Comedy category: 18107 books

Cover of Il vento tra i salici
by Kenneth Grahame, Alan Bennett
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 20, 2015

Sulla Riva del fiume, Topo, Talpa, Rospo e Tasso sono buoni amici e vivono in serenità. Ben presto, però, abbandonano la loro vita tranquilla per tuffarsi nelle straordinarie avventure del Vasto mondo. Tra incidenti stradali, condanne in carcere e lotte per la riconquista del proprio territorio,...
Cover of Teatro
by Mariano Burgada
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 20, 2012

Tra l'agosto e il novembre 1799 furono mandati a morte 120 persone con processi sommari. Tra questi Eleonora Pimentel Fonseca Gennaro Serra di Cassano Domenico Cirillo Vincenzo Russo Nicola Fasulo Gabriele Manthoné Mario Pagano Mario Pignatelli Ferdinando Pignatelli Luisa Sanfelice
Cover of Extremely Inappropriate Dad Jokes

Extremely Inappropriate Dad Jokes

More Than 300 Hazardous Jokes, Side-Splitting Puns, & Hilarious One-Liners to Make You the Master of Questionable Comedy

by Joe Kerz
Language: English
Release Date: June 11, 2019

Warning: Inappropriate Joking Ahead! Bring your dad jokes to the next level with this questionable collection of inappropriate and dirty puns, riddles, and one-liners! Not for the faint of heart, this book will make you the king of the barroom conversation and the bane of your family get-togethers!...
Cover of What's So &%#@ Funny ? (Humor and How it Gets That Way)
by Agnes Franz
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2013

Why smile? Why laugh? Why chuckle? Because it is so darn important.We all enjoy joy. This book talks about how friendly humor can be and how good it tastes. There’s a place for humor in a wide and diverse range of the human experience. We take a look at humor from the perspective of how exciting...
Cover of Pimpin' Ain't Easy
by Frank Prather
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2010

SEX SELLS. BUT WHO GETS THE COMMISSION? "As a porn agent, I did. Plus I got the girls, sixty inch flat screen TV's, the girls, acid reflux, soul crushing guilt, the girls, anxiety, Chlamydia, two girls at a time, a beach pad, more girls, depression, a few good friends, hilarious stories and, quite possibly,...


Cultureshocking News : A guide to Chinese etiquette

by Jiu Ling
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2015

CHINA BEST BEHAVED COUNTRY - A guide to Chinese etiquette This is Cultureshocking News: China is the BEST behaved country in the world. How is it possible? Why is it BEST? And how we gonna deal with that? The intercultural encounter with China is a challenge. Prime your pump in your business,...
Cover of No One's Laughing
by Jerry Hall
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2016

Jay Bellamy was finding success as a stand up comedian; however, his personal issues had started reflecting in his humor and it almost destroyed his dream. After being diagnosed as bipolar, he begins evaluating his life and discovering what brings him personal laughter. In reading the narrative comedy...
Cover of Hair Pie Surprise
by Snooki Spunk
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2012

Kept on a short leash by his wild and oppressive partner Samantha, Brendan Cullen isn't sure what to expect when he walks through the door one fateful evening. The promise of sex thick in the air, he follows her trail to the bedroom, and discovers a whole lot more about the seductress and her voluptuous...
Cover of Freshman Year
by Kenneth Winfield Emerton
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2015

Freshman Year is a socially satirical romantic comedy. When David and Carol begin their freshman year in high school, they immediately fall in love. At the same time, their English teacher, Mr. Morrison also falls in love. Freshman Year tells the tales of each romance as it unfolds, showing the ups...
Cover of Und nun zum Wetter

Und nun zum Wetter

100 Jahre Weltgeschichte im Liveticker

by Dirk Gieselmann, Fabian Jonas, Lucas Vogelsang
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2014

Januar 2012 – Zehn Jahre Euro! Wir rechnen immer noch um: 20 Mark für dieses Buch! Die haben sie doch nicht mehr alle. Alles lässt sich tickern: ein Fußballspiel, der politische Aschermittwoch – und die vergangenen 100 Jahre. Die Autoren, Gründer des 11FREUNDE-Livetickers, verlassen die ausgetretenen...
Cover of REAL GEORGE! - A Night at The Vagabonds
by Kevin Segura
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2015

**REAL GEORGE! – A Night at The Vagabonds**It’s 1953.  Television is live, and is creating its first generation of stars…and few shine with the brightness of CBS’s folksy paterfamilias, Arthur Godfrey.  But when the Ol’ Redhead has to take time off to recuperate from surgery, pandemonium...
Cover of Gesammelte Werke: Lustspiele und Tragikomödien

Gesammelte Werke: Lustspiele und Tragikomödien

Der Misanthrop + Tartuffe + Die erzwungene Heirath + Der Geizige + Die Schule der Frauen + Die Schule der Ehemänner + George Dandin + Der eingebildete Kranke + Die Zierpuppen

by Jean Baptiste Molière
Language: German
Release Date: March 15, 2015

Dieses eBook: "Gesammelte Werke: Lustspiele und Tragikomödien" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Molière (eigentlich Jean-Baptiste Poquelin; 1622-1673) war ein französischer Schauspieler, Theaterdirektor und...
Cover of Der Geizige (L'Avare)
by Jean Baptiste Molière
Language: German
Release Date: August 17, 2017

Der Geizige ist eine Komödie von Molière in fünf Akten und in Prosaform. Die Geschichte spielt sich in Paris ab. Der reiche und geizige Harpagon hat zwei Kinder: Élise, die in Valère verliebt ist, einen ehrenwerten Napolitaner, der als Intendant im Dienst ihres Vaters steht, und Cléante, der...
Cover of Der Tartuffe oder Der Betrüger

Der Tartuffe oder Der Betrüger

Die revolutionäre Kritik religiösen Heuchlertums und Diktatur

by Jean Baptiste Molière
Language: German
Release Date: August 17, 2017

Der Tartuffe oder Der Betrüger ist eine fünfaktige Komödie in Versen des französischen Dichters Molière, die am 12. Mai 1664 in einer ersten Version uraufgeführt wurde. Zur Handlung: Frau Pernelle, Orgons Mutter, bewundert wie ihr Sohn den Betrüger Tartuffe, der sich als besonders frommer Mann...
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