Counselling category: 1931 books

Cover of Art-Based Supervision

Art-Based Supervision

Cultivating Therapeutic Insight Through Imagery

by Barbara J. Fish
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2016

Art-Based Supervision is a unique text for graduate supervision classes and seminars as well as a resource for post-graduate supervisors and practitioners. It offers a new view of supervision, one that incorporates both images and words as tools to investigate and communicate the interactions that...
Cover of The Open-Focus Brain

The Open-Focus Brain

Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body

by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2008

This breakthrough book presents a disarmingly simple idea: The way we pay attention in daily life can play a critical role in our health and well-being. According to Dr. Les Fehmi, a clinical psychologist and researcher, many of us have become stuck in "narrow-focus attention": a tense,...
Cover of Interview With An X-Abuser: From One Of The Few Who Changed
by D.M. Sanasi
Language: English
Release Date: January 8, 2014

Inside these pages is a rare interview with an abuser who was willing to see that he was abusive, own it, change it, make a mends for it with his wife, and now talk about it.It is rare because perpetrators of Domestic Violence rarely change, unfortunately.The interview is between therapist...
Cover of The Inner Life of the Counselor
by Robert J. Wicks
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2012

One of the greatest gifts helping professionals can share with others is a sense of their own peace. However, retaining and renewing a sense of a healthy perspective requires not only self-care strategies, but also an awareness of basic profound, yet simple, wisdom themes. The Inner Life of...
Cover of Constructivist Psychotherapy

Constructivist Psychotherapy

Distinctive Features

by Robert A. Neimeyer
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2009

Constructivist psychotherapy focuses on the meaning that clients attribute to their world, and the way that this shapes their life and contributes to their difficulties. In this book, Robert A. Neimeyer, a leading figure in the field, provides a clear and accessible explanation of the key features...
Cover of Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments

Creating Safe and Supportive Learning Environments

A Guide for Working With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth and Families

Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2013

The importance of creating safe spaces for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) students in the school environment cannot be overstated. It is one of the most prominent issues facing school professionals today, and its success has lasting, positive effects on the entire student...
Cover of Racialized Schools

Racialized Schools

Understanding and Addressing Racism in Schools

by Jesse A. Brinson, Shannon D. Smith
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2014

While racism continues to be a persistent and pervasive issue in our schools nationwide, the professionals charged with creating safe and nurturing educational environments have few resources available to address racism directly. Racialized Schools is on the leading edge of books that do just that...
Cover of Whiteness and White Privilege in Psychotherapy
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2018

This unprecedented, interdisciplinary collection focuses on gender, whiteness, and white privilege, and sheds light on this understudied subject matter in the context of clinical psychology, in both theories and applications. Psychologists, especially therapists, are often trained to look for...
Cover of 童年情感忽視・實戰篇:長大後的我,如何和伴侶、孩子、父母,建立情感連結?
by 鍾妮斯.韋伯(Jonice Webb)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 29, 2018

