Distribution category: 482 books

Cover of Customer Loyalty and Supply Chain Management

Customer Loyalty and Supply Chain Management

Business-to-Business Customer Loyalty Analysis

by Ivan Russo, Ilenia Confente
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2017

Many business-to-business (B2B) managers think that customers act rationally and base decisions mostly on price, customer loyalty isn’t considered. Companies outsource various activities, which enable them to improve efficiency, reduce costs, focus more on core competencies and improve their innovation...
Cover of Der Vertrieb

Der Vertrieb

Auf dem Weg zum Vertragsabschluss

by Michael Becker
Language: German
Release Date: May 14, 2014

Der Autor gibt einen gelungenen Überblick über die vielfältigen Aufgaben im Vertrieb und über die vielen Einzelschritte, die ein erfolgreicher Vertriebsmitarbeiter bis zum Vertragsabschluss geht. Publikationen über Gesprächsführung gibt es viele, eine Aufgabenbeschreibung des Vertriebsauftrages...
Cover of Marshall L. Fisher - Quand Supply Chain rime avec stratégie et performance
by Valentina Carbone, Valérie Moatti
Language: French
Release Date: January 17, 2017

Marshall L. Fisher s’est tourné vers la logistique et le Supply Chain Management (SCM), après de nombreux travaux très reconnus dans le domaine de la recherche opérationnelle. Ses recherches en logistique et SCM sont variées et couvrent à la fois des problématiques de modélisation en logistique...
Cover of Humanitarian Logistics

Humanitarian Logistics

Meeting the Challenge of Preparing For and Responding To Disasters

Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2018

Effective logistics play a critical role in disaster preparation and response, but how can those working in this field deliver in environments which are often dangerous and unstable? Humanitarian Logistics provides thought-provoking guidance and discussion of the core issues facing practitioners involved...
Cover of Sales Performer

Sales Performer

Wie Sie sich zur Top-Vertriebskraft entwickeln

by Sascha Kugler, Paul Würzner
Language: German
Release Date: February 16, 2016

Sie sind im Vertrieb tätig und haben den Wunsch sich weiterzuentwickeln? Sie wollen im Verkauf noch erfolgreicher werden? Dann finden Sie in diesem Arbeitsbuch eine Fülle von Anregungen, ein wertvoller Baustein auf Ihrem persönlichen Weg zur Top-Vertriebskraft. Zu Beginn werfen die Autoren Sascha...
Cover of Außendienst 2014 B2Basics
by Wolfgang Schrittesser
Language: German
Release Date: February 25, 2014

In der heutigen Zeit gewinnt der Außendienstmitarbeiter immer mehr an Bedeutung, Umsätze stagnieren und die Gewinnspannen werden geringer. Für den Unternehmer wird es schwerer denn je die geeigneten Produkte für den Kunden zu finden und die Kundenbeziehung weiter zu stärken. Ich werde Ihnen nun...
Cover of Aprovisionamiento y almacenaje en la venta. UF0033.
by Carmen Arenal laza
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 13, 2018

Este Manual es el más adecuado para impartir la UF0033 "Aprovisionamiento y almacenaje en la venta" de los Certificados de Profesionalidad, y cumple fielmente con los contenidos del Real Decreto. Puede solicitar gratuitamente las soluciones a todas las actividades y al examen final en el...
Cover of Praxis der Personalisierung im Handel

Praxis der Personalisierung im Handel

Mit zeitgemäßen E-Commerce-Konzepten Umsatz und Kundenwert steigern

Language: German
Release Date: October 3, 2017

Personalisierung gilt im Handel als wichtiger Wettbewerbsvorteil. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie der Handel mittels zeitgemäßer E-Commerce-Technologie kundenindividuelle Angebote erzeugen kann, um Umsätze und den Kundenwert zu steigern. Autoren aus der Forschung, Beratung und Praxis erklären die Möglichkeiten...
Cover of Making a Killing on Amazon Kindle - The Pro Marketer's Guide to Selling More eBooks on Amazon
by Eugene Walker
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2014

Available Now! Renowned Author, Eugene Walker Announces Launch of New Book “Making a Killing on Amazon Kindle - The Pro Marketer's Guide to Selling More eBooks on Amazon!” for Aspiring Authors on Amazon The book will reveal the secrets of becoming a number one best seller on Amazon...
Cover of The Essentials of Packaging

The Essentials of Packaging

A Guide for Micro, Small, and Medium Sized Businesses

by Sola Somade, Tunji Adegboye
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2018

Packaging remains the most effective medium through which goods can be made available to the consumer wherever he resides. The Essentials of Packaging: A Guide for Micro, Small, and Medium Sized Businesses has been written to guide manufacturers or anyone who has any marketable product to package....
Cover of The Livestock Producer and Armour
by Armour and Company
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2016

Cover of On China's Trade Surplus
by Tao Yuan
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2013

China’s trade surplus is an essential question, but there are many popular misconceptions about it, a fact that prompted the creation of this book, On China's Trade Surplus. It will help readers to understand the manner in which China’s foreign trade and China’s role in global trade have developed,...
Cover of Global Supply Chain Security and Management

Global Supply Chain Security and Management

Appraising Programs, Preventing Crimes

by Darren Prokop, Ph.D., Economics
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2017

Global Supply Chain Security and Management: Appraising Programs, Preventing Crimes examines the relationship between securing a supply chain and promoting more efficient worldwide trade. Historically, the primary goal of supply chain security was guarding against theft and damage. Today, supply chains...
Cover of Il contratto di agenzia - Normativa, Accordi Economici Collettivi, Formulario
by Studium Legis
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 13, 2013

Il libro,di facile consultazione, ripercorre lo sviluppo legislativo del contratto di agenzia, riportando normativa e gli accordi economici collettivi (dal 1935). Particolare attenzione viene poi rivolta agli aspetti propriamente più pratici, attraverso una ricca compilazione di modelli di contratto di agenzia, corrispondenza e atti giudiziari.
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