gods and Heroes
by Lionel D. Barnett
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Within Hinduism a large number of personal gods (Ishvaras) are worshipped as murtis. These beings are significantly powerful entities known as devas. The exact nature of belief in regard to each deity varies between differing Hindu denominations and philosophies.     Often these beings are...
Cover of Verdades sobre el Tíbet, los dalái lamas y el budismo
by Bernard Baudouin
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 1, 2012

El dalái lama, el más alto líder espiritual del pueblo tibetano, era también, hasta 1959 (fecha de la ocupación por parte de China), el principal responsable político del Tíbet. Elevada figura del budismo, es considerado la manifestación del Buda de la Compasión, reencarnado para servir a...
Cover of The Light of Asia
by Edwin Arnold
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2014

In the form of a narrative poem, the book endeavors to describe the life and time of Prince Gautama Siddhartha, who after attaining enlightenment became The Buddha, The Awakened One. The book presents his life, character, and philosophy, in a series of verses.
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