Diet Therapy category: 201 books

Cover of Natural Remedies to Treat and Prevent Heart Disease
by VT
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2017

Heart disease is America's number-one killer. Yet heart disease, which is primarily caused by inflammation and an accumulation of plaque in the coronary arteries, is one of the most preventable of all illnesses.   The key is to make lifestyle changes and take natural supplements. In...
Cover of Mein Körper in Balance

Mein Körper in Balance

Die sieben Stufen zum Gleich-Gewicht

by Babak Bahadori, Iris Pestemer-Lach
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2014

Übergewicht ist kein reines Ernährungsproblem und daher mit Diäten allein auch nicht nachhaltig in den Griff zu bekommen. Mehrere hundert erfolgreiche Behandlungen sprechen für den Erfolg des speziell entwickelten und hier vorgestellten Sieben-Stufen-Konzepts von Dr. med. Babak Bahadori, das ganz...
Cover of Come vivere 150 anni - istruzioni per l'uso del corpo umano
by Dr. Dimitri Tsoukalas
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 28, 2014

Questo libro - scritto in collaborazione con l’Istituto Europeo di Medicina Nutrizionale - spiega in modo pratico come migliorare la propria salute e longevità grazie alla nuova scienza della Metabolomica. Le comuni domande su come aumentare la propria energia, superare lo stress, dimagrire...
Cover of The 24 Hour Detox Formula : Detox, Lose Weight, Feel Great...Any Time You Want!
by Dana Winters
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2017

Feeling tired? dizzy? clogged? It's very likely that you need to detox yourself!In this book you will find a simple yetr poweful formula to detox yourself in only 24 hours. After detoxing you will feel strong, focused, energetic and willing to face all challanges of the universe!So...
Cover of No Salt, Lowest Sodium Barbecue & Grilling Cookbook
by Donald Gazzaniga, Maureen Gazzaniga
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2016

With a complete index to each recipe, this book has two-hundred plus low-sodium and salt free recipes for outdoor living including grilled meat, vegetables, side dishes, desserts, Dutch Oven recipes and more. Author Gazzaniga survived a terminal heart disease diagnosis and created a no-salt program...
Cover of Research Presentations of Dietetic Internship Participants

Research Presentations of Dietetic Internship Participants

Research Proceedings - Nutrition and Food Section

by Cheryl L. Atkinson
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2014

The research presentations of the Southern University Dietetic Interns presented in this Research Proceeding, is the first in a series of original works designed and conducted by post-baccalaureate students enrolled in the supervised practice experience program known as the Dietetic Internship.
Cover of What State Do You Live In?

What State Do You Live In?

The Consequences of Obesity

by Jerrod P. Libonati
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2011

What State Do You Live In explains the events that take place in your body if you lose control over your weight. Tens of millions of adult Americans suffer from weight related chronic disease states including pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal blood cholesterol, the metabolic syndrome, and...
Cover of Why You're Fat & Sick And How To Fix It

Why You're Fat & Sick And How To Fix It

Our Top 10 Tips To Make You Lean, Sexy, & Healthy!

by Christopher Mitchell
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2017

Let me teach you how to become a Self-Published Author in record time. It's fast, cheap, and simple. I'll send you all my best Tips, Facts,and Statistics ABSOLUTELY FREE! The only thing you need to do is submit your Name and Email address right here: This...
Cover of Nutrición clínica
by María. Elena Téllez Villagómez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Nutrición clínica, 2a edición, es una obra que aborda los conceptos básicos en el tema de nutrición, ofrece información clara y concisa sobre los requerimientos y recomendaciones nutricionales para cada etapa de la vida, asi como algunos de los procesos patológicos que afectan a la sociedad...
Cover of Diabetes, obesidad y sindrome metabólico

Diabetes, obesidad y sindrome metabólico

Un abordaje multidisciplinario

by Isaías Balderas Rentería
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

La diabetes, obesidad y el sindrome metabólico son epidemias que los médicos enfrentan día a día en los consultorios o centros de salud. Del mismo modo, las complicaciones de estas patologías indican un alto índice morbi-mortalidad en el país. Diabetes, obesidad y sindrome metabólico. Un abordaje...
Cover of Sulfur Deficiency, A Simple Guide To The Condition, Treatment And Related Conditions
by Kenneth Kee
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2016

Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in the body after calcium and phosphorous.It's an important mineral element that you get almost wholly through dietary proteins such as meat and fish and legumes.Sulfur is a mineral in the body that is needed for:1. Enzyme activity,2. Hormone balance,3....
Cover of Erection Distress Time To Redress
by Bill Hanks
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2017

If you have problems getting a solid erection you have come to the right place. I have the fix for that. How do I know for sure? I fixed myself! From the age we hit puberty we men dream of sex, what it's like, how does it feel. We just cannot wait to get stuck in, literally! The love for sex...
Cover of How Colon Cleansing Works
by V.T.
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2014

Are you having a healthy body? I mean a real healthy body, not only the outside, but inside as well. If you've never cleanse your body, or colon in your life, I strongly suggest you give it a try. With food remaining in our colon for years, we are choking ourselves! We need to remove the excessive,...
Cover of Resveratrol & Rotwein-Medizin: Quintessenz und Prävention
by Imre Kusztrich, Dr. med. Jan-Dirk Fauteck
Language: German
Release Date: January 20, 2014

Auch die westliche Welt hat einen Anti-Aging-Super-Star, der sich mit dem Grünen Tee Asiens durchaus vergleichen lässt. Mit dieser Substanz, Resveratrol, schützen Pflanzen sich gegen eine Vielzahl von Bedrohungen: Hitzschlag, Nachtfrost, Bakterien auf dem feuchten Blatt, Schäden durch Fressfeinde...und...
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