Dystopian category: 1842 books

Cover of Government of the Rich (Edizione Italiana)
by I. D. Oro
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 3, 2019

Dionysia una ragazza adolescente di diciassette anni vive a Las Vegas, Nevada. Suo padre Simon è un camionista disoccupato. Sua sorella Paulina è una laureata che non riesce a trovare un lavoro in infermieristica. Sua madre Celia è l'unica che ha un lavoro al Amazon Fulfillment Center di Las Vegas,...
Cover of Feltámadás
by Scott Sigler
Language: Hungarian
Release Date: April 6, 2017

Scott Sigler, New York Times bestseller író egy lehengerlően izgalmas trilógiával jelentkezik Az éhezők viadala, A beavatott és Az útvesztő hagyományában. Fiatalok csoportja ébred egy titokzatos, zárt térben, mit sem tudva arról, hogyan kerültek oda. Nem emlékeznek arra, kicsodák,...
Cover of Les Lucioles - Suis ton étoile, même si la fin du monde semble proche
by Jen Minkman
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2019

Par décret d'Etat, il est interdit aux citoyens d'Ebrus : - d'explorer l'océan autour des murs de la ville, - d'ignorer le couvre-feu et d'être dans les rues après 19 heures, - de prendre un congé maladie plus de trois fois par an, - de chanter. Une nouvelle dystopique sur l'esprit de Noël.
Cover of Aftermath


Die Zeit danach

by Michaela Mann
Language: German
Release Date: July 12, 2018

Ein Virus brach aus, der die Menschen in Untote verwandelt. Ein weit verbreitetes Szenario für eine Apokalypse, doch etwas ist hier vollkommen anders: es gibt bereits ein Heilmittel und eine Organisation, die alles im Griff zu haben scheint. Als Anastasia gebissen wird, glaubt sie sich daher bereits...
Cover of Warhol Worm (Arabic Edition)
by I. D. Oro
Language: Arabic
Release Date: July 11, 2018

إن شعار حملة "البشع العنيفة" ، "جعل أمريكا مستضعفة مرة أخرى" يعد بموجة مرعبة جديدة من مناهضة الفكر ، وحرق الكتب ، والرقابة على الإنترنت ، ونهاية التعليم للجماهير....
Cover of #ISIS (Edición en Español)
by I. D. Oro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2018

Dunya una valiente chica adolescente musulmana de diecisiete años viaja con su devota familia a Qatar desde Londres cuando el avión hace un aterrizaje de emergencia en Beirut, Líbano. El Estado Islámico de Irak y el Levante (I. S. I. L.) irrumpe en el aeropuerto de una manera espectacular y mata...
Cover of Lucciola
by Jen Minkman
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 14, 2018

Breve storia distopica sullo spirito del Natale. Come decretato dallo Stato, i cittadini di Ebrus non sono autorizzati a: Visitare l'oceano che circonda la città murata, Ignorare il coprifuoco e restare fuori dopo le sette, Mettersi in malattia più di tre volte l'anno, Cantare.
Cover of Zombie Apocalypse for Kids

Zombie Apocalypse for Kids

Four Teenagers on a Dangerous Journey (Kids’ Adventure Stories)

by Jeff Child
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2019

The teenagers are on a mission: They have to find life, other people who survived the zombie apocalypse. Strengthened by their weapons, the four friends go on a journey through the vast, empty landscape, and find supplies in villages to help them cope with the hordes. They each have their favorite...
Cover of Parasol Świętego Piotra
by Kálmán Mikszáth
Language: Polish
Release Date: September 27, 2016

Powieść wydana w 1974 roku na Węgrzech. Interpretacja starej legendy. Książka pełna błyskotliwego humoru i baśniowego charakteru. Napisana lekko, napawająca optymizmem. Autor przekazuje czytelnikowi pozytywną energii, radość i nadzieję.
Cover of Primal


Post Apocalyptic Action

by E.J. Deen
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2017

The year 14, after the revolt…. He came to salvage what was left of the country, but the country didn’t want saving. He’d been alone for so long that he’d almost forgotten his own name. They called him Zach. It’s all anyone needs to know about him. He’s a bounty hunter with a price on...
Cover of The Defected
by Jesse Kimmel-Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2015

The world as you know it is gone. And you allowed it to happen.   I am sure you believe you would never allow such a thing to happen, but it’s true. The concepts you hold so dearly to yourself: freedom, truth, democracy, and the options of choices. You gave them all up for the concept of protection....
Cover of Imperi de llops
by Kayla Olson
Language: Catalan
Release Date: October 19, 2017

ANY 2049. LA TERRA ESTÀ A PUNT DE DESAPARÈIXER. Abans de la guerra, l’Eden tenia una vida fàcil. Hi havia aire condicionat, gelats i llargs dies a la platja. Llavors va arribar la revolució, i tot va canviar. Ara, un grup poderós controla la Terra i els seus recursos. Malgrat que l’Eden ho...
Cover of A Soldier and A Liar
by Caitlin Lochner
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2019

In a world on the brink of war, four superpowered teens must learn to work together for peace in Caitlin Lochner's action-packed debut novel, A Soldier and A Liar. Lai Cathwell is good at keeping secrets. As a Nyte, a supernaturally gifted teenager who is feared and shunned by the ungifted,...
Cover of Weavers
by Kate Avery Ellison
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2013

~BOOK 3 IN THE FROST CHRONICLES~ Every day, life in the Frost grows increasingly perilous for its inhabitants. The Farther occupation continues, and food is becoming scarce. Lia Weaver’s family is facing increasing perils, too—Jonn pushes his health to the brink as he works to uncover...
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