Courts category: 288 books

Cover of Preliminary References to the European Court of Justice
by Morten Broberg, Niels Fenger
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2014

This fully updated and revised second edition of Preliminary References to the European Court of Justice provides a meticulous and yet easily accessible examination of all aspects of the preliminary reference procedure. Since the first edition there have been significant changes to the European Union's...
Cover of 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Legal Support to Operations (FM 27-100) Capstone Legal Doctrinal Manual for JAG Legal Services, Plus Bonus IED Book (Value-added Professional Format Series)
by Progressive Management
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2011

Professionally converted for accurate e-book format reproduction, Army Field Manual FM 27-100, Legal Support to Operations, encompasses all legal services provided by Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAGC) personnel in support of commanders, units, and soldiers. The manual is Army’s capstone legal...
Cover of A Guide to the LCIA Arbitration Rules
by Peter Turner, Reza Mohtashami, Peter Turner
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2009

The London Court of Arbitration (LCIA) is one of the world's foremost arbitration institutions, with a growing annual caseload. The LCIA Arbitration Rules are among the most modern and forward-looking of the various sets of institutional arbitration rules but until now have not been the subject of...
Cover of The Lawyers

The Lawyers

Perfect Crimes

Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2018

The book is a legal and political crime thriller. It is also an invaluable resource for lawyers.
Cover of Women, Judging and the Judiciary

Women, Judging and the Judiciary

From Difference to Diversity

by Erika Rackley
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2012

Awarded the 2013 Birks Book Prize by the Society of Legal Scholars, Women, Judging and the Judiciary expertly examines debates about gender representation in the judiciary and the importance of judicial diversity. It offers a fresh look at the role of the (woman) judge and the process of judging and...
Cover of Law’s Abnegation
by Adrian Vermeule
Language: English
Release Date: November 14, 2016

Adrian Vermeule argues that the arc of law has bent steadily toward deference to the administrative state, which has greater democratic legitimacy and technical competence to confront issues such as climate change, terrorism, and biotechnology. The state did not shove lawyers and judges out of the way; they moved freely to the margins of power.
Cover of Business and the Roberts Court
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2016

In recent years, the Supreme Court appears to have taken a greater interest in "business" issues. Does this reflect a change in the Court's orientation, or is it the natural outcome of the appellate process? Is the Court "pro-business"? If so, in what ways do the Court's decisions support business...
Cover of Everybody's Guide to Small Claims Court in California
by Cara O'Neill, Attorney
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2018

Everything you need to win your small claims case in California Smart preparation for your day in small claims court can make the difference between receiving a check for thousands of dollars and writing one. If you’re getting ready to appear before a judge, turn to Everybody’s Guide...
Cover of Divergent Paths

Divergent Paths

The Academy and the Judiciary

by Richard A. Posner
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2016

Judges and legal scholars talk past one another, if they have any conversation at all. Academics criticize judicial decisions in theoretical terms, which leads many judges to dismiss academic discourse as divorced from reality. Richard Posner reflects on the causes and consequences of this widening gap and what can be done to close it.
Cover of The Justice Facade

The Justice Facade

Trials of Transition in Cambodia

by Alexander Hinton
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2018

Is there a point to international justice? Many contend that tribunals deliver not only justice but truth, reconciliation, peace, democratization, and the rule of law. These are the transitional justice ideals frequently invoked in relation to the international hybrid tribunal in Cambodia that is...
Cover of 法官的被害人:德國冤案事件簿
by 湯瑪斯.達恩史戴特 Thomas Darnstädt
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 31, 2016

**  德國聯邦最高法院法官估算:   德國的刑事判決很可能有四分之一是冤案!**   這就是比卡夫卡小說更荒謬的現實世界   有些人一覺醒來,世界就不一樣了。他們莫名成為嫌犯,卻走不出司法迷宮……   銀幕上的警探總是精采破案,然而現實世界卻沒有這麼漂亮精準。負責伸張正義的檢警司法單位經常逸離自己應該嚴守的分寸,司法系統為防止出錯而設下的層層防護機制也總是不斷出現破洞,許多人因此無辜被絞進巨大的司法齒輪當中碾碎,再也無法回復。   德國是臺灣人心目中的法治先進國,人權意識也比臺灣更高,但即使在這樣的國家,誤判的冤案仍持續發生。德國聯邦最高法院的資深法官甚至推算,德國的刑事判決可能有高達四分之一是誤判!   為什麼連德國也有這麼高的冤案比例呢?這本書舉出近幾年許多個不同類型的案子,講述它們匪夷所思的偵辦與審判過程,指出其中出現哪些關鍵錯誤,也訪問了法官與律師,以及受司法單位委託諮詢的外部鑑定人。從這樣的仔細檢視當中,可以看到冤案為何發生,或許也讓我們更加瞭解應該如何改善。   本書作者是德國《明鏡週刊》資深記者,擁有法學博士學位。他長期關心德國的人權法治狀況,這本書就是他對司法失誤問題的回應,也十分值得做為臺灣的參考。 名人推薦   導讀   薛智仁(臺灣大學法律學院助理教授)   推薦序   羅秉成(臺灣冤獄平反協會理事長)   吳東牧(PNN公視新聞議題中心製作人)   一本驚悚的寫實錄,說明了誤判是如何以及為何這麼常見。──《柏林日報》(Berliner...
Cover of Without Fear or Favor

Without Fear or Favor

Judicial Independence and Judicial Accountability in the States

by G. Alan Tarr
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2012

The impartial administration of justice and the accountability of government officials are two of the most strongly held American values. Yet these values are often in direct conflict with one another. At the national level, the U.S. Constitution resolves this tension in favor of judicial independence,...
Cover of Taylor on Criminal Appeals
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2012

This new edition of Taylor on Appeals provides a detailed examination of the law and practice relating to criminal appeals. Written by a team of barristers with unparalleled experience of appellate practice, this book offers thoughtful coverage of all kinds of criminal appeals, ranging from magistrates...
Cover of A Year in the Life of the Supreme Court
by Neal Devins, Mark A. Graber, Paul Barrett
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 1995

Despite its importance to the life of the nation and all its citizens, the Supreme Court remains a mystery to most Americans, its workings widely felt but rarely seen firsthand. In this book, journalists who cover the Court—acting as the eyes and ears of not just the American people, but the Constitution...
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