Civilization category: 1351 books

Cover of The Modern Athens
by Robert Mudie
Language: English
Release Date: February 29, 2016

Cover of Winston Churchill Primeiro Ministro Do Reino Unido
by Neiriberto Silva De Freitas
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 19, 2018

Cover of Omzwervingen door de eilandenwereld van den Grooten Oceaan: De Fidji-eilanden (Geïllustreerd)
by Anoniem
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2018

In de maand September 1882 stapte ik op de Fidji-eilanden aan wal, juist toen de zetel der regeering van de haven van Levuka, op het eiland Ovalaoe, werd overgebracht naar Suva, eene ruime haven aan de door koraalbanken gevormde baai van gelijken naam op het eiland Viti-Levoe. Ik bracht eerst...
Cover of Mandalay, de jongste hoofdstad van Birma (Geïllustreerd)
by Anoniem
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2018

Er zijn zeker niet veel staten, zelfs onder de grootste, die er zich op kunnen beroemen zooveel hoofdsteden te hebben gehad als Birma. Negen steden, zoo het er niet meer zijn, sommige reeds sinds eeuwen in ruïnen veranderd, andere nog in goeden staat, hebben achtereenvolgens den koningen van Birma...
Cover of Reis door Nubië (Geïllustreerd)

Reis door Nubië (Geïllustreerd)

De Aarde en haar Volken, 1907

by E. Amélineau
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2018

Ik had Abydos den 16den Februari des avonds verlaten, om mij naar Wadihalfa te begeven, en den 20sten was ik te Assoean, dat de hoofdplaats is geworden van een tweede militair grensgebied bij de nieuwe organisatie, die gevolgd is op de bezetting van een deel van den Soedan door Kitchener-pacha. Welk een groot verschil met wat ik er had gezien ten tijde van mijn eerste reis in 1885.
Cover of Building The Dream
by Gwendolyn Wright
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2012

For Gwendolyn Wright, the houses of America are the diaries of the American people. They create a fascinating chronicle of the way we have lived, and a reflection of every political, economic, or social issue we have been concerned with. Why did plantation owners build uniform cabins for their slaves?...
Cover of The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
by Sir John Mandeville
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2013

"Jehan de Mandeville", translated as "Sir John Mandeville", is the name claimed by the compiler of The Travels of Sir John Mandeville, a book account of his supposed travels, which probably first appeared in Anglo-Norman French, and first circulated between 1357 and 1371....
Cover of A History of the Mahrattas

A History of the Mahrattas

In Three Volumes

by James Grant Duff
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2014

A History of the Mahrattas: In Three Volumes by James Grant Duff. The want of a complete history of the rise, progress, and decline of our immediate predecessors in conquest, the Mahrattas, has been long felt by all persons conversant with the affairs of India; in so much, that it is very generally...
Cover of 猶太人:世界史的缺口,失落的三千年文明史──追尋之旅(西元前1000-1492)
by 西蒙‧夏瑪(Simon Schama)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 2, 2018