真正的療癒,是你不再逃避與人連結,能夠打開心房 讓真實的情緒出得去,親密感進得來!   ★暢銷書《童年情感忽視》成年子女實踐版 ★特別收錄「童年情感忽視自我評量表」 ★詳列「感覺詞彙表」(841種形容詞),幫你指認自己的情緒   你開始談戀愛的時間,比一般人過早或過晚嗎? 當別人問你是不是穩定交往中,你常覺得一言難盡嗎? 即使穩定交往中,仍常常覺得空虛寂寞? 在另一半面前顯露真實的情緒,會感到彆扭、不自在? 你們之間的對話往往繞著事務話題打轉,不觸及情感層面?   「童年情感忽視」源於童年時期,父母沒有對你的情感需求做出充分回應。   全球有數千萬人的生活都深受其害,從童年開始,就習慣了壓抑自己的情緒,將所有感覺阻隔在外。然而,在成年以後,麻煩就大了。他們不明白自己為何無法與人建立親密連結,內心難以獲得真正的滿足,覺得既空虛又寂寞。   受到「童年情感忽視」損傷的人際關係,像是正常人際關係打了折扣的版本。更糟的是,那些受到「童年情感忽視」影響的伴侶,他們大多對此一無所知,他們從小就缺少跟自己情感的連結,遑論有能力與他人建構情感交流。   【「童年情感忽視」的人,最常遇到這些問題】   從「童年情感忽視」恢復需要時間,在療癒自己的過程中,韋伯博士發現擁有「童年情感忽視」的人,最常遇到這些問題:   ◎現在我終於知道我的父母在情感上忽視了我,我該怎麼跟他們相處? ◎我對父母感到憤怒,但又為這樣的情緒充滿罪惡感。我該怎麼辦? ◎父母要如何改變自己和孩子的互動,才能為孩子提供他們所需的情感認同? ◎我覺得我的丈夫有「童年情感忽視」的症狀,我該怎麼和他談論這件事? ◎我真的能夠療癒自己關係之中疏離的情感嗎?   在這本書中,韋伯博士讓「童年情感忽視」這個概念更上一層樓,超越前一本《童年情感忽視》自我療癒的向度,將修復工具運用在療癒「童年情感忽視」對於婚姻、親子教養、以及你與老後父母的互動關係上,更強化了日常生活中與他人應對的實際方法。   透過「童年情感忽視」這個強力的透鏡來檢視自己和人際關係,彷彿為人們打開一片新大陸。《童年情感忽視・實戰篇》就像一個溫柔的嚮導,陪伴那些面臨「童年情感忽視」議題的人們,度過生命中最重要的變化時期。   【專家推薦】   吳姵瑩/諮商心理師、愛心理創辦人 李崇建/台灣青少年教育協進會前理事長、親子教育作家 周志建/心理博士、資深諮商師、故事療癒作家 周慕姿/心曦心理諮商所所長 林靜如/律師娘 洪仲清/臨床心理師 海苔熊/科普心理學作家 陳志恆/諮商心理師、作家 陳鴻彬/諮商心理師、資深輔導教師 張德芬/心靈作家 黃之盈/諮商心理師、輔導老師、作家 黃柏嘉/諮商心理師 楊聰財/楊聰才身心診所院長 蘇益賢/臨床心理師 (以上按姓氏筆劃排列)   【各界讚譽】   「用家族治療的角度看童年創傷與親密關係,提供新視野給在愛裡困頓與害怕的你」 ──吳姵瑩,諮商心理師、愛心理創辦人   「這本續集非買不可!我會把這本書推薦給我的病人,及那些想知道童年情感忽視這個症狀並非一個詛咒,而是一個被認可的心理症狀的人。這是一個能被克服的症狀。」 ──羅斯.羅森堡(Ross...
Cover of Connecting to Our Ancestral Past

Connecting to Our Ancestral Past

Healing through Family Constellations, Ceremony, and Ritual

by Francesca Mason Boring
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2012

Connecting to Our Ancestral Past is a pragmatic, spiritual journey that introduces a variety of specific rituals and conversations in connection with Constellations work, an experiential process that explores one's history and powerful events of the past in order to understand and resolve problems...
Cover of Ecotherapy


Theory, Research and Practice

by Martin Jordan, Joe Hinds
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2016

The idea of using nature to improve mental and emotional wellbeing has existed for many years, in many forms. However, growing levels of interest in holistic, reciprocal relationships with nature have led to the development of an explicit field, termed Ecotherapy. In this thought-provoking new book,...
Cover of Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

Integrating the Expressive Arts and Ecotherapy

by Sally Atkins, Melia Snyder
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2017

Responding to the increased interest in the integration of expressive arts and ecotherapy, this book presents a nature based approach to expressive arts work. It provides an overview of the two fields, emphasizing how they can enrich and learn from each other, and highlights attitudes and practices...
Cover of Art-Making with Refugees and Survivors

Art-Making with Refugees and Survivors

Creative and Transformative Responses to Trauma After Natural Disasters, War and Other Crises

by Sally Adnams Jones, Lily Yeh, Dr Carol Hofmeyr
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2018

This book explores how creativity and the expressive arts can be therapeutic for refugees and survivors of natural disasters, poverty, war, pandemic and genocide. Artists and therapists behind group art projects worldwide reveal how art enables people to come together, find their voices and...
Cover of Understanding Research in Clinical and Counseling Psychology
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2011

Understanding Research in Clinical and Counseling Psychology, Second Edition, is written and designed for graduate students in the psychology and counseling fields, for whom the value of psychological research is not always readily apparent. Contributed to by experts in their respective fields, this...
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