Death Dying category: 510 books

Cover of The Electric Chair

The Electric Chair

An Unnatural American History

by Craig Brandon
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2016

This book provides a history of the electric chair and analyzes its features, its development, and the manner of its use. Chapters cover the early conceptual stages as a humane alternative to hanging, and the rivalry between Edison and Westinghouse that was one of the main forces in the chair’s...
Cover of By Himself

By Himself

The Older Man's Experience of Widowhood

by Deborah van den Hoonaard
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2010

What happens when older men become widowers? Popular books, movies, and television present widowers as lost and unable to cope or care for themselves. These stereotypes do not encapsulate the experiences of real widowers, how their daily lives change, and what being a widower means to individuals...
Cover of Legal Executions in Georgia

Legal Executions in Georgia

A Comprehensive Registry, 1866-1964

by Daniel Allen Hearn
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2015

In the state of Georgia, 1025 men and women are known to have been hanged or electrocuted for capital crimes in the century after the Civil War. Based on more than twenty years of investigative research, this chronological record of these legal executions was pieced together from diverse sources in...
Cover of Stay


A History of Suicide and the Philosophies Against It

by Jennifer Michael Hecht
Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2013

Worldwide, more people die by suicide than by murder, and many more are left behind to grieve. Despite distressing statistics that show suicide rates rising, the subject, long a taboo, is infrequently talked about. In this sweeping intellectual and cultural history, poet and historian Jennifer Michael...
Cover of The Conversation

The Conversation

A Revolutionary Plan for End-of-Life Care

by Angelo E. Volandes
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2015

In this "enlightening" (Jane Brody, New York Times) book, Harvard Medical School physician Angelo E. Volandes offers a solution to traumatic end-of-life care: talking, medicine's oldest tool. There is an unspoken dark side of American medicine--keeping patients alive at any price. Two thirds...
Cover of The Dead and their Possessions

The Dead and their Possessions

Repatriation in Principle, Policy and Practice

Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2003

Inspired by a key session for the World Archaeological Congress in South Africa, The Dead and their Possessions is the first book to tackle the principle, policy and practice of repatriating museum artefacts, rather than cultural heritage in general. Increasingly, indigenous people world-wide...
Cover of 不在病床上說再見:帶著尊嚴離開的臨終選擇
by 宮本顯二、宮本禮子
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 29, 2016

◆引爆日本《讀賣新聞》臨終議題 ◆80%的人不願意接受無效延命醫療,為什麼臨終都不能如願?! 日本高齡醫學專家的善終建言, 沒有插管、灌食、洗腎與人工呼吸器的另一種終老方式。 在歐美,很少看到長年臥病在床的老人, 在台灣,想擺脫住院、臥床的折磨,卻是奢望。 為什麼醫療越發達,想要圓滿而終卻越來越困難? 如何主張醫療自主,才能沒有遺憾地道別,讓人生結束得更像一個人。 意識不清、不能言語,臥病在床、包著尿布、甚至被綁住手腳,僅能從口中的塑膠管灌入營養品。用這種模樣來做人生的謝幕,有誰願意? 日本高齡者臨終醫療學會的創辦人,在多年考察後發現,歐美國家不像亞洲一樣,有許多長年臥病在床的老人,這讓他們反思國內醫療的觀念與現況。書中探討了阻礙安詳臨終的到底是什麼,身為家屬又該為親人選擇怎樣的臨終醫療,以及歐美國家如何做到大多數人都自然善終的理想。 先瞭解這些,才知道要如何選擇! .連醫界人士都不想面臨的「反覆受苦的臨終醫療」 .解開急救室裡為何大多都是老人之謎 .歐美高齡醫療的重點在緩和痛苦與提高生活品質 .水分及營養補給的重大誤解:一次點滴的營養只等於一罐果汁! .能否發揮預立醫囑的功能,關鍵在於主治醫師 .究竟是哪種人才需要插鼻胃管、做胃造口導食手術? 【名人推薦】(依姓氏筆畫排列) 田麗珠/台北市立聯合醫院社工室主任 李偉文/牙醫師、作家、環保志工 陳秀丹/陽明大學附設醫院內科加護病房主任 陳炳仁/奇美醫學中心老年醫學科主治醫師 黃 軒/台中市慈濟醫院預防醫學中心副主任 孫 越/終身志工 【各界好評】 「本書介紹生命末期常見的一些現象及醫療處置的意義,幫助讀者真切地了解臨終照顧的相關議題,適合一般民眾、家庭照顧者、長期照顧工作者閱讀,又因其淺顯易懂的優點,亦可用於醫療團隊人員向民眾解說時的參考。」 ——...
Cover of Formare la crisi - L'approccio critico-narrativo per la gestione del cambiamento nell'evento formativo
by Nicola Ferrari
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 12, 2012

Il testo descrive, in forma didattica ed autobiografica, la nuova modalità formativa ideata dall'autore, da utilizzare con adulti che si occupano di supporto a persone in situazione di difficoltà.
Cover of 46 Miles

46 Miles

A Journey of Repatriation and Humbling Respect

by Jarra Brown
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2015

When Jarra Brown hears church bells he cannot fail to be reminded of the hundreds 345 to be precise of service personnel who passed through the beautiful rural Wiltshire countryside into Oxfordshire. These men and women were not hiking across its green pastures or sitting on top of the number 55 bus,...
Cover of Making It Quick and Easy
by Den Warren
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2017

Thinking about ending it all? Know someone who might be? You or they better read this first.
Cover of 199 Cemeteries to See Before You Die
by Loren Rhoads
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2017

A hauntingly beautiful travel guide to the world's most visited cemeteries, told through spectacular photography and their unique histories and residents**.** More than 3.5 million tourists flock to Paris's Père Lachaise cemetery each year.They are lured there, and to many cemeteries around...
Cover of Final Curtain, The

Final Curtain, The

Fame, Fortune, & Futile Lives

by Ray Comfort
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2018

"How could any successful, famous person who is rolling in money and who is surrounded by adoring fans be depressed? Happiness comes from what happens to us, and if good things are happening, we should be happy. So why the depression? That is the question that they and we ask ourselves. Why?" The...
Cover of Die letzten Dinge

Die letzten Dinge


by Iris Radisch, Julien Green, Ilse Aichinger
Language: German
Release Date: September 25, 2015

Blickt man anders auf das durchlebte Zeitalter, wenn der Tod näher rückt? Wird das, was früher wichtig war, unwichtig? Wo hat man geirrt? Was hat man bewirken können – und was ist geblieben? Seit vielen Jahren führt ZEIT-Feuilletonchefin Iris Radisch Gespräche mit Schriftstellern und Philosophen...
Cover of Natural Burial

Natural Burial

Landscape, Practice and Experience

by Andy Clayden, Trish Green, Jenny Hockey
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2014

This book unravels the many different experiences, meanings and realities of natural burial. Twenty years after the first natural burial ground opened there is an opportunity to reflect on how a concept for a very different approach to caring for our dead has become a reality: new providers, new landscapes...
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