歷史的至暗處,有光 這是個獨一無二的故事,屬於個人,屬於民族,屬於全世界 猶太人建立牢不可破的民族團結感,是一個沒有敵人能摧毀的無形神廟,是世界上最堅固的神廟。 沒有猶太人的故事,歷史就不完整;猶太人的歷史,就是世界史;只有了解猶太人的歷史,才能了解人類的文明 BBC名主持人西蒙‧夏瑪耗時40年,生涯顛峰之作,書寫猶太人的歷史,完全翻轉世界歷史 ‧廣博深邃、精雕細琢的史詩。──《出版人週刊》 ‧深入挖掘主題,從更廣闊的角度審視國與國、民族與民族之間跨越歷史的關係。──《洛杉磯時報》 ◆探詢耶路撒冷爭議的最源頭 一窺無國、無家的猶太人,如何在帝國與強勢文化的圍攻下,保有自己的價值 西方權威主導的歷史,是基督徒的歷史,是想像的歷史。當訴說的角度與材料被宗教、政治力量左右;當人們聽見的聲音、閱讀的史書全被強權論述掌控,歷史便裂開大口,有了空缺。 猶太人的歷史就是缺口的歷史,屬於個人、民族,也屬於全世界。三千年來,他們依附在各帝國之下,尷尬而窘迫的生存情況,對比、凸顯出西方主流敘事和本位的荒謬,也劃開被埋藏已久,以宗教為名行罪孽之實的歷史共業。 在主流書籍裡,猶太人只有掌握金權、受迫害的那一面,但實際上他們在這世界上的角色比我們想像得都要深沉、重要。 ◆猶太人是歐洲歷史上不可或缺的金礦脈 猶太人在基督徒的歐洲歷史上,以受「保護」之名支撐皇室經濟的特殊階層,長期為貴族階層提供經濟貿易服務,也因此成了局勢動盪不安、戰爭亟需金援時被隨意抄家的對象。而他們經商的手腕之高,甚至曾有商人被沒收的財產需花費五年才能點清,且其資產光是不動產就「足可抵全國一年的稅收」。 若沒有猶太人,歐洲的戰爭、擴張版圖,也許會與今日大不相同。 ◆猶太人是連結基督徒、穆斯林與波斯、羅馬帝國的親善大使 猶太人無國、無家的背景,使得他們必須跨越各國界,在各種文化間遊走。這影響了古希臘、羅馬、近東的文化交流史。在耶路撒冷、埃及、西班牙等地,都有猶太人文化長期與基督教、伊斯蘭、阿拉伯文化融合的痕跡。許多現今歐洲古教堂的,在更古早以前是猶太人的聖殿,祭壇上放置的蠟燭,則是他們流浪時帶不走的資產。在被人們視為尋常且全面基督化的景象中,始終藏有猶太文化的痕跡。 ◆猶太人是權威之下始終得以保有獨立文化的民族 自從亡國後,猶太人面臨波斯、羅馬、埃及、基督徒歐洲的強權文化夾擊,數度被驅趕、被屠殺,但卻始終沒有被消滅。這讓人們不禁好奇:他們究竟有什麼特殊之處,才能在無依無靠的情況下堅持這麼久呢? 我們可以說猶太人有自己獨特的文化,有他們獨特的宗教,有他們堅守的儀式,但誰沒有這些?猶太人擁有的是更為形而上,更為精神性的價值,是對自身民族命運的信心,和對其本質的驕傲,而這種力量能讓他們在顛沛流離中存活,甚至在1948年強勢宣布復國,奪回應許之地。 猶太人的身分和定位不只在歷史上,就連在現今國際情勢上也總是成為注目的焦點,雖無國無家,以他們為原點的紛爭和討論卻從未止息。 藉由《猶太人:世界史的缺口,失落的三千年文明史──追尋之旅(西元前1000-1492)》一書,西蒙‧夏瑪探尋猶太人的歷史,翻轉了一般大眾對猶太人的認知,就如同在西方史論述中找到一個破口,切開大國文明之下掩藏的一脈特殊過去。 ※...
Cover of The Land of the Pharaohs
by Leonard Cottrell
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2018

More than 3,000 years ago, a young man of seventeen named Tutankhamen became pharaoh of Egypt. His reign came toward the end of a vital period in Egypt's history when Thebes was the wealthiest and most splendid city in the world. Great temples soared into the sky, and in the temple workshops, hundreds...
Cover of China


A History

by John Keay
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2009

An authoritative account of five thousand years of Chinese history Many nations define themselves in terms of territory or people; China defines itself in terms of history. Taking into account the country's unrivaled, voluminous tradition of history writing, John Keay has composed a vital and...
Cover of Love Child

Love Child

A Genealogist's Guide to the Social History of Barbados

by L.E. Salazar
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2016

Truth is stranger than fiction. Take yourself on a journey to early Barbados, the place where many of the founding fathers of colonial America with  thousands of settlers sojourned and catch a glimpse of early colonial life.  If you like to think for yourself this book will be your compass...
Cover of The Truth: Macedonia & Greece Mutual Relations
by George Nikolov
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2018

In the Balkans, there are as many histories as the states in it. For the undetermined reader to form their own opinion, it is desirable to read the various information sources. In this book you will find historical articles for Republic of Macedonia that is taught in this country, so the same events...
Cover of Practicing History

Practicing History

Selected Essays

by Barbara W. Tuchman
Language: English
Release Date: July 13, 2011

Celebrated for bringing a personal touch to history in her Pulitzer Prize–winning epic The Guns of August and other classic books, Barbara W. Tuchman reflects on world events and the historian’s craft in these perceptive, essential essays. From thoughtful pieces on the historian’s role...
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