Customs Traditions category: 898 books

Cover of All'ombra del castello, sotto il manto di Re Lupo
by Luca Ciurleo
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 22, 2014

Nel titolo sembra si voglia rievocare una caratteristica propria di noi, borghigiani ossolani, che si distinguono dalle altre contrade a noi confinanti perché storica- mente quando eravamo in difficoltà pote- vamo rinserrarci “all’ombra del Castello” (...) chiedendo asilo al “manto del Re”,...
Cover of Fairy Tales: Their Origin and Meaning
by John Thackray Bunce
Language: English
Release Date: May 30, 2015

We are going into Fairy Land for a little while, to see what we can find there to amuse and instruct us this Christmas time. Does anybody know the way? There are no maps or guidebooks, and the places we meet with in our workaday world do not seem like the homes of the Fairies. Yet we have only to...
Cover of Outra idea de Galicia
by Miguel-Anxo Murado
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 3, 2013

Un libro pensado inicialmente para explicarlles Galicia aos non galegos, pero que se converteu nun texto de referencia dentro do propio país. Esta é a esperada versión galega, preparada e actualizada polo autor, dun libro pensado inicialmente para explicar Galicia aos non galegos, pero que...
Cover of Juventud, espacio urbano e industria cultural

Juventud, espacio urbano e industria cultural

Un estudio del medio sonidero

by Eduardo González Castillo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 31, 2015

En este libro Eduardo González Castillo presenta el estudio de una de las manifestaciones de la cultura popular urbana menos estudiadas en el México contemporáneo: el medio sonidero. Desarrollado por los habitantes pobres de ese país y por algunos de sus inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos, este...
Cover of The Imaginary of Exaggeration
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2015

The Imaginary of Exaggeration is a cultural essay on the culture of Antioquia, Colombia. Mental mechanisms by which the man of Antioquia creates new cultural products are studied. In particular, they are analyzed the imaginary processes and processes of exaggeration. The oral tradition becomes the source...
Cover of Sociología Política de Colombia

Sociología Política de Colombia

Radigrafía de las inquinas partidistas

by Eduardo Santa
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 2, 2017

Cuando un país entra en crisis, los problemas afloran por todas partes, se relacionan unos con otros, se enlazan, se fusionan, unos son causa de otros y, como en una vieja edificación que amenaza ruina, sus paredes, sus pisos y sus techos se van cuarteando paulatinamente formando una complicada...
Cover of Macarena de Triana
by José Antonio Rodríguez Torres
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 15, 2017

La Esperanza Macarena y la Esperanza de Triana tienen un regimiento de devotos, fervorosos, hermanos y cofrades. Ya decía García Lorca que una ciudad con dos Esperanzas tan bellas es normal que sea tan grande. Este libro narra la historia NUNCA CONTADA de ambas hermandades, desde su origen a su...
Cover of Mujeres vestidas

Mujeres vestidas

Moda consciente

by Vanessa Rosales
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 20, 2017

Desde siempre Vanessa Rosales se ha interesado por descifrar cómo las diferentes tendencias de la moda determinan lo que las mujeres piensan de sí mismas y lo que se espera de ellas. Este libro resume esa idea a través de los intereses y habilidades de esta audaz escritora: es filósofa, historiadora...
Cover of Female Suffrage
by Susan Fenimore Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2017

"...The natural position of woman is clearly, to a limited degree, a subordinate one. Such it has always been throughout the world, in all ages, and in many widely different conditions of society. There are three conclusive reasons why we should expect it to continue so for the future. First....
Cover of Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan
by Lafcadio Hearn
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2013

During late 1891, Hearn obtained a teaching position in Kumamoto, Kyushu, at the Fifth Higher Middle School, where he spent the next three years and completed his book Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan (published 1894). Patrick Lafcadio Hearn (27 June 1850 – 26 September 1904), known also by...
Cover of Cronache dal sottosuolo: la Barbagia
by Antonello Satta, Alberto Contu
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 23, 2014

"Cronache dal sottosuolo: la Barbagia" è il capolavoro di Antonello Satta. Apparse nel corso degli anni ‘80 su "L’Unione Sarda" e alcune riviste, le "Cronache dal sottosuolo" hanno vinto due importanti premi giornalistici e si pongono come uno dei prodotti più maturi...
Cover of Rex Absconditus
by Vasile Lovinescu
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 18, 2013

E’ nota l’esistenza di leggende che in tutta l’Eurasia parlano di sovrani ed eroi i quali, ritenuti morti, vivrebbero invece nascosti in qualche luogo recondito, destinati a manifestarsi alla fine dell’attuale ciclo d’umanità per restaurare un ordine di giustizia. Artù, Carlo Magno, Federico...
Cover of Afterpop


La literatura de la implosión mediática

by Eloy Fernández Porta
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 15, 2010

Tres años después de su publicación, el término afterpop y las sorprendentes perspectivas que trae consigo ya for­man parte del lenguaje de la estética contemporánea. Puede encontrarse en reseñas de discos, de películas o de series. Aparece en exposiciones comisariadas por Mery Cuesta o David...
Cover of Everyday Eating in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

Everyday Eating in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

A Comparative Study of Meal Patterns 1997-2012

Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2019

The chapters in this volume concentrate on the mundane and ordinary eating practices of the everyday, showing how these are linked to change in modern society. The contributors present a collection of systematic empirical results from a unique study based on representative samples of four Nordic populations...
First 53 54 55 56 57 58 5960 61 62 63 64 65
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