Diabetic category: 506 books

Cover of Sabor na medida certa - nutrição e culinária para diabetes
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 30, 2018

Uma alimentação saudável é fundamental para o controle do diabetes. Neste livro, você aprenderá a ajustar seu plano alimentar de forma que o ajude a manter níveis glicêmicos, de lipídeos e de pressão arterial adequados. Para o diabético, as dicas nutricionais apresentadas neste livro, combinadas...
Cover of Recetas dulces y saladas para diabéticos
by Eduardo Casalins
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Uno de los problemas del diabético son las tentaciones por las comidas sabrosas, apetitosas, de buen gusto culinario. Esta situación se profundiza por dos motivos. El primero, que el diabético tiene prohibidos ciertos alimentos, lo que psicológicamente produce rebeldía y mayor deseo de saborear...
Cover of The Easy 5- Ingredient Ketogenic Diet Cookbook. High fat, Low Carb and Pocket Friendly Recipes for Busy People on Keto Diet
by Kate Armstrong
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2018

Now that you have started the keto diet, the question is what do you eat and how do you prepare what you are eating without stress? No need to worry The Easy 5-Ingredient Ketogenic Diet Cookbook is loaded with quick and easy low carb recipes that will perfectly fit into your lifestyle and busy schedule. This...
Cover of La cocina para diabéticos, entradas, platos principales y postres
by Eduardo Casalins
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

La diabetes es una enfermedad que afecta a millones de personas en el mundo. Para tratarla, es imprescindible cambiar los hábitos alimentarios tradicionales y olvidarse de consumir algunos productos. Esto no impide disfrutar de platos que, además de ser saludables, son muy sabrosos. Este libro contiene...
Cover of Sweets by the Season

Sweets by the Season

Low Carb Recipe Magic, #2

by Rene Averett
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2015

One of the challenges of any weight control lifestyle is how to enjoy the cakes, cookies, pies and other sweet treats that we so enjoy throughout the year. For many people, doing without them is simply not an option. And it doesn't have to be. With these delicious and low carb, sugar-free recipes,...
Cover of 5-Ingredient Healthy Pressure Cooker Recipes: 103 Healthy Recipes For Quick Cooking
by Sheila Candy
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2018

Cook healthy meals quickly! Healthy eating is imperative for good health. Sleep and physical activity is important; Yes! But we need a balanced diet of healthy foods such as lean protein, whole grain, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds to encourage optimal overall body function. Grated that you lead...
Cover of Buone Ricette Senza Zucchero e Senza Sale
by Maurizio Cusani, Cinzia Trenchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 3, 2014

Ci sono diversi motivi per rinunciare o ridurre di molto il consumo di sale e di zucchero bianco, usati in quantità eccessive nella nostra cucina e ormai presenti nella quasi totalità degli alimenti industriali. Non solo chi soffre di ipertensione, di disturbi cardiocircolatori o di diabete, ma...
Cover of Processo alla carne

Processo alla carne

Tutto quello che non ci hanno mai detto sul rapprto cibo e cancro (e non solo)

by Michele Emiliano, Franco Berrino
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 8, 2016

Un magistrato interroga, come «persona informata dei fatti», uno dei massimi esperti nel nostro Paese sullo stretto rapporto tra ciò che mangiamo e la nostra salute. Secondo l’American Institute for Cancer Research, le cattive abitudini alimentari sono responsabili di circa 3 tumori su 10; per...
Cover of 101 Tips for Parents of Kids with Diabetes

101 Tips for Parents of Kids with Diabetes

Wisdom for Families Living With Type 1

by Jeff Hitchcock
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2016

Approximately 208,000 Americans under age twenty have diagnosed diabetes, and the number is growing at an alarming rate. From 2001 to 2009, the number of American children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes rose 23 percent; for type 2 diabetes it rose 21 percent. While scientists and government organizations...
Cover of In corpore sano...
by Gianni Tomassini
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 28, 2016

Piccolo manuale di educazione alimentare dedicato ai ragazzi, affinché, con il loro comportamento, siano di esempio per i loro genitori
Cover of Absolute Clean Eating
by Kristy Jenkins
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2019

Most of the fat you see around your waist or on those wobbly legs comes from the sugar content in the carbs you eat. You are consuming so many carbs that your “fat reserves” never have a chance to deplete themselves. Eating too much “wrong fats” and carbs will become attached to like a mosquito...
Cover of Sem Açúcar

Sem Açúcar

Doces, Bolos e Tortas Liberados

by Helena de Castro
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 28, 2014

O açúcar é um dos maiores vilões nas dietas restritivas. Quando consumido em excesso, pode levar à obesidade, à hipertensão, a alguns tipos de câncer e, principalmente, ao diabetes. Em "Viva Melhor: Sem açúcar" você vai encontrar receitas saborosas e variadas que são permitidas...
Cover of Le diabète

Le diabète

Adopter le bon régime alimentaire pour affronter cette maladie

by Petit Guide
Language: French
Release Date: September 9, 2015

Adopter le bon régime alimentaire pour affronter cette maladieVivre au quotidien avec le diabète est une épreuve… mais une bonne diététique et une hygiène de vie adaptée permettent de contrôler la maladie et de mener une vie presque normale.Un ebook pratique et malin qui répondra rapidement...
Cover of Postres para diabéticos
by Mina Editores
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Cuando somos diagnosticados con diabetes lo primero que nos prohíben es el azúcar… y es cuando los pacientes aseguran que la vida se vuelve insípida.Afortunadamente hoy en día existen toda clase de sustitutos de azúcar diseñados exclusivamente para pacientes con diabetes que le devuelve el...
